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  1. That counts as copyrighted. You need to ask permissions from game's publisher, I guess, which may be hard, but no other way. Sometimes it is given, though I only know of a few cases, such as Viconia.
  2. emieri, if I'm thinking of a right mod, which is probably Tona's Traveller Items, then it was deleted and integrated into this. There are many screens, check them carefully if it's what you want.
  3. Pirates don't make games and have no idea how hard and costly it can be. Publishers and marketeers (and politicians actually too!) don't play games and may have no idea firsthand how it is and it seems fewer and fewer care to hire beta-testers, not to say game's protection itself unlikely gets a playtest before release (not that I heard of it). So here it goes :)
  4. People are typical consumers. They think that they have rights and can make demands and sometimes this is true, when they actually purchase something. However, you, as a modder, do it for free, do it for your own reasons like fun and thus don't owe them a thing, and they just a bit failed to grasp that. You only owe something to Dark0ne while you use his site and that's simply following his rules and behaving, like we all do, nothing more (this, of course, includes refraining from arguing with naughty people like trolls). You uploaded your mod for those who will like your work, didn't you? The rest of the world... why should their opinions matter anything? Don't pay too much attention. On the other hand, if you asked for honest criticism... such a thing is generally easy to tell from a typical troll rant in the very first few words. So you don't have to read the rest :) Especially look out for abuse of caps lock and exclamation marks. Those are likely to mark unimportant posts.
  5. I want to set a custom tattoo for a dalish elf preset without replacing the original ones, however, ingame in the character editor the game has a nasty tendency to put one of default dalish tattoos over a custom one from the preset (or replace it, if it happens to use the same channel). Is there a way to fight this menace without subplanting a morph and ruining the fade transformations? Someone please help :(
  6. dionnal2, try searching for "Oblivion платье Арвен" (that would be "Arwen's dress"). Unfortunately I don't remember the specific dress's name in russian, there are several. I personally can't find by that name but the others pop up. Maybe you can find a better google combination. I think I saw that circlet somewhere nearby those dresses, but they look elusive. Maybe it's with that one.
  7. LordDan, anything of this modder's content seem like it? http://tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=834558
  8. I have never found that clothes on your shot, but an indentical one is found in Aion, so same as always - Aion rip.
  9. I don't remember where I saw it.
  10. I don't know. Though maybe it involves only some animations and not others. Probably the vanilla running animation doesn't actually imitate movement and the character only moves for real. Anyway, those animations where I spotted this weren't actual moving animations, but something other, like hits/swings, which involved moving/stepping. Of course, if the particular animation is okay with that command, then it's all the better.
  11. Nope, one can happily live without it. The vital ones are patches and some texture replacers (faces, predominantly). Body mods are not, despite popularity, though it helps not to feel sick at the sight of undressed characters as well. Also it's nearly vital to have anything that fixes such things as non-vanilla race bugs, but it is now included in the unofficial patch. Some good magicka rebalancer is nearly nesessary, nerfed vanilla magicka is only useful for circus tricks for kids. Anything that makes game (more) interesting. Take your pick, but you need to have just something to justify playing. Most likely a major quest mod or a large overhaul.
  12. They don't change that much noticeably as humans and elves, since argonian faces are more alien to human eyes, only become unusually pale. In a bit sickening way, actually, but I suppose that picture had an argonian with high level of vampirism. Low level shouldn't change too much. The main problem is the eyes - there's only one type of vampiric eyes available for all races including modded and they have human structure. Orcs, khajiits, dunmer and argonians look weird with those.
  13. GreatLucifer, like the OP said, if you ~tai any actor doing any sort of animation involved with any considerable movement from one point, even a single step, the actor will rocket into that direction. Baaaaaad for action scenes. Simple idle animations don't count, but a small step forward while attacking...
  14. Opening console will give you a pause of a sort. To remove all the bothersome letters enter dof 1. To make them return type dof 0 (blindly, apparently :) ).
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