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Posts posted by Aeonuser

  1. I found the problem, I decided to write it here in case this happened to someone else.
    EFF was the problem. Since UFO and EFF are not compatible, one overwrote the other and so the options were missing. I uninstalled UFO and I installed EFF again, that seems to have solved the problem. I uninstalled EFF correctly and then reinstalled UFO but the problem returned. Guess i'ts the not immersive option for now. too bad. I still would like to use UFO so, if anyone can help, it's appreciated.

  2. Let's go to the point: The follower options "It's time for us to part ways" and "I need to trade something with you" are missing. Because of this, when I recruit a follower, I can't dismiss him. Using the console comand "set playerfollowercount to <0" isn't working. All I can do is kill them (Which is a shame but hey, I finished boetiah's calling! :D). The trading option is not something I deeply miss, I can use the console to give them items but this really is annoying.

    My guess is that this Issue started when I uninstalled EFF (I tried to use EFF and UFO at the same time... I'm such an idiot) and left UFO active, I'm going to try to disable UFO to see if it solves it but I don't have much time to play Skyrim reciently so I was hoping to get some help from the comunity. So... If anyone is sure about the cause or knows a way to solve it, please, help me.

  3. I'm having this issue too, some enemies won't attack and some will stop attacking after a few seconds. It's imposible to finish brawls because the other guy stops attacking, then i hit him and BAM! Automatic arrest. This is really annoying but I don't know the reason. Have you uninstalled/installed any mods reciently? I started to notice after i changed EFF for UFO, as well as a bug that makes the followers impossible to Dismiss.

    Have you tried using the console? Or have you used the console to alter AI behavior before?

  4. So... I've never used a ENB before and i don't really know what it is... it is some grapical mod, correct? I was thinking to downlad one but I don't know if it will have an impact on my FPS, nor how to install/deinstall it. Can someone fill me in about ENB?
    -Sorry if bad english-

  5. I'm having the same problem, only I am running the latest beta patch 1.4.21 and the beta version of SKSE (1.4.8). It just gives me the command prompt, flashes to a black screen and crashes. =\


    Skyrim starts fine if I don't use skse_loader though.




    EDIT: I think I found the problem. I use the Categorized Favorites Menu Mod, apparently the CFM_extensions.xml file in the SKSE > Plugins is causing skse not to load. If you remove the file it will load, downside is that you can't save your hotkey changes or make equip sets.


    Where exactly is that folder (SKSE > Plugins)? I think i found it but I need to make sure.

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