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Posts posted by JRFan007

  1. If this was happening with a clean install then sorry, I don't what to do.

    But to tell the truth, I had the same error in another non-gaming related software. The solution was to rename that software's registry keys in regedit so that reinstalling created brand new registry keys. That's somewhat advanced and I hold no responsibility if you try doing that.

    I'd say do another re-install and see what happens.



    I don't get it, on the other thread you say this problem started after you deleted scripts and mods.

    Over here you say:

    This runtime problem didn't happen when I installed dawnguard with my other mods. I played for a few days and hadnt added any new mods when this runtime error started. I deleted a bunch of mods and scripts but I've started several new games since then and that is when this problem started[/tedu].


    Could you please be more clear about when your error started?

    Did it start after deleting mods or after a clean reinstall of Skyrim without dawnguard or mods?



    The set of events: I had always had a CTD problem, then I installed Dawnguard and still had CTD problems and then I started to get bloated saves/freezing but no runtime errors. I then deleted a ton of mods and scripts and started a new game. About 6-7 hours into that game I started getting that runtime error that I had never seen before. I then uninstalled Skyrim and everything associated with Skyrim, cleaned out some of the C drive and then did a reinstall. Reinstalled my old mods that had never before given me a runtime error and about 2-3 hours into that game I recieved a runtime error.

    Sorry for the confusion.

    And ya, everything I've been seeing wants me to rewrite code and f**k with the regedit which is way beyond my skill level lol.

  2. This runtime problem didn't happen when I installed dawnguard with my other mods. I played for a few days and hadnt added any new mods when this runtime error started. I deleted a bunch of mods and scripts but I've started several new games since then and that is when this problem started.
  3. So I have been having a ton of problems lately with Skyrim: CTDs and f****d up scripts screwing up my saves. I have fixed the script errors causing my bloated saves and CTDs but now I'm getting an error that I have never seen before in my 300 hours of playing Skyrim. I have uninstalled/deleted everything Skyrim on my computer and then reinstalled everything from scratch and after around 2 -3 hours I get this error. Then I go to play again thinking that it's a fluke and I get another one a few minutes into game play. Googling the problem hasn't done much to help, since their solution was to uninstall, clean the hard drive and then reinstall.

    Anyone have this problem too and know how to fix it??

  4. Well I got rid of the mods as well and then started yet another new game where I got about 6 - 7 hours in and then bam! Runtime error.....

    I just uninstalled and deleted everything and now I'm in the process of reinstalling everything.

  5. I found several scripts that were screwing with me; I deleted them and my problems were resolved. But now I'm getting a "runtime error R6025 - pure virtual function" that I have never had before....I only deleted scripts so I don't know why this is happening. Any thoughts guys?


    And thanks for the suggestion about the scripts btw.

  6. Ya my saves are around 113mbs lol.

    So is it just script mods that are screwing me over?


    For some reason I can't get a papyrus log...I changed the ini settings and it creates the log and scripts folder but the folders are empty...


    Update: Finally got a papyrus log but I dont think I can post it since it's around 2 million lines long on notepad++

  7. So I am at my wits end with Skyrim. I keep having random and sometimes not so random CTD's and I cannot for the life of my figure out why. I am already on the lowest possible settings, I use the latest version of SKSE, I have BOSS and use it every time I install a new mod and I've verified the integrity og my game cache.. The only thing I can think of is mod conflict but I can't seem to figure out which ones are conflicting. Also for some reason it is taking my game forever to save a game, it just today randomly started to stutter every once in a while (but still good FPS overall), and some save games get stuck at the loading screen. The last few things have started without me changing load order or adding new mods. I have Dawnguard and I a m updated to 1.7. I'd like to keep the reinstallion of the game as a last resort.

    Any help would be much appreciated!


    P.S. - some of the mods on there are my own personal mods but all they do is edit npc's faces and armors.

  8. Hello all! I was wondering if anyone on here either had any interest in making a new armor mesh/texture or if you guys knew of anyone who really gets into modeling that takes requests. Anyways I really love this armor and circlet and I would absolutely love it is someone could give it a go.
  9. So I've been working on a mod that turns Morthal into an open walled city, but for some reason some of the walls I've placed have disappeared both in game and in creation kit. When I reload the game or creation kit everything is fine but then a few minutes later another section of the wall will go missing...

    I haven't had time to investigate too much so it might actually be a simple problem but I figured I would come to you guys first. Please, can anyone help me??

    BTW it's Riften's walls that I am using....

  10. You have to unload any mods you have that modify faces before you use ctl+F4. They interfere with the CK's NPC face process. Body mods do to sometimes. Best approach is to uninstall all of them before you modify your NPC's appearance. Use Cntrl+F4 to export the mesh and texture, then you can reinstall the mods and move on. But always remember to uninstall them again if you need to modify the appearance again. That's been working pretty well for me.


    Face mods like the Better Females texture replacer or do you mean mods that modify faces as in altering an npc's skin tone?

  11. So I've been having the whole edited NPC face doesn't match the body mismatch problem forever now. I recently tried the whole cntrl+F4 trick to no avail; it actually caused a new problem. Now when I'm in game, edited NPCs have mismatched skin and the ones with "upper eye socket" or eye shadow coloring shows up the same way it does in Creation Kit (As shown in my attachment). I've used the update tintmasks or whatever button and used cntrl+F4 and the only somewhat effective solution is the in game console command "setnpcweight XX" but that has to be done every time a new cell is loaded....Help me Nexus Community, you're my only hope!!

    Also am I the only who's Creation Kit shows "upper eye socket" or eye shadow coloring as a painted forehead?? And why can't I see any warpaints in the Creation Kit??

  12. I am having the extremely annoying problem of naked custom NPC's. One of the armors I have is "Triss' Armor" non-replacer; I have made a custom default outfit, put the armor in the new outfit and given my NPC the outfit. In the CK she is wearing the armor but when I go in game, or restart the CK, she is naked even though she still has the custom outfit in the default out tab....

    Anyone have any suggestions??

  13. I am having the extremely annoying problem of naked custom NPC's. One of the armors I have is "Triss' Armor" non-replacer; I have made a custom default outfit, put the armor in the new outfit and given my NPC the outfit. In the CK she is wearing the armor but when I go in game, or restart the CK, she is naked even though she still has the custom outfit in the default out tab....

    Anyone have any suggestions??

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