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About obssoyo

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  1. Re-download worked, neither of the sets of files were the right size before, something must have been destroyed on the way through the pipes. Just got to make directors chair work now :) Thanks!
  2. five for full 2 for performance, redoing performance now just to check for a corrupt download.
  3. some is purple, some buildings look wrapped with nuka cola textures, some become black outline, I guess i'll try re-downloading performance first. also I have the ability for high quality streaming if you want to see any of it, feel free to contact my on skype as obssoyo, and find the stream at twitch.tv/obssoyo just an offer if that helps at all :)
  4. ok this definitely made the textures do something, they look wacky bright colors etc. but this is a start at least they are being applied now. i'm seeing purples and black silhouettes and such now. This might be the order for lighting?
  5. Just download it in the nexus mod manager and double click it right? I got that so far, unless I need some other step.
  6. Hi I've been setting up the game for my first mod run through fallout 3 and I have been falling the gopher youtube tutorials with the only exception of I wanted standard fallout not wanders mod. However he is using vista and I am using windows 7, not sure what is different for this tutorial wise but I know that I don't have textures but everything but it and the directors chair works so far. Anyone got any ideas?
  7. Thankyou! :D working great now, now i just got to get the texture pack running gophers tutorials are using windows vista, and for some reason following them exactly has no affect on textures :(
  8. I notice my game no longer logs into live..... so i can only start game, i've been installing all visual mods using gophers video tutorials I'm skilled with computers here are the mods I have. better headshots cinematech directors chair dynavision eve enegery visuals enhanced fallout 3 re-animated fallout 3 redesigned project beauty fallout stutter remover fallout - fellout (disabled) full nmc performance nmc project reality cinematic enb the imaginator for fo3 i really hope my saves exist... think just live needs to load but dont know any help is appreciated
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