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  1. Hi everyone! I hope this is the right place to ask this. I've been trying to figure this out for a while now but couldn't get this enabled. On various tutorials it shows a horizontal scrollbar in the Dialogue View in the quest editor as shown on the picture I linked. However in my Creation Kit, both on SSE and on LE this scrollbar is missing. I only have the vertical scrollbar which makes navigating sizable dialogue topics a little frustrating. Could anyone please help me find what setting or .ini setting I need to change in order to enable this scrollbar?
  2. Hi! Hope this is the right place to post this question but: Back in 2015 I was developing outfits for my project Holds the City Overhaul and a helpful fellow on the Dark Creations forum called Rhodreia helped me out by linking me to a plugin for 3ds max which automatizes rigging for skeletons of different muscles. It allows you to automatically create different muscle versions for your armor and different genders by moving the vertices in place of the skeleton applied. It also makes sure these muscle versions of your armor work with the muscle system in Skyrim so you don't have to worry about the weight slider when using your armor. It was a very nifty tool but since 2015 I bought a new computer, and sadly in January the Dark Creations forum was shut down and I have no way to get back that message with the link. If anyone knows what I'm looking for then I would be really grateful if you could share the link :smile: I believe it was called Simple Muscle/Skeleton plugin or something such, but I cannot find it. May have been called So much Morpher now that I think about it. Can anyone help me find a link to this plugin? :smile: @Edit: Nevermind, I found it. It is called SoMuchMorpher. Here is the link to the plugin for anyone who didn't know about this and want to create armors easily: www.joepikop.com/SoMuchMorpher.zip Here is also a tutorial on its usage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6481ZYCzkI
  3. Hi! Hope this is the right place to post this question but: Back in 2015 I was developing outfits for my project Holds the City Overhaul and a helpful fellow on the Dark Creations forum called Rhodreia helped me out by linking me to a plugin for 3ds max which automatizes rigging for skeletons of different muscles. It allows you to automatically create different muscle versions for your armor and different genders by moving the vertices in place of the skeleton applied. It also makes sure these muscle versions of your armor work with the muscle system in Skyrim so you don't have to worry about the weight slider when using your armor. It was a very nifty tool but since 2015 I bought a new computer, and sadly in January the Dark Creations forum was shut down and I have no way to get back that message with the link. If anyone knows what I'm looking for then I would be really grateful if you could share the link :smile: I believe it was called Simple Muscle/Skeleton plugin or something such, but I cannot find it. May have been called So much Morpher now that I think about it. Can anyone help me find a link to this plugin? :smile: @Edit: Nevermind, I found it. It is called SoMuchMorpher. Here is the link to the plugin for anyone who didn't know about this and want to create armors easily: www.joepikop.com/SoMuchMorpher.zip Here is also a tutorial on its usage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6481ZYCzkI
  4. Installed this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/24606 And removed 3 mods from my load order. Basic Primary Needs, Enhanced Grabbing and P1DKeyChain. All of them are script mods, and one or more of them was causing the problem as now I don't have the issue. Even with the Clean Up installed, I will crash on save with these three installed. I will do some more testing and narrow it down as I feel all three are a must... I was also under the impression you couldn't remove script mods mid-play-through in Oblivion, but here it seems to have fixed my problem. Saving also goes a lot faster then it did before the crash occurred. So definitely some issues there that I need to resolve. Hopefully this wasn't just a glitch in the matrix and the problem still persists. I'll narrow down the issue and post once I've found it, in case someone else is having the same problem. Edit; Alright, having done a few tests I have narrowed down what is potentially the culprit. I do not want people thinking this is a bad mod, because its not. It is entirely possible and very probable that the mod simply doesn't jibe well with something else in my load order, or that I have simply amassed too many keys making it problematic for the mod to store the data properly. In either case, the crash on save doesn't seem to happen after removing P1DKeyChain. Which is a shame. It is a must, seeing as how poorly Oblivion stores keys in your inventory. However, sad as it may be, removing it has fixed the problem and I have ran multiple tests now indicating that it is indeed this mod that causes the issue. I have also decided to remove Enhanced Grabbing just to be safe, but having it on alongside Basic primary Needs has not recreated the problem. At any rate I am just glad that my game now works again and I continue playing. Cheers!
  5. Recreated the crash with a crash logger. Got this crash log: Anyone know how to fix it? Or what it means? :smile: Edit: I ran a quick test without using OBSE, the Script Extender launcher and as it turns out, I didn't experience the crash when saving. So the issue is with a script... Can I safely remove script mods during a playthrough or is that a big no-no? Can I update the script mods during a playthrough without running into problems? :)
  6. Hi, I've been playing on a character since 2015. I have not changed my load order, or updated any mods or ENB since starting and now I'm experiencing problems. The game runs fine, allows me to load, but if I try saving I will crash. If I load a save many hours back I can play for a while but then the problem will occur again. I can even play for a long time without saving without crashing which makes me think the issue is with saving itself. Don't even have to have played for a long time for it to occur, can be 2 seconds. Load a save that worked and you will crash 100% of the time you save again. Looking up the save in wrye bash and applying remove bloat I get this error message: Traceback (most recent call last): File "bash\balt.pyo", line 2495, in __Execute File "bash\basher\saves_links.pyo", line 791, in Execute File "bash\bosh\_saves.pyo", line 417, in loadMemoryError Now I do have a lot of play time in this save. Day 727, Play 239 hours. I know that sounds like a lot but I have been playing on this character since 2015 so please don't judge too harshly :sweat: Has anyone experienced this issue before and found a work around or a fix? I'd greatly appreciate it. Would really suck having to start over. Plugin list: Is there perhaps a way to enable a crash log? :)
  7. Fire is not an object I think you can target in console. But here's a mod that allows you to put out all fires with a frost spell :) Hope that helps http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17969/?
  8. There are a few large projects which have yet to be released. While the smaller mod releases may dwindle down a bit, until we see a new TES game, there will still be people willing to mod and play it :) likely also afterwords (I still play Morrowind and Oblivion from time to time, and there are still people modding them as well).
  9. Yes, it could be either of these things: Did you download the meshes / textures / and scripts? did you place Holds.esp at the bottom of your load order? Are you using the modular or the all-in-one? The compatibility patches are beneath holds.esp? If not, then please link your load order and a crash log and I'll see if I can spot the problem :)
  10. It is :) But Moonpath to Elsweyr has been incorporated into the Legacy of the Dragonborn mod, so compatibility patch will be through there. Thing is though, the author himself has offered to make the patch but has a big update for his mod coming in around a month, so there might be a while I'm afraid.
  11. Did you just install the meshes, textures and scripts? You need the esp :) Either the modular version or the all-in-one version. They are found in the main download section on the mod page.
  12. I saw you were planning to make further updates on new outfits, will that include guard armour? Nope, no plans to do that. :)
  13. Hi there! Glad you like it :) Sorry I couldn't respond to your msg on the mod page, but I had to lock the sticked comment as people were complaining of all the scrolling that had to be done to get down to the new comments.
  14. Thank you :) I hope you enjoy and that it is stable.
  15. And its out. :) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74638/?
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