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Everything posted by Metafysik
For some reason the Creation Kit doesn't give the option of putting effectshaders on projectiles. Basically I need a beam to emit flame particles, but since there are no nif plugins for any modeling software that let you export particle systems, i'm kind of screwed on this regard. The only thing I can think of is adding the effectshader through a script, but I kind of suck at Papaya. Is there anyone that could possibly help me out here? This is what I have so far. Scriptname FXFireBeam extends projectile Keyword Property FireBeamProperty Auto EffectShader Property FXFireBeam Auto Event OnLoad() FXFireBeam.Play(self, -5) EndEvent Event OnUnload() MyFireFountainShader.Stop(self) EndEvent The only problem is that you cant freaking apply scripts to projectiles so the whole "self" reference variable is invalid because I have to apply this script to the magic effect that summons the projectile. What is the easiest way to reference the specific projectile in this instance? Any help is much appreciated.
Let's be honest here. I'm sure you moderators understand that neither you nor this website and community have much power to prevent teenagers from lying about their age when they register in order to access the adult-content. I suppose once in a while some stupid kid will reveal his real age somehow in a forum post or something. My point is that the rules and regulations surrounding the internet and minors are useless if there isn't an entity to enforce them. *Cough* *Cough* parents... If parents don't get involved in their child's "second life", what are we supposed to do about it when we find out middle-schoolers are engaging in sexual acts out of curiosity and shock value? Act surprised that 9th grade sexual education programs are now being taught to 7th graders? The hypocrisy! And don't tell me that any form of government intervention outside of spreading public awareness is the answer. Parents need to start caring more. I'll be damned if I let my kid(s) grow up influenced by some of the deviant, morally debase, vulgar and disrepectful kids I have encountered on the internet, doing things they should very well not be doing. I don't have a problem with kids 10+ playing Halo online or anything, but I do when parents aren't checking in on them every now and then to make sure they are being respectful towards other players. Parents these days are just enablers. If I found out my kid was being as disrespectful as some of the kids I've heard on Xbox Live Voice Chat, I would take a hammer and destroy the console, yet most parents just ignore it because they are lazy.
No problem! Well in my honest opinion, a lot of Midas Magic spells are overpowered. They are awesome! But overpowered nonetheless. Mainly the higher tier spells start to get a bit ridiculous. There's no harm in trying it out though! To each his own I guess. Its a safe mod to uninstall if you find that you dont like it, so long as you aren't using an ASIS patch (If you are just repatch ASIS after you uninstall it). I will say this though, download the Reactor version since some of the spells are quite powerful and earning them through crafting/questing is a much more satisfying way to roleplay. Now when it comes to SkyRe, I'm not really sure what you mean. The mod's goal is to make every perk tree valuable and unique in playstyle. The author has made it so that the Two-Handed perk tree has unique perks and abilities that cannot be used by a one-hander. In Vanilla, the two-handed perk tree had almost exactly the same perk bonuses/abilities as the one-handed tree which is booring. Also bladed weaponry was marginally superior in vanilla skyrim, these perks add several balanced playstyles to suit the various weapon types integrated into the mod eg (Katana, Tanto, Wakazashi, shortspear, longsword, unarmed). So now each weapon type, one-hander or two-hander has a unique playstyle that is balanced! Look at the perk trees for skyre and you will understand better.
OH YES, been waiting for you to update this mod, tis one of my favorites for magic. Trailer is looking good, I'M EXCITED. I would help you in any way I can, I sent you a pm with details.
I respectfully disagree with your sentiment on SkyRe being incompatible. Check out.... wait for it..... REPROCCER!!!! http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28467 This dynamic patch generator will automatically scan any .esp and .esm in your Data Files and extrapolate Weapon, Armor, Ammunition and Alchemy stats and will systematically (through some very brilliant algorithms) adjust, balance, rename and make fully compatible with SkyRe's perks, scripts, recipes and other mechanics. It works like a charm, the only things that are still incompatible with SkyRe are mods that alter AI and Perks, which should come to no surprise, however T3ND0 is actually working on making Reproccer and ASIS play nice, so AI tweaks such as enemies using custom spells from other mods can be made. That will leave only the perk trees to be the sole incompatibility with SkyRe and there's a damn good reason you shouldnt be mixing perk tree mods with a mod that COMPLETELY overhauls every skill and perk tree. So yeah, spread the word, SkyRe can be used along side other content mods now.
Balanced Magic is an excellent choice if you do not want to significantly alter vanilla spells and magic mechanics. You could combine it with Apocalypse Spell Package http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16225 and ASIS http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18436. ASIS will make the AI smarter, use potions use perks from Balanced Magic and will allow them to use the plethora of new spells included in Apocalypse. It will also increase spawns and will slightly randomize encounter zones, so that you will not always run into enemies equal to your level, they might be higher, they might be lower. This will make the game more challenging for sure, however you will feel more empowered as a magic user and you will be able to cast spells more frequently, they will be more powerful and you will have far more viable options as a pure mage type character. Otherwise you could install Skyre, but you need to read through the Skyre page thouroughly to understand the new game mechanics, perks, changes etc to decide if you like it or not. It will make the game even more challenging than ASIS, in more ways than simply combat-related. Also it is HIGHLY recommended that you get the Reproccer patcher (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28467) as well and understand how to install and use it. This will ensure maximum compatibility with other mods you may wish to install that add weapons, armors and ammunition. Note that SkRe is incompatible with mods that change perks and AI behavior, so do not use ASIS or Balanced Magic. You can however use Apocalypse Spell Package with SkyRe, although enemies will not be able to cast ASP spells, so if you don't mind that somewhat immersion breaking caveat, I would recommend you install it alongside SkyRe. I have found (personally have been playing with both mods installed), that ASP spells and the SkyRe spells are well balanced alongside each other. You can roleplay it this way, you are a prodigal mage and thus you are able to cast complex spells that would befuddle others' minds. XD SkyRe Magic Module includes a lot of new spells as well, not as much as ASP however. I Highly Endorse SkyRe, as I think it is the most comprehensive rebalance and much needed gameplay overhaul available to Skyrim mod users. It may not be for everyone and if it is not to your liking (e.g too difficult or foreign), go with the first set of mods I recommended.
Hmmm, well a combination of the "Helmet Toggle - Show Hide by Maniczombie" and some sort of ranger armor with a hood combined with a matching cape and cloak might be able to accomplish what you are looking for. The cloaks from cloaks of skyrim for example, show the hood folded back on the cape when equiped. The capes from cloaks of skyrim just have a cape cloth without the hood. So if I modified the scripts from Helmet Toggle - Show Hide, I would be able to make it so that when you put the hood down (make it invisible, but you still get the stats and armor from it) you also switch from cape to cloak, so then it appears that you have put the hood down. The only downside to this is that when you are wearing the hood it wont really look as if its a part of the cape/cloak. Is something like that what you are looking for? Otherwise I would agree with scrivener7 in that you should contact mitchalek (not hothtrooper, he only designed the armor, mitchalek made the script) to find out how he accomplished that kind of dynamic helmet script that can change models automatically when you are in combat. In that case you could maybe attempt to apply those scripts to this Aragorn Ranger Armor: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6497/?tab=3&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fuser%3D0%26id%3D6497 Provided, the author of that Ranger armor would have to create a model and texture for the cuirass where the hood rests on the back, but who knows! Contact them! I'm not good at modelling or nifskope, but I could do texturing and I could probably implement mitchalek's script for any other armor if he gave me the resources for it, so let me know if you need help pursuing this project :smile:
I don't know why many people hate on Skyrim for the changes they have made to their stats, skills, perks and combat. Yes, they may have been attempting to expand to a larger audience of gamers by streamlining and simplifying the rpg elements, however I don't see this as a bad thing. In some ways, certain playstyles are no longer valid, but the flexible perks system allows for much more specific playstyles. There are nearly limitless combinations of perks that can facilitate a multitude of hybrid playstyles. Also, by not selecting a class and birthsign at the start of the game, the player is not forced to chose which path he wants to take. The player can experiment with different ways of playing the game until he is ready to commit to a class/role. I will admit that the magic experience is lacking and I'm not a fan of wielding spells like it was done in morrowind, (imo oblivion nailed magic combat system). Yet still, there are an interesting variety of spells that can be achieved. And as for butchering the lore, I have only run into a few contradictions with previous games, nothing major. Any new directions they want to take with the lore is their decision to make and so long as it doesnt invalidate anything that happened in the past, its fine by me. I
Interesting, I was doing some lore research today and discovered information on a 1E and 2E race of man called the Kothringi. They looked much like Nedes but interbreeding with Argonians apparently made their skin look metallic and reflective, but that may just be a myth. They were known to prefer nudity and would typically only wear clothing when they went outside their native lands. Although they are now extinct, it would be cool if there were some flashback type mods that would give players a glance at some of the lesser known races of tamriel and akavir.
I have also sent you a PM, requesting involvement in developing your mod. And I am very experienced with CK and TES5Edit and I could certainly implement your armors and weapons into the mod through leveled lists, factions, quests, outfits and such. So pumped for this mod, I wanna help in any way I can.