I've made 2 scripts, one is a quest to hold some data, the other is object reference just to add data to the quest... I can't seem to figure out what is wrong with the following code but my BuiltInstances array length doesn't change when I add an item into it. The notifications appear but just says Length = 0. Everything compiles fine, but can't figure out whats wrong... any ideas? ScriptName TeleporterManagerScript extends Quest ObjectReference[] Property BuiltInstances Auto Const Function Add(ObjectReference akRef) BuiltInstances.Add(akRef) Debug.Notification("Adding... Length = " + BuiltInstances.Length)EndFunction Function Remove(ObjectReference akRef) Debug.Notification("Removing... Length = " + BuiltInstances.Length) int i = BuiltInstances.Find(akRef) If (i >= 0) BuiltInstances.Remove(i) EndIfEndFunction Function Teleport() If (BuiltInstances.Length > 0) Debug.Notification("Teleport") int rInt = Utility.RandomInt(0, BuiltInstances.Length) Game.GetPlayer().MoveTo(BuiltInstances[rInt]) EndIfEndFunction Scriptname TeleporterActionScript extends ObjectReference TeleporterManagerScript property ManagerEffect auto const Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) If akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer() ManagerEffect.Teleport() EndIfEndEvent Event OnWorkshopObjectPlaced(ObjectReference akRef) ManagerEffect.Add(akRef)EndEvent Event OnWorkshopObjectDestroyed(ObjectReference akRef) ManagerEffect.Remove(akRef)EndEvent