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About bigbobblehead

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  1. Oh and don't answer my first question... I was googling whether or not Skyrim would play on windows 8.1 and didn't realize I was on the Nexus forums lml smh ><
  2. Has anyone tried launching Skyrim via Skyrim Script Extender? I'm about to use Windows 8.1 for the first time whenever the UPS guy decides to drop my Acer Aspire V5 laptop today. I will tinker with all of the fixes I know from Windows 7 and let everyone know what I come up with but one suggestion for everyone before I go. Try running NMM, Steam, and any games in Windows 7 compatibility mode.
  3. For exaple you can name the shout Telepathic Shift where word 1 is Hault and slows time by 50% for 10 seconds(short range) and that ten seconds is how long you have to teleport or the shout will fail and you'll have to wait 15 seconds for the shout to cool down. Call word 2 Avoid and slow time by 75% for 20 seconds(medium range) and cool down takes 20 seconds and call the last word Counter and slow time by 100% essentially stopping time all together for 30 seconds and give it a cool down timer of 25.
  4. Alright now I know there are already a few teleportation mods out there but I just don't care too much for the way thier respective mod authors went about it. The way I would love to see it done is through a new power that slows down time while you controll the camera in first-person and tap the power button again to set where you want to teleport to. Just picture a bandit swinging his sword at you in slow motion as you have an out of body experience and teleport right behind him before he hits you. And as for the animations, the vanilla visual effect used by certain npc's such as The Caller during the College of Winterhold quest where you need to retrieve those stolen books and at the end of The Forbidden Legend when you're reforging The Galidur Amulet and those daugr are teleporting from one side of the room to the other, playing monkey in the middle with your patience. That animation would be perfect. Run the animation when you decide where you want to teleport to poof you into the abyss, avoiding the bandits attack, and once more to move the dragonborn, completing the teleportation. Also if used as a shout one could further the time alotted and slow time down a little bit more for each word of power. I suggest using the slow time shout as an example
  5. Also, anybody who is interested in collaborating with me is welcome to. I plan on making a Weapon Manufacturing Mod too and I definitely need help with it. I can make all of the recipes and get them to work in-game, but I cannot make a menu and I don't know how to script. I was reading a few tuts on cipsis? .com don't remember how to spell is username, but wasn't grasping it right away. I do plan on working on meh scripting tho Also, before I forget again, I want to bring back enchanting and spellmaking from tes 4 in some way or form, which is lore friendly. So again, scripting and menu adding. If you have ever played Fable 3 and know what I mean when I say Fire, Frost, and Shock shooting Gauntlets, this is what I was thinking in terms of being lore friendly. And as for balanced, in order to get these gauntlets, there will be a quest an a level 20 requirement.
  6. Hey everyone I am new to Scripting and was hoping to get a little help with a mod I a plan on making. Basically what I want to do is turn a bunch of NPC's that have quests or give you little errands run, into full fledged companions after you do what they had asked. Any help would be very much appreciated and credited :nuke:
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