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Everything posted by Grithyn

  1. I am literally in the same situation. Same computer and card bla bla bla. I can get the GTX 765M to be recognized and used, but only when I remove all ENB files from my main directory. I don't know how to simultaneously use ENB with the card.
  2. Ok so I think some kind of mod messed up my Skyrim in a way. Now, whenever wearing certain head pieces and zooming out in 3rd person my toons hair progressively clips more and more. Example: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/882991428119119181/B7E711422453F99199E8391CEE57C05BC7AAA890/ it gets worse when I zoom out further. Can anyone help me fix this, it has never happened before.
  3. Ok, so my imperial and civil war questline is totally f*#@ed up. Tullius and Ulfric weren't there so I had to spawn them and everything went downhill from there. The quest stage commands aren't working either. The only option I have is to use a command to complete the civil war completely. What this fails to do is make everything imperial controlled, get new jarls, send old jarls to windhelm yadda yadda bla bla etc. Is there a mod or is it possible for someone to make one to make it post civil war where the legion won?
  4. Ok, so my imperial and civil war questline is totally f*#@ed up. Tullius and Ulfric weren't there so I had to spawn them and everything went downhill from there. The quest stage commands aren't working either. The only option I have is to use a command to complete the civil war completely. What this fails to do is make everything imperial controlled, get new jarls, send old jarls to windhelm yadda yadda bla bla etc. Is there a command or something I can do to make it post civil war where the legion won? Currently I can't get legate cipius to talk to me during the message to whiterun quest. I tried using commands to get me to reunification of skyrim but that leads me to where I am now. I reloaded my save to needing to talk to cipius, so that's where im technically at but Con.Comms. lead to a dead end.
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