People are typical consumers. They think that they have rights and can make demands and sometimes this is true, when they actually purchase something. However, you, as a modder, do it for free, do it for your own reasons like fun and thus don't owe them a thing, and they just a bit failed to grasp that. You only owe something to Dark0ne while you use his site and that's simply following his rules and behaving, like we all do, nothing more (this, of course, includes refraining from arguing with naughty people like trolls). You uploaded your mod for those who will like your work, didn't you? The rest of the world... why should their opinions matter anything? Don't pay too much attention. On the other hand, if you asked for honest criticism... such a thing is generally easy to tell from a typical troll rant in the very first few words. So you don't have to read the rest :) Especially look out for abuse of caps lock and exclamation marks. Those are likely to mark unimportant posts.