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Everything posted by MoreDread292
i recommend checking out the fallout wanderers edition, or FWE in short, if you would like to have a more challenging and slightly more realistic gameplay.. it changes alot of things, adding the need to eat and drink, changing the way stimpacks work so you're not just healed instantly but gradually regenerate .. it also adds weight to ammo and worn armor and combines alot of smaller mods that give you some new abilities... sprinting, bullet time (slowmotion) or a grenade key, that allows you to use grenades without having to go to your inventory to equip em or set up a hotkey for em. theres really tons of stuff there, and since having too many mods installed that change the same elements of the game can cause conflicts, crashes or break the functionality of these mods, it's a good pick because it already combines many mods that are very useful. now if you're gonna try it, be aware that it drastically increses the difficulty of the game, but all the changes included in it can be tweaked in an option menu accessible from your inventory so if you find it annoying that you now have to eat and drink regularly.. or mess things up and be in the middle of nowhere with no food around and starving to death but don't want to load an old savegame.. you can just turn it off. another big mod project i liked were FOOK and FOOK2 which is alot more content based.. it has a huge amount of new weapons and armor and adds alot of new npcs .. its really way too much to list here.. the ability to buy almost any house in the game is just one of many nice new features. unfortunately since it changes almost everything in the game, it's not very compatible with other mods, which is why i stopped using it. it's definately worth trying on its own with only the few other mods that have recieved compatibility patches to work alongside FOOK2 tho. i recommend you try FWE first, and switch to FOOK2 if you didn't like it. FWE is much more compatible with other mods so it allows for more customization of your game and it really makes the wasteland seem much more menacing. another good one, if you have a high end pc at least, is MMM - martigens mutants mod.. it adds tons of new enemies and greatly increases the spawn rate of them, too. coupled with FWE it probably increases the game difficulty to .. impossible heh i haven't tried that because i'm on a low end machine. UPP - the ultimate perk pack adds tons of new perks and ways to get them.. that one is a must have. SCC - Sharing and caring companions adds the ability to recruit any NPC in the game as a follower... theres no limit to how many you can take.. tho having more than 3 or 4 usually gets a little idiotic with them blocking your path to a door etc. then i suggest giving the 20th century weapon pack a try, if you're not going to use FOOK2, which already has it included. it's not only the biggest pack i've seen, but the overall quality of the models is really great, too. a general rule with getting mods to work well without messing up your game is to always make sure you read each readme carefully before installing it. do not download and install 100 mods before you even start playing.. look for just a few mods that you really need and keep checking if the game still runs every now and then. if you rush it, then you can get all kinds of crazy things happening.. people with question marks instead of heads... invisible enemies that can't be killed.. or the game simply refuses to even start and you have no clue which mod is causing it. mods that add just some new items, weapons and/or armor usually don't cause any conflicts, unless these new items are placed in the same container, then only one of the mods will work. things that usually don't work are for example.. installing 2 mods that change the way a whole faction, lets say the raiders, behave. also the kind of equipment they use is randomly taken from a list. so if more than one mod is making a change to that list and giving them some new equipment to use, it will only work for the one mod that gets loaded last. because of this it is important to get the fallout mod manager, which lets you adjust the load order of your mods. do a search for FOMM and load order and you will find descriptions on what kind of mod should be put where... also there are a few issues with corrupt savegames if you install and uninstall too many mods while playing the game. sometimes bugs accumulate over time, bad data is saved and the amount of crashes increase quite a bit. usually its not a big deal if you install a mod after having played for several hours already.. sometimes a bigger mod might only work right after starting a new game. and for some reason, i'm not sure if this has been fixed with the latest patch... quicksave and quickload seems to corrupt the savegames over time. the same seems to apply to autosaves... i haven't had any crashes since i disabled the autosave function, stopped using quicksaves and assembled the right mods together in a good load order. i hope that helps.
i'll gladly do the animation for it but sadly the rest is not exactly a piece of cake (at least for me) if someone can come up with a good stealth kill script, just PM me for doing the animations, tho.
well i think its great that you're not restricted to classes in FO3 because this way you can assemble your own by choosing your perks. but if you really want it... why not just have a junkie (etc) perk that does what you're looking for? simply make it so you have a few 'class' perks that can only be chosen on your first levelup when you leave the vault. this way you'd be limited to whatever you choose.. these perks could be quite powerful compared to other low level perks, but also come with serious restrictions. for example giving you a huge bonus of 25 to sneak, unarmed and melee, and a skill cap for small guns, energy weapons and big guns at 75 in exchange for that and voilà heres your close combat stealth expert which can be upgraded to a ninja pretty soon compared to a normal player who needs quite a few levels to get the ninja perk but he will never be amongst the greatest shooters.
See my legs when I look down
MoreDread292 replied to ancalimonungol's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Ideas
well its like this... when you enter first person mode the engine replaces the players model with a first person version of it that only consists of the players hands and the weapon you're using. this allows for higher quality models to be used in first person view. the models used in 3rd person would seem blurry in 1stp if this wasn't done... and the extra polies used for the higher detail models are made up for by discarding the stuff that is 'not as important' this made a lot of sense back in the days when 3d was new and most pc's were struggling with it and so it became the industry standard for fps games. i'd really love to change that in fallout3... but doing that would require importing and exporting every piece of armor individually in addition to creating new animations for the 1stP models... and some simple things like walking animations might not even be doable because they are hardcoded for 3rdP. now even if someone did all the hard work required for this .. it would not be compatible with mods that add new armor to the game... every modder would have to create new 1stP versions of their armor. so the other way to approach this would be to disable 1stP mode und simply use 3rdP mode with the camera placed in front of the head. but then you'd essentially disable high quality weapon models and reload animations and the head model would clip through the camera, meaning you would have bits of your own face blocking your vision. -
Nude/Default Skin Switcher for certain NPCs
MoreDread292 replied to robot7290's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Ideas
there are several ways to deal with this... most have been mentioned already one is to use the body control mod which lets you choose individual body types for npcs. but thats what you said you didn't want. i'll post a link anyway in case someone else wants to do handle things this way. Body Control (lets you use various body mods without overwriting the basic bodies) another one would be to install a mod that does it for you, which has been mentioned already, just wanted to add that FOOK2 did that for Sarah Lyons. (i think thats what happened in my game at least, not too sure.. might have been phalanx) then of course its incredibly easy to fix this yourself using the geck, the ingame console or a mod like sharing caring companions that lets you access someones inventory (tho in case of sarah lyons the latter won't work since you can't talk to her of course) -
plz link to the original mod made by JoshNZ. Animated Prostitution i have just replaced some of his animations and i'm already getting enough questions in my comments section i can't answer. also.. the mod doesn't allow you to do 'anyone and anything' in the game. just all humans/ghouls. i can't speak for Josh, but i have no interest in adding bestiality or uhm... mutantiality (Ô_ò) to the game. Super Mutants don't have genitalia anyway if you follow game lore. they are genderless. and if you want to mate with a toaster or a vacuum cleaner.. well i'm not even gonna go into that
fundamentally different, really? actually i would say that design wise, bioshock is one of the very few games that would actually go quite well with FO3 (since it has 50ies and 60ies in it) and its all about mutation and mad scientists. however that beeing said i generally dislike the idea of just copying stuff from other games directly. taking features from other games to broaden the spectrum of what you can do in fallout is a great thing, but personally i don't really get why people are so keen on running around in halo or assassins creed armor... thats just my opinion tho.. ppl can do whatever they like of course. and it might be possible to convert say a big daddy to the game as a new creature... but the proportions are so different from FO3 characters thats it would be incredibly hard to make a power armor version. to cut a long story short.. i don't think it's gonna happen (but you never know...)
yes mods like that have been created... grenade hotkeys: (allows you to throw grenades without having to equip them as a weapon) http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8112 additional hotkeys (1-8 + alt and 1-8 + shift) http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6953 the alt hotkeys are for armor/clothing, the shift hotkeys for additional weapons
hey good to hear you're working on more. i would offer my help but i'm not good with scripting/programming either... like solo671 i noticed you had some stuff from the AP mod in playthings that wasn't really used... i'm animating for AP and you might be interested to know that i'm trying to add enough positions to the mod to allow you to integrate AP into your mods (currently working on hj's) if you care to do that. if you have any special requests, just let me know and i'll see what i can come up with.
crazy things happen... sorry for the double post. well i think it was in there but i might have mixed things up
the tailor maid mod has already done this for you
For serious discussion of making Multi-player
MoreDread292 replied to Cakester's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Ideas
nice.. i wasn't expecting any results so soon. can't wait to see what you will pull off next :thumbsup: -
yea i second that... i can already knock down people without killing them in my game, tho i don't remember which mod added it. so instead of killing them with your fists i'd rather see a sneaky knockout move that leaves the victim without any memory of what happened. (so you can rob people in megaton without everyone aggroin you) but i'm pretty sure that it was done by duplicating the victory rifle effect... it shouldn't be too hard to add some scripting to allow inventory access without a sneak check and avoid hostility if you were hidden while doing it.
http://cdn2.knowyourmeme.com/i/7281/original/blurb_facepalm2_20090622.jpg couldn't help myself :whistling:
actually following what youre saying.. wouldn't it make more sense to not be able to heal limbs with it? that way you could be healed by stimpacks 'superficially' (main health bar) but would still suffer the actual damage to your limbs and you would have to actually rest/see a doctor to get fully healed. this way stimpacks would allow you to survive, but not actually heal the wounds you're suffering. there already are a few mods that change food in a way that they heal less damage, but for a longer time, which makes more sense... most of the things you're asking for have been done already in various mods. even stuff like having to use medical equipment other than stimpacks to fully heal yourself... and the cooking bit will probably be in RoTS once it is released...
Guys that surrender don't get shoot at
MoreDread292 replied to Son_belial's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Ideas
you know... one thing that i have wanted ever since i started playing this game was the ability to become a raider and set up your own raid crew. -
Charisma, the way it should have been
MoreDread292 replied to Skree000's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Ideas
hey i like the skin and hair bit, too... but assigning things to attributes that have nothing to do with them completely destroys RPGs for me.. if you were to add a new attribute for looks.. i'd be fine with it. but doing it with charisma it would feel very very stupid to me and i wouldn't use it ;) but enough.. i don't wanna argue anymore hehe i'll just admit that my idea is probably not the most practical thing. i have just never seen a game, or RPG system that 'recognizes' beauty in any way. beeing an artist myself i understand your scepticism about the science, beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all. but if you do look at the stars and compare the proportions of their faces... they tend to be very similar. yes thats boring to an artist who tries to put some life and character into his work (usually by NOT making things perfect) but in my mind it still makes sense.. because well.. superficiality IS boring ;) -
nice! looks solid, good flow, too... i'll be looking forward to your release.
why shouldn't it be possible? you're asked to type in your player name when creating your character... so there should be a way to enter text via scripting...
Charisma, the way it should have been
MoreDread292 replied to Skree000's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Ideas
again. if you were to use a default head model with perfect proportions.. then any change made to it would make it less perfect... (but more interesting/varied) so by restricting how much you can change the perfect proportions you would be alot more likely to come up with a face that most people would consider good looking. and by allowing you to make big changes to the face and prohibiting you from using values close to the default ones would force you to create a face that is not close to perfect proportions. makes sense to me. a 'beauty percentage' could even be calculated from that if you want to make it even more complicated. this is based on science and not something i'm making up. personally i don't think the game really needs it to be enjoyable. but it could theoretically be done this way, and i'd like that alot more than making it depend on your charisma which describes character and not looks. -
Annabelle, Father Grigorys Shotgun From HL2
MoreDread292 replied to Bael's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Ideas
yea if you were to just port it to the game like that it would look terrible.. its a low poly model and the resolution on that texture is so low you can't really call it a texture... it'd be almost ok in 3rd person.. but the most ugly thing you ever saw in 1st person someone would have to create a more detailed model and texture for this to make sense. if that were done it would fit in the gameworld tho... -
good job! its comin along nicely. however the polycount seems rather extreme.. are you going to create a lower poly version off that and use the high poly version to calculate normals? if not then i probably won't be able to use it.... :\
yea it can be overwhelming at first, but luckily you wont have to use most of its features to get what you want. tutorials are the secret to quick success here good luck with your first experiments. ;)
Charisma, the way it should have been
MoreDread292 replied to Skree000's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Ideas
well you would'nt be taking away anything.. you would simply get the option to trade less customizability for a bonus perk, or get a negative perk for even more customizability. nobody forces you to make that choice.. if you were to pick a normal looking person everything would remain the way it was. so you get ugly: twice the slider range, attribute/skill bonus, speechcraft malus for opposing sex normal: no changes at all beautiful: half the slider range, attribute/skill malus, speechcraft bonus for opposing sex makes sense to me.. only flaws i could think of right now is that you could still make a good looking face when choosing ugly, and that this system ignores homosexuality. the first could be fixed by not allowing you to advance if a certain amount of sliders is too close to 0 (assuming that 0 means centered) and if you wanna be gay just have it effect the same sex and not the opposing one. (could be an additional option during chargen, fairly simple to integrate) in the end you would just have some additional options, which means additional customizability on the whole. nothing is taken away from you. besides if you truly read what i wrote.. my idea has nothing to do with how many points you spent on your charisma, either. instead i tried offering an alternative that makes more sense. by definition charisma has absolutely nothing to do with the physical makeup of your face.