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  1. I found out my plug-ings that I had initially paid for and downloaded, were also broken. I thought that mine just got corrupt, but I think now that you have the same issue, it's a problem when Shivering Isle came out.. I emailed a tech rep from Beths, showing him my original download proof page, and he was nice and gave me a file link with all my plug-ins in one download. I think that's your only solution. I believe it's safe to say that original plug-ins are broken if you install shivering isle and the latest patch (latest being a relative term). I didn't know the construction set was also broken.. odd. Oblivion is probably, officially, abandoned. (speculation)
  2. Just make your own. use advskill (name skill here) 10 do that three times for three different skills, or two times and advance luck for the third. (ensuring you do the x10 increase for your minor skills first) By lv. 33 I had max attributes in all but luck (luck was in the 70's). I did this naturally by spreadsheeting my own level ups and level grinding, but I would have gotten the same benefits doing it with the console. I ensured I was born in Atronach, and spammed the lucky lady for MP regen while casting spells for intelligence and personality, then taking either luck, or attacking the conjured creatures for strength increase. Doing it over and over, first maxing intel and personality, then maxing willpower (which I didn't need really) and strength, then the trouble was agility.. but spamming the auto-walk sneak trick, advancing agility became easy. Speed I spammed acrobatics using another trick. anyway point is, you can make a character in just a few hours (I'd say between 5 - 10).
  3. I was going to spot a new topic post but as this title says "problems with Frostcrag Spire" I figure I'll post here for anyone else who may have discovered this gem of a problem. We all (or most all) know of how to duplicate items using scrolls right? If not, in a nutshell: swing your weapon (or punch) hit 'j' (or whatever your 'journal' key is) mid-swing double-click any scroll you have multiples of then drop any item you have one of, and a number of items equal to the number of scrolls will drop instead of one. end nutshell. Well other mods I have dealing with FrostCrag are: DEJ harvest flora v3.0.1 FrostCraig Alchemy sorter v1.0.4 Well I wanted 100 of every ingredient, for ease of potion making (afterthought, I should have simply made a potion of the desired effect and duplicated that in lieu) I first tired this on four items downstairs in the main room (carrots, two cheeses, and Deadra hearts, in case you're wondering) Then, seeing as it worked, I went to the living quarters, stood next to the alchemy bench (and sorter) and commenced to dupe around 100 items (around 120, each 107, for over 12K items, again just in case you care) I was using 'Gather Ye Rosebuds' to pick them up (as gather ring doesn't work with DEJ v3.x.x and the creator emailed me stating he won't make any more changes) and placing them inside the sorter (fine and dandy) Now I also duped a few potions and of course scrolls, inside this chamber (so I duped more than just alchemy consumables) Everything was going fine until... (dramatic turn with suspense music and a close-up)... the next flora respawn. true to the update for DEJ, the Frostcrag spire respawned its garden flawlessly (yay)... but... so did all the alchemy ingredients I duped.... Now just stop and think about that last line above for a moment. I duped over 12K items (a bit over 400 were downstairs). When I reentered Frostcrag after some dungeon crawling, something was amiss when I saw a pile of food items all on the floor. I "Gather Ye Rosebuds" and had to toggle god mode (tgm) so I could port them.. thinking.. whatever this is, I'll figure it out... Then I went upstairs ... well.. it was taking... over 7 minutes to load the black screen between portal warps into my room... then when the screen faded in.. I saw... I saw... I saw... A COLOSSAL MOUND of items.. and it was slowly growing by the second. My processor was having a hell of a time trying to generate, and deal with, over 12K items all using the physics engine, all trying to cope for space, all trying to push each other away.. I have a save file with this but not sure how to take a screenshot of it.. but damn it's funny.. seeing all those watermelons on top, and everything underneith just starting to pile up, like a blob monster rising up.. or better yet, the trashie from fraggle rock.. Well.. ehem.. I got derailed.. sorry. My point is, after it taking another 10mintues to cast 'Gather ye Rosebuds' I got very suspicious.. I emptied out the alchemy sorter (thinking it was the sorter's fault) of all consumables (keeping the potions and scrolls inside) and dumped all ingredients into one of the many barrels in the valut. I left the tower and purposefully waited 5 game days, enough for the garden to respawn.. I went back inside the tower and ... a pile of 400+ food items were on the floor again... sighing, I gathered them up and once more portaled upstairs to find another huge mound of food and shrooms and leaves and .. well everything I duped initially, mounding up again... I couldn't cope with it. So I (still in god mode) took EVERYTHING from Frostcrag into my inventory (had over 36K in weight), left the tower, saved... deselected the tower from the mods list, loaded the game.. saved the game, reinstalled the plug-in for frostcrag.. and reloaded. This didn't help, the pile of food kept respawning... So in conclusion, I feel it's a problem with DEJ's Harvest flora mod for Frostcrag, or some faulty code in Frostcrag itself (though I haven't tested this yet without DEJ installed). So in a word, about duplicating items in Frostcraig. DON'T.. at least, don't do food or alchemy consumables. It's a nightmare.
  4. just.. this! unless you've changed the 'r' key to be something else, this will do what you want to get done - promise.
  5. Indeed, the console cannot be used in the way you're expressing. You have to use mods, or make your own mod, via the construction set, to do what you want to be done.
  6. The only mods I enjoy using are the ones that don't change anything other than graphics *IE RHeds or the like* I like to make 'Oblivion' look better, but not play any different.. but some mods I do use are the ones that fix bugs, nothing more.. or mods that make the game more to my liking but nothing else *as in the alchemy ingredient sorter* Sometimes I like using MMM... but OOO changes too much for my liking.. I use to LOVE OOO but I fell out of grace with it when I realized it changed too much for my liking - but MMM doesn't change anything other than NPCs, and the like - things that don't play any relevance in the plot other than to make the game more enjoyable. Besides OOO uses MMM in its monster factions relations, so MMM without OOO, to me only, is a good install.
  7. Actually Umbra *can* be killed at Lv.1.. it's hard to do, but you can do it. lead Umbra to the toxic gas room, and use a lot of shield potions and 'restore health' potions. If you stand in the right spot, Umbra will die due to breathing toxic gas and you can avoid the "your murder has been witnessed by forces unseen" message, and allowing Umbra to be killed by His own folly *(well Him or Her, Umbra when through a Sex change between Morrowind and Oblivion *wink* )
  8. Good to know because I just saw two NPC's sharing the same bed.. two guys of all things.. and I didn't know that two NPCs of any gender could share the same bed.. so now I can take a screenshot of it and prove it to you all!
  9. One of the only reasons to enter Oblivion gates (apart from when you're past lv.20 and the Sigil stones are actually worth collecting), is: Hatreds Soul It's the single most powerful bow (arguable weapon) in the game. If you know exactly which of the... I think four, static oblivion worlds it lies in, you can save yourself some exploration points, however even i knowing which land of Oblivion it lies in, it's still hard to find (if you don't know how). It's a very.. well... neat.. bow. ^-^ And yes, the "ring of perfection" is pretty nice... but a fair warning.. every item other than Hatreds Soul is leveled with you. So if you go shopping all around the Imperial District at Level 1, you'll see those "hands of the Atronach"... if you've opened his merchant window at lv.1, those hands willl be crappy... if you open up his shop window (IE make them spawn) when you're level 15 or up.. they become more powerful. This is the only reason I 'level grind' Oblivion. I think some items should be strong, and STATIC, in the game.. certain items, in my mind, SHOULD not be 'leveled'.. so I level grind and 'then' shop around so that the items I feel should be, are.
  10. The only thing I would like is when you buy the "FrostCraig" alchemy, I would like the alchemy apparatus to be "master" level, instead of Novice Level (the four pieces that come with the table) Seems simple enough. I have a mod to give me master alchemy stuff at the start, however those new items won't work with "at home alchemy" mod, because those master apparatus aren't the normal 'master' gear, and as such the 'at home alchemy' can't flag them properly. I'd also love weapon racks specifically for Frostcraig (there's a weapon rack mod but not one for the tower). As you can see, I use Frostcraig as my "showroom", for mannequins and weapon displays. I use paint brushes as "pegs" to 'hang up' weapons and such, but it'd be nice to put wall ranks or movable racks to display weapons.
  11. I did a brief wiki search. While some my speculate on the authentic nature of wikipedia, it still is updated and checked frequentely. This will help with the word "fag" and "f@&#!t" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/f@&#!t_(epithet) http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/f@&#!t as it states that one archaic use of the word: "refer to the now outdated English "public school" practice of "fagging" where a younger boy acted as an unpaid servant for an older boy." Perhaps this became askewed with time and practice, to mean a homosexual. It wouldn't surprise me in the least.
  12. You forgot one: Metrosexual: a heterosexual male who has a strong aesthetic sense and inordinate interest in appearance and style, similar to that of homosexual males Etymology: 1994; blend of metropolitan + heterosexual I've been classified as this from time to time, which originally disturbed me but now I find it novel if not perhaps fully acurate *smirks*
  13. You mean 570. 571: The tilt of the planet is less than 2 degrees. This explains why there are no seasons.
  14. It can be difficult to understand your sexual identity. The terms “gay” and “lesbian” are far flung in our society, which really do not do justice to each individual. Speaking about those select “one in a million” cases (which translates into roughly 6,500 people) who are actually born with both genders, being able to identify with one or the other can be quite hard for a growing individual. Many cases, the parents decide which “set of plumbing” will be kept and which will be surgically removed. But this decision is rash and impulsive, stemming from parents who know not how to handle the situation and who rely solely on what “advice” is offered by “Professionals”. Very strange, that, when those professionals are themselves “not” in this situation and can only be making an educated guess. And let’s say they went with “male” and the female bits were removed. This child could grow up feeling very insecure, especially around puberty, about what social situations he feels comfortable in. Many might call him “gay” if he thinks pink looks good, or that he feels ‘this way’ about a male friend of his. Vice versa if “female” was the route chosen. I admit this isn’t a normal case, but using this as a stepping stone what of those not born “dual”, who also feel a gender identity mismatch. Men can take female hormones, grow breasts, loose (or surgically remove) local body hair – become the woman they feel they are. These “TS” or transvestites may or may not actually be ‘gay’ in the broad sense but are certainly not the norm. Females who feel “male” inside but not necessarily lesbian may try other alternatives (of which I admit I am not familiar with). I am of a mind to agree that this whole “coming out of the closet” has not had the results I am sure were intended. Living in WA for one year, I witnessed a ‘gay pride’ parade. It was (mostly) about men dressing up in tight homosexual leather outfits or men in drag – far too much color and flare for my taste (though I admit my tastes are heterosexual). At the time, I had a roommate who was gay and he just shook his head saying “this is not gay lifestyles, this is a huge attention-seeker crowd.” We jokingly commented that some of these people should stay ‘in’ the closet. But what it all comes down to is find yourself, and identify with yourself. You don’t need to make a big deal over it, like those who you meet and on the first conversation with them will say “I’m gay”. I didn’t care, didn’t ask, and didn’t need to know.
  15. Concerning IX... I've posted a link to this thread for others to read, as I was certain they hadn't read or read very clearly some of the rules. (i was guily about the necromancy one initially). I don't feel this violates IX; I don't want to flood mod boxes with reports just to say "this person has bumped thread" or "this person is steering the topic on a tangent. for instance I did this here: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=50786 and stand by my resolve that I haven't violated IX. IX is very "gray".
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