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About Gwalian

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  1. Err.. sorry @Sobrado ...yes you are alone! Gave my Fallout4Custom.ini one more check and noticed that I'd splelt invalidate with an l (as in look) instead of a capital i (as in I am an Idiot). Anyway, I'm off to chose the most revealing CBBE armor I can find :happy: Toodle pip.
  2. You are not alone my friend. Bought the game recently. Have played and modded all the elder scroll games and FO3/NV. I think it's just so great that so many people happily channel their time and talent into making these mods. The mods have always been a vital part of the game experience for me. I've watched the videos, I've editing the ini files as per the instructions and nothing - invisible body. Checked that the files are present in the relevant folders so probably not worth a manual install :confused: Am almost ready to give up. Using AMD on Win 10 and NMM.
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