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About CrowProNate

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  1. Hello all, well this is mainly pointed at moderators of both the website, and forums. I created my account a couple years ago when NMM was running like no tomorrow and membership honestly was not needed as you could download multiple things at a time, each at 1mb/s. That was not bad. With Vortex I seem to only be able to download 1mb/s cap no matter how many things i try downloading. So begrudgingly i bought a membership. But now i have no way to stop it, I wrote about it, and someone said that a moderator needs to cancel it for you. But what if no moderators are around, or if the truly don't stop it. you are powerless. That shouldnt be. it should be as easy to cancel a membership as it is to purchase one. if this happens i will probably purchase a lifetime membership just to make it easier on myself.
  2. Ok so I have not played Skyrim for roughly two or three years now and I want to get back into it. I downloaded several mods to prepare for this. The mods i am wanting to install are in the pictures that are attached. I also of course want an ENB (Real Vision). Since i last played much has changed so I would love some help with setting up my game as well as my load order. I'd also like to add "Cloaks of Skyrim" as well. Also, any mod suggestions i should take out or add would also be helpful.
  3. And my apologize for the grammar or spelling english is not my first language.
  4. Hello, so like many of you when you turned on your game the first day you bought it you tried to stay away from all the information about the game and just play it. Well I went through this and the specialization kind of made me rather upset. The amount of customizability kind of made me rather dismayed. So I am suggesting a few possible mod ideas for all of you lovers of the Dragon Age Series. Campanion specialization: Like in Dragon age 2 Campanions had their own specific specializations. I suggest we bring this back. 1) Soas- a remake of the Keeper specialization, Or maybe shapeshfter or dalish specific powers 2) Dorian- a form of blood magic but less intense 3) Blackwall- Not sure at the time 4) Varric- Come on lets bring back Bianca! 5) Cole- 6)Sera- 7) Cassandra- 8) Iron Bull- 9) Viviane- Now for the fun! player specializations! mod 1) the ability to choose more then 1 specialization. I am saying 1 every 7 levels after you choose your first one based off the story. the specialization choice the becomes an unlock based choice in the skill menu. mod 2) specializations that should come back for the player. a ' * ' for priority: -blood magic * -Spirit healer -healer* -Force mage -Berserker* mod 3) Specialization choice bonuses: Example: For Force Mage in DA2 it gave you a bonus of: -125% physical damage -125% elemental damage mod 4) expanded trees mod 5) actual manual stat increasing not this "based off spell choice increase" mod 6) BETTER TREE'S IN GENERAL mod 7) get rid of the time delay for those fire bombs at the end of the pyro skill tree. Mod 8) more AOE abilities for mages!! yea thats about it. I really suggest a mod or mods that do things such like this as it would increase replayability of the game more so then before as for mages, frankly, if you don't play knight enchanter you will die, and you kinda suck DPS wise. Little to no ACTUAL AOE that does not take 3 seconds to blow up. like come on.
  5. In response to post #22959109. #22992779, #23039194, #23049849, #23193394 are all replies on the same post. bethesda game studio's has become a multi-team group now, maybe not as big as ubisoft but im thinking a good amount so who knows, bethesda probably has been getting pushed by zenimax to do a new fallot and possibly tes as thwir now 1 online game contract requirement is finished they can go back to whatthey do best. bring us thrilling adventures.
  6. hmm seems like the vampire cattle has connected codes to those characters or that wouldn't of happened. But i suggest tat vampire cattle summon spell mod. And i am pretty sure there is a house mod out there with vampire cattle inside. but if you cannot find one you like I could give i a try mod wise. (i'd place a vampire cattle group i the home you would like. I have mae a couple mods so far. I was thinking about doing that to the solitude house anyways.
  7. I have this same issue, but the funny thing is I can play fallout new Vegas with HDR enabled and with a high class enb on high which is weird. I don't really understand why HDR works in fallout but not Oblivion.( I run a intel HD 3000)
  8. Ok so unfortunately this would be illegal if there was no "skyrimification" to each set and weaponry as was the issue with the Psycho Mask from borderlands and the corvo mask from Dishonored. But, if we as a group could create some set armors and weapons that should be added thrtough a legal process then get some amazing moders it could happen. I'm posting here on this slightly 2 year old thread cuz i think this mod should actually happen, i have looked for the whip before and no dice and that should change. Think about it, most of us gamers played runescape at one point in our lives so why not make a contribution to the game that possibly shaped our gaming childhood or teenage years for some like me. The sets that i think should be added are: DragonBandosBarrowsTorvaTetsuKaril'sArmadylSerenic(assorted end game mage robes)The weapons of course should be the corresponding wepons to each sets as well as some extra's most ppl liked ( physics will be needed for the whip possibly) Crystal bowGranite maulAbyssal WhipIf these were worked on and created for the world of skyrim with a modern look and appeal but stayed with the same basic structure and format then you would get top files on the nexus i can assure you that. As well as a feature for mostly all youtuber's for skyrim mods that are still around. So if your a modder and reading this assembly thy legion and work to get top spot because it is a given. Remember most of those armors can be skimpified for women but dont overdo it.
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