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About paha989

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    Fallout new vegas

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  1. This happens to a lot of the armors that i convert trough bodyslide. Is there a way to fix this? Here is a pic http://s10.postimg.org/jxm18y9mh/bodyslideproblem.jpg
  2. Yeah i took it out. Also do you now is there a way to have a script that "uses the reference that it is attached to". So for example something like this: (current reference.resurrect) What i am trying to do is have a timer script that checks if the npc's is dead and if the npc is dead it would resurrect them.
  3. :dance: Thanks it started working! :thumbsup: And the reason why there was (doonce) is because i was following this tutorial --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2r68E9VmI2A Now i just have to add one more script and do some playtesting and then this mod is complete.
  4. Did that but it didn't help, still the same problems.
  5. So i am trying to get this script working that shows a message box and ask's the player to 1.start the battle (this button should enable the npc's) 2.reset the battle ( this button should move the npc's to xmarker and disable them) 3.exit (just simply exits the message box) But the script wont enable/disable the npc's Here is a link to the script --> https://www.dropbox.com/s/0d2wm0fep7ft4dk/Geck%20Script1.txt?dl=0 Here is a link to npc reference pic --> https://www.dropbox.com/s/py0818h3jgu087t/geck.jpg?dl=0
  6. I manage to find this script and it works perfectly. :laugh: Anyway thanks for replying. :smile: scn "Name..." short toggle begin OnActivate if toggle == 0 "NPCRef".resurrect "NPCRef".Enable "NPCRef".Moveto "Cap Ref" set toggle to 1 else "NPCRef".Disable "NPCRef".Moveto "The other Cap Ref" set toggle to 0 endif end
  7. You can just go to --->options---> Gameplay ---> Toggle true ironsights That is the easiest possible way :laugh: Sorry for late reply :confused:
  8. I am creating a house / testing area, and i need a script where an npc will spawn on X marker when switch is activated. This is what i have currently tried to create AANewSpawn = Xmarker REF AAFiendEnemyMove = npc REF ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- scn AAFiendSpawnScript begin OnActivate AANewSpawn.PlaceAtMe AAFiendEnemyMove 2 end -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. So i am having problems UIO. All of my ui mods stopped working after installing UIO, and i really would like to get UIO to work since a lot of other mods need it. So if you have any idea that might be causing this please leave a post. I am also using these NVSE plugins MCM---Mod configure menu nvac---New vegas anti-crash NVSE_EnchancedCamera sr_New_Vegas_Stutter_Remover UIO EDIT-3.7.2015: Nevermind i managed to fix the problem.
  10. I am working on a custom NIFskope/blender weapon. The gun looks fine in nifskope but when i try to add it in geck the only thing that appears is the base weapon (9mm submachine gun).
  11. So i am trying to create a custom clothing, but this happens all of the time i think that the problem is with the nif file. http://s17.postimg.org/6g3vzlr33/help.jpg NIF file ---> https://www.dropbox.com/s/klg2caq6rnvlgsl/3.nif?dl=0
  12. I am making a small mod that would add an moving player home, but i dont know how you can make it so it would teleport from A to B so that's what i pretty much need help with. Here is a screenshot https://www.dropbox.com/s/wgjhzhmbtzsda6h/FlyingMachine.jpg?dl=0
  13. So i am making a mod that adds an diner to fallout and the diner is owned by a gecko, but now i am having problem that when i go into the game the gecko doesn't want to talk. I have made a dialogue and i also checked "Allow PC dialogue".
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