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Everything posted by Reinsol

  1. I used Ninjagrimes absolutely fantastic Resident Evil-costume mods on my replay of Remake, and found they meshed so much better in Midgard than the OG costumes. I've paused my current playthrough until I can get Tifa a goddamn jacket or something. (yes - I know, I'm the odd-man out on Nexus for that one) So, anything I can do to help the modding scene move forward? I have quite a bit of free time lately and I'd love to help in any way I can to get the modding scene towards costume mods? I know modders are hard at work behind the scenes and I'd love to support if there's grunt work to be done.
  2. Okay, so... I'm really enjoying my Mindstalker run in Deadfire... but pumping points into Stealth means I'm lacking in the Mechanics necessary to gain access all the sick loot I'm running into. Is anyone working on, or aware of, a crafting mod that allows me to use my Alchemy skill to craft Unguents? I feel like the upgrades to stealth mechanics have made my assassin super fun to play, but I'm constantly running out of Thieves Putty. I mean, I can craft an Implosion Charge... but can't find some chalk and lilacs to smash into a cosmetics container? I'm curious if this is possible, and if not what efforts are needed to make it happen? PS: Either way, f*#@ing legit love all you modders out there.
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