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Everything posted by BurtFreeman

  1. it's unbelievable how stupid is that it's happend to me all the time too
  2. In response to post #30317760. SOLVED! if someone have the same problem you can fix with Autohotkey: http://www.autohotkey.com/ here the code i use to remap the wasd, e, r over the arrows, enter and delete key #SingleInstance Force #MaxHotkeysPerInterval 99999 #IfWinActive ahk_class Fallout4 #Persistent #UseHook Enter::e Delete::r Up::w Down::s Left::a Right::d
  3. keybinding is good and bad: most of the usefull action (take, all..) cannot be bind and make difficult key customization. accessibility was not in mind of the programmer-designer. hope it will be fixed in the next update, or by a modder. thought the favourites binding on numpad is wanderfull and match exactely what i'm doing with all games, wher is possible. edit: keybind is just terrible for those like me are using the arrows key, that you aspect is a working standard for movment. not at all: the workshop building navigation menu is hardcoded on the arrows key, so if you bind those key, you cannot move while in workshop. i also bind the wasd to other function, and i will not be able to use anyway. if anyone as a solution, please let me know.
  4. In response to post #30223685. #30224230, #30225285, #30225690, #30231320 are all replies on the same post. the beth rpg are so hudge that is pretty impossible to get out those bugs. anyway i like to put my hand on this game asap, instead of waiting years before they fix only some of them. a nice thing will be if beth will give bonus discount for those gamer that first report a bug. this way i surely play gratis the next title :) :)
  5. In response to post #30143175. #30145190, #30177365 are all replies on the same post. wath about nuka cola? in the main countdown time all you may not dislike a nuka break http://www.vtfilms.com/nukabreak/
  6. i propose the blu (cerulean or cobalt) as a color theme for the nexsus fallout 4 instead of the current green.
  7. i come across few time in unmotivated post delete. looking at the term of service, i think a regulation must be done by forum administrator/regulator, for offence and bad beaviour, instead of giving the ability at the modder to hiding even a constructive comment. this is almost an improper use of the forum, and what it represent since the very first days of it appereance. in other word, i do not see any motivation to collaborate posting, if my belive can be deleted without any reason. so in the future redesign of the site you may want to keep in mind this report. lot of reguards
  8. you need more attention on banners, as yesterday i was redirect too many times on a fraudolent web.
  9. it's getting even worse. impossible to download. :( start fine but then go for 5 hours downloads and finish incomplete. (i mean both of the servers) edit: no way to download.
  10. ATTENTION PLEASE: actually the endorsment system is bugged... back to some of my favorite mods i find out that some of my endorsment is missed up. probabiliy the cause is the new pop up system without a proper query check.
  11. In response to post #15660160. #15663120, #15664020, #15666490, #15666810, #15668080, #15668545, #15669105, #15712380 are all replies on the same post. @ tonycubed2: holy words, as always from you. :) i don't know why people still complain an easy life! i mean i'm not a modder, but if i'm using a mod a least i have to endorse it, this is what civilization tell us to do! nobody will force you to do, is something you have inside, the way to treat people that work for you with respect and friendship. here is all free, but most of the people not. give an endorsement is free, but someone have a little power to don't do that. this long talking tread means only one thing to me: who is never happy make me sad.
  12. In response to post #15711380. #15711475 is also a reply to the same post. is not for me, becouse i like the new way that save me a lot of time to go back to mod page for endorsment. but thank you for reply. ps: anyway, i think the endorsmant must be related on a game you browse.
  13. and for those who doesn't like the great new enorsment pop up, may be an option to disable on the preferences page could be optimal.
  14. i like the new implement to endors, but seems that need a quick fix on a query: actually i'm in skyrim nexsus, but seems that the pop up offer me also fallout nv endorsment mods. for the rest i really like this new approch on downloads
  15. they are just ideas, you don't have to do. anyway few more input Locaster made good job about the public punishment, since become king of riverhelm, and even better on the upcaming Become Jarl of Ivasted. about the beggar, i think changing the faction of the guard into beggar will be fine. about the days in the jail: the days doesn't matter, becouse the dialogue will be avaible only when the dovakin will go back to visit the jail (i think a trigger that count a days, for example 100, is not impossiblr to do). about redemption, once release the guy you must change the faction concording to the dialogue option, so you'll never arrest him again, at least if there is not a condition that the fellow become of the thieves faction again. about pitfighter - diseas: is just becouse you don't have to kill anybody: will be game events. about a Thane: you can think like a public prosecutor - district attorney: is not so far away from the reality that an important people have the most important job, like clean up a city from the criminality. At the end there is always a turn around to make simple what seem impossible. ciao, see you later
  16. my points of view: what the thane do in skyrim? not so much, so this mod could give a reasons to exist. A: things for the dovakin 1) you can arrest thief when you become Thane, and the captain of the guard will be a proper title. - the Thane can arrest people with bounty only on the proper thownship (put a bounty on the thieves make easy, so the thane can't make wild arrest) 2) the arrested people could go directly into the jail (like when guard arrest you), or a guard spawn on place and take care about. 3) also the thane can be bountyhunter: dead (kill & buried) or alive (brawl & imprison). A bounty could be collect from the jarl B: things for the bastards thievs 1) redemption (the thane must visit the guy): a second chance given to this felon applied on dialogue after a minimum x day of imprison: the option to give the freedom and change the faction could be like: - join the civil war of the dova faction - help to capture more boss (become you special follower - here must be think about) - choose a proper job (random based on a skill): servant, farmer, armoursmith, dragonslayer (********)... - exile (remove the npc from the game) 2) pitfighter (in this way they will kill each other and only one survive): fighting and win on the arena tourneament (must be anyplace, even the cage) will give the freedom, but without redemption = same bastards same faction 3) spread a random diseas so they will die in the jail (********) those felon that got freedom from the dovakin could enjoy a new guild called THE DRAGONSLAYERS (with basic setup in one place...), becouse the blade sucks: a dragonborn must to do what the blades say? i don't think so! C: things about the guards 1) the corrupted guards will lost their title and properties (if they have) 2) could become beggar, or join the thieves guild, so the thane can arrest them, or become assassin and ambush you, so you must kill them. 3) execution seems to much, but a public punishment on sunday afternoon coul give some fun at the people. 4) redemption, but the must go to jail for x days edit: + the concept of redemption could be apply in some way to the dovakin too: 1- after made some of the Thieves Guild quest, you could have an option for getting redemption, after become a thane. 2- if you become leader of the Thieves Guild, you could have a similar redemption option, to disband the guild or altering the identity: like a dragonborn you have a responsability and after a soul-searching you realize that the Thieves Guild members can pay for their guilty becoming the defendors of skyrim from the dragons attack and joing the DRAGONSLAYERS GUILD that will reside in the The Ragged Flagon: the members must follow a strict honour code after a vow. in this way you could disband the guild as soon as you become a thane or having more option to enjoy the Thieves Guild questline with the self-redemption at the end
  17. here is still going the virus http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25686 (manual download)
  18. In response to post #7686435. I'm agree with kitsuneshoujo: speak of terrorism in a video game site sound over sized. i think that word has to be cautely spoken in this time. if you start to speak about terrorism here, wich will be the limit?
  19. In response to post #7669482. #7670182, #7672707, #7672930, #7673264, #7673359, #7673517, #7673596 are all replies on the same post. i was generally talking (not happend to me): the matter was coming when i look for support on "quest: sea of ghosts" by thirteenorangees. always i read the posts, before to try a mod or to find out about a bug. the popular mods have thousands of users post, so when i looked into that was disappear, with all posts. anyway is true, this is the wrong thread to speak of this.
  20. In response to post #7673612. is true, is not the right place. anyway it was a conceptual talking.
  21. In response to post #7669482. #7670182, #7672707, #7672930, #7673264 are all replies on the same post. @Bunik: yeah! you'll right, but if i've posted somewhere, i would like to know why my post was deleted, becouse i wasnt banned, but my post was deleted. so in this case i'll like to read on the banned mod page few words that clear explain whats happend: i think this is the only right way. i enjoy the nexus community, but every time i must googling to find out what happend at home.
  22. In response to post #7673193. edit: for fallout use FOMM and oblivion OBMM
  23. For who is interested the NMM 0.43.2 is the most stable version and work pretty fine to me (don't use category neither import-export load order): you can get here the archived NMM releases http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/896029-nexus-mod-manager-release-notes/ and if you can't find here is the direct link http://dev.tesnexus.com/client/releases/Nexus%20Mod%20Manager-0.43.2.exe i suggest you go here first http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/896029-nexus-mod-manager-release-notes/ so you can read the history. 0.43.2: i only have a problem on uninstall mods that doesn't restore a previous files from overwrite, so i pay attention at the overwrites.
  24. In response to post #7669482. take it easy! i'm around also and i've seen the best modders banned from nexus. they put months of programming and nexus rise also from the work of those guy. where are they gone, where are the thousands of users post? all gone! there is no advice at all about whats happend, just gone. So thake it easy, becouse none is perfect. if you know the meaning of democracy and community you already know that everyone has the right of word, and is by the criticism that the world grow up (the only who doesn't listen are the kids). but if you like you can ask for make this area only for serious supporters and commenters. NOT children!
  25. In response to post #7658785. #7659055 is also a reply to the same post. COLUMN MANAGMENT: YES! YES! YES!
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