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    im actually 17, not 21
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  1. Could someone help me make a dancing idle animation? Particularly with feral ghouls like in this video (but maybe also with people): I tried replacing feral ghouls' idle animation with a dance animation from the groovetron mod, but I kept crashing my geck. Could someone else do this?
  2. Can I get blades armor without doing the main quest? / If I go in Sky Haven Temple before I'm supposed to, could it mess up the quest later? Will I even be able to enter? I play on an Xbox so I won't be able to fix anything with the console or use mods.
  3. http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/ its listed under The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Well thank was helpful; thanks a lot. I passed all of the recommended tests except for the graphics card, which at least meets the minimum requirement. http://d1ylr6sba64qi3.cloudfront.net/global/assets/images/graphs/mp_rf_3.gif Under the list of recommended video cards, it had this for only $25: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=149617&Sku=A271-5456 I've had a bad history of buying the cheapest thing available and regretting it, but I'll be getting it exclusively for Skyrim and I don't really have the budget for anything else (considering that I'd still like to get MW3 and BF3 among other things). Would it make a difference?
  4. Thanks for the input. It really sucks that I'll have to miss out on all the mods, but it would suck even more if I paid full price for a game that my computer couldn't run.
  5. I apologize for reposting, but nobody replied and I was hoping to preorder sometime soon.
  6. Now that the real stats are out, I was hoping I could get a more definitive answer. I apologize for posting already, but the answer I got was vague. With this PC I could play oblivion flawlessly with all the graphical features turned on with a middle resolution (1280x768 works great) HP Pavilion p6210y = AMD Athlon II X4 620 processor~ 2.6 GHz 6 GB RAM (5.75 useable) NVIDIA GeForce 9100 graphics card Plenty of memory The only thing I don't understand is how graphics cards rank, so with this one, is it closer to a. i can play it smoothly on a med?-low res b. i can barely play it on a low res with all features turned off, or c. i cant play it whatsoever The simple answer would be to get it for xbox, but I really don't want to pass up the opportunity for mods. So my final question is: should I get it for PC or Xbox? Thanks
  7. How about my HP Pavilion p6210y? AMD Athlon II X4 620 processor~ 2.6 GHz 6 GB RAM (5.75 useable) NVIDIA GeForce 9100 graphics card (when I got it, I thought the higher the number, the better hehe). 500 or so gigs left of memory 64 bit Windows 7 I can usually play oblivion (and fallout) with somewhat high graphics settings at a 1280x768 (widescreen) resolution. Not sure what res I play on fallout, but when I played cod I think I did the lowest (800x600?) I really can't tell the difference between resolutions, except for maybe the very lowest one. If I would have to run it on the bare minimum LQ settings, though, then I'll just get it for xbox. I would really hate to pass up mods, though.
  8. You could always try the one that increases magicka by 2x, 4x, 6x, or 8x. I suppose that will have to do, but what is the mod called?
  9. I had a mod a long time ago that lowered the magicka cost of many spells (especially destruction), but my computer crashed and I had to start fresh. I thought it was Supreme Magicka, but as it turns out, that one almost doubled the costs for my spells somehow. What mod does that?
  10. Ok, never mind, I installed Steam on a different computer, logged on to my account, and noticed an "Install" button in the description of my games, so I answered my own question. This topic is now useless
  11. NOTE: I know this would be a more appropriate question for the steam forums, but I do not have a registered account there and am unable to post a topic SO this is directed at any experienced steam users If I downloaded and installed Fallout 3 from Steam on one computer, will I be able to reinstall it on another, like I would with a normal CD? My computer was just attacked by some sort of virus that won't let me open anything (including my antivirus), so I plan on wiping the memory (or something, I don't even know how) to get rid of it. (NOTE: If you have any alternative solutions don't hesitate to respond) Now, if I did that, all of my games and their save files would be gone, and I assume I would have to reinstall Fallout 3 (my favorite game). So, to restate my question: Can I download/install Fallout 3 a second time without purchasing another copy? Even if it's on the same computer? Thanks
  12. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me make a mod that turns the Operation Anchorage strike team into Delta Squad from Star Wars Republic Commando This may sound complicated, but all I'm asking is for my team to be wearing the armor from this mod (although I'm very picky about who gets what): http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10312 and this mod: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10106 So that's just armor, no guns, or animations, or scripts. Also, this is just for the strike team, I don't need any of the other soldiers' armor replaced (unless you want to) Although one key component is the fact that each person has different armor To anyone that is unfamiliar with Republic Commando, I think the best way to assign the armor is Sgt. Montgomery gets Boss's suit (the organgy-red one with no stripes) Sniper gets Sev's suit (this is the default commando armor from the original star wars mod) (it is the red one with the stripes across the helmet) Missile Unit and Grenadier get Scorch's suit (the black and yellow one) Normal infantrymen get fixer's suit (the green one) (because that's the only armor left) I tried to do it myself but I couldn't get past the fact that every soldier shares the same leveled winterized combat suit and I really want them to be different (and individually adding the armor to every soldier didn't seem to work) And I'm not used to modding fallout Uuuh here's a picture of them; it's not really a good picture, but it's the only one I could find with all of them in the pic Thanks P.S. there will probably need to be some permission-asking first. I'd ask em, but first I want to see if anyone would be willing to do this for me I hope there are some SWRC fans out there
  13. yeah, like I said, all I've done was that one female version because I originally made it just for myself (plus HGEC does seem to be the most popular). I just thought I'd put it out there to see if anybody wanted to use it until that other dude is finished with his. It shouldn't be too hard to convert it to vanilla, and that's what the male was going to be no matter what.
  14. Ok uh I've been working on just that: a Na'vi race that combines elements from the other mods. The only things I actually copied were the face stripes and necklace from here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28696 Otherwise everything else is mine. I matched the color as best as I could and included stripes and a few dots. So far I've only worked on the female version. I really had to scale down the quality to get it under the max upload size, but hopefully you can still see enough. If you can, ignore the models cause I'm only good with textures.
  15. I'm not too experienced with this kind of stuff, but perhaps your missing the normalmaps (the texture with _n at the end?
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