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About Krytin

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  1. I still can't find anything that "deletes" the softer stuff as you're just playing the game and only has the combat music. Can't someone leave a good link on how to add my own tunes and maybe only plays combat music during combat?
  2. Is there a mod or way to only have combat music? I don't wanna here all the soft stuff as I'm exploring and such. Just want battle tunes.
  3. That looks like a lotta fun. Close to what I was meaning. I meant has anyone thought about creating a mod so that when you pick your race There could be just an ass load of animals and such in there too. So you can start out as say a frost giant or a troll or ghost or whatever. I mean you guys are the talent. I have no idea if it can even be done. Would kick ass if it could be done. Thanks for the link :)
  4. Like maybe I wanted my character to be a troll, or maybe a giant.......so on. Anything like that been made or being worked on?
  5. Talked to him. He can't do it :/ His character Cronk looks great though. Oh well. Maybe Hodor just wasn't meant to be. HODOR!! :D
  6. Looking forward to this one. Hope you're working on it.
  7. Would be very interesting to see how someone could implement all the ways Hodor says Hodor. There should be tons of sound files of him and his diff expressions out there. Hodor. HODOR! Hodor? So on. Wish I had the talent to make him myself.......and others. Thank you to anyone that decides to try and make him.
  8. Anyone be willing to make a Hodor follower from Game of Thrones? The guy doesn't say anything but Hodor. Just a big brute. Seems cool and fun.
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