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Everything posted by South8028

  1. I installed a custom nif plugin in addition to the nif exporter. Now I can import models from the game, and see all the bgs tools used in this model. I found that all bethesda specialized nodes are bones. Therefore, you can add any node in 3ds max. To add, for example, a sound node, or a bs value node, you need to add a child bone with that name to the model. Just go to "command panel/systems/bones" create a bone, name it BSValueNode, set the desired direction. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16694 I used the nif plugin for max 2013 which is contained in this package. It allows you to import nif along with the animation, but the gamebryo animation manager only contains the first sequence. However, the plugin allows you to explore vanilla nifs and together with bgs exporter and hkt2014 you get virtually all the tools a game developer bethesda can have.
  2. There is a strange pbr in fo4. Does not reflect, but copies the image to the surface. Those if the character looks into the mirror, then the surface "reflects" his back, and vice versa. But it's still better than cubemaps.
  3. Why is such precision needed? The clock is almost a decorative element in the game. But, let it be once every half an hour? 24 sequences instead of 12? It would be enough for me to sync once an hour. I'm always at x1 speed. I can make speed x3. The length of the sequence will be 20 minutes. Can I initiate an event call and the desired sequence once per hour / half an hour of game time? Between syncs, let the arrows move decoratively (simply because the fewer keys, the smaller the nif size). I chose x1 speed because it ensures that the clock does not stop at the minimum game speed. But you can do nif's at once for all speeds. For example x1, x3, x6, x12, x20.those just set the animation speed to 1 fps, 3 fps... or 20 fps. And the sequence, respectively, = 3600 frames / 1200 frames / ... 180 frames.
  4. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/37617 There are a couple of remarks that simplify the method described in the article. I decided to share information. Perhaps someone will be useful. 1. This is a marker making for havok animation, similar to vanilla markers. With this marker, positioning an idle animation is very easy. Select a frame suitable for the marker. ResetX all the meshes needed for the marker. This will bake the animation frame in the mesh separately from the bones. Attach the arm meshes (head and furniture if needed) to the body mesh. Select all the bones and scene elements except for the marker mesh and delete them. Select all animation frames and delete. Assign a material to the BsEffectFx marker mesh. In the material, select the "Show" flag and a color for the marker. Select the Alpha Test flag. Export the marker to nif Static Art. After Elrich, select the marker's BsTriShape in the nifscope and uncheck the "Color" flag from Vertex Desc in BlockDetail. The BsEffectShaderProperty... In Shader Flags 1 should be Vertex_Alpha and ZBuffer_Test. In Shader Flag 2 - ZBufer_Write and Vertex_Color. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/GPvJs-NwE6doog Now in ck you can perfectly position the idle animation for furniture. No more wasting dozens of minutes trying to find the right position with vanilla markers. 2 point, which also drew attention to the furniture. If the havok animation has a complex interaction with the furniture (as in my case, when the hands touch the horizontal bar), the furniture should not have collisions in the places of this interaction. I don't know what could be the reason. Animated bones should move freely through collisions. But why don't they go through? Collision interferes. In general, sorry for my Google English. ) https://youtu.be/6w8t-MNydnw
  5. Although I don't know why you need a havok on the train (it's a normal gamebryo animation), but if you want I can give you rigs (I have a vanilla rig, and zaz zex rigs for max 2013). They are very easy to animate without motion capture. No more difficult than animating meshes. Export to hkx is also elementary. Even easier than exporting nif. Before I decided to try working with havok, I also thought it was devilishly difficult. But it turned out to be very easy.
  6. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/63357/ Various options. Clock, pendulum, door - separate nif's. The pendulum is a looped and voiced animation. Option 1 - one big 12 hour animation in real time 1 frame per second. The hour and minute hands are synchronized in real time. Option 2 - the same, but 12 sequences, an hour-long battle for every hour is sounded. 3 option. Static model + separate nif's hour and minute hands.
  7. https://youtu.be/mXsEypE4BKA So far, only a linear cycle of 12 hours. The minute and hour hands correspond to real time, but 1 frame per second. Game time does not show, but you can see how many real hours you are in the game. It is also interesting that such a long animation does not take up space. The whole nif is only 142kb. Probably because there are only 4 keys. When I made watches with a second hand, where every second was a key, the nif was huge. I'll do it tomorrow with 12 strings and an hour chime. And apparently the scale is needed more. Some small ones.
  8. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/FsPcoHvib0OX-A
  9. Thanks Ronin, good sound quality. ) I finished the clock, now need to make a texture. For me, texture is the most tedious part of creating a model.
  10. Why one hour? We can add a separate sound to each sequence. 1 hour - 1 ring, 12 hours - 12 rings. Accordingly, 12 sound files. Just need to find a beautiful sound. ) https://disk.yandex.ru/i/BT-TSydMy0As8Q
  11. ck is a tool for moders. bethesda doesn't make in ck games. ck was compiled from new and old tools by bethesda itself and ck for Skyrim in 2016. As far as it's been discussed in some threads, bethesda workstations don't even have Windows. The level editor itself is a game engine with a bunch of additional libraries with bgs tools. This allows you to build in real time. Those, they can add the resource in real time, in game rendering, and see how it behaves. Customize it, make changes during the execution of the game scenario. They make their games in the CK, whether it's a version that is slightly different to the one that is released to the public doesn't matter. The name also doesn't matter. The CK has been around since Morrowind, altough it was named differently back then. It's their tool to build the world and implement the quests. You can literally see this by watching all the documentaries about their games and it has been explicitly stated by BGS themselves. The CK somehow using/loading parts of the engine is also given, but this doesn't contradict the fact that you can just use an early build of the engine as long as it's compatible with the CK/running properly to start building, which was the point that I made. Just watch a making of of one of their games or listen to their GDC talks. You'll see what I mean and get a better understanding of how they actually make their games. Bethesda's internal tool like ck doesn't have to be ck. ) This topic has already been discussed several times on ll, and no one knows anything exactly how the bethesda station works. People build hypotheses and nothing more. Someone from the Beth reps said something about the fact that they work on something similar to ck - I don't care about this, because I myself have not seen their internal tool. Anything can be said. I personally believe that Beth has a tool many times more powerful than ck. Logically, this is most likely a virtual machine based on ce itself. The game is made directly in the engine itself, simply because it is hundreds of times faster than doing it in primitive ck.
  12. there is no problem to shove as many animations as you like into one nif. I already make clocks, but others, outdoor, large. Animating the second hand is nonsense, there is nothing complicated about it. But in old watches there is no second hand, or very rarely. I have a 19th century German clock at home. They do not have a second hand. The only difficulty is the pendulum. I will do it separately. Simply because it needs to be voiced, and to voice tens of minutes of the monotonous "tick-tock" for the sake of one pendulum is idiocy. Each sequence is just as easy to sound like an hour-long chime. Each hour has its own sound descriptor. In general, one - two days, and I will make this watch. Let people versed in scripts mess with them further, if they want.
  13. Yes, the pendulum can be animated separately, as a separate nif. Nif's can be assembled by ref_attach_node, or even hung on bs connect point. But there is no problem to animate the pendulum at once in one nif. Just animate one swing left-right, select the pendulum mesh, hold shift, move-copy keys, select all keys again, hold shift, copy. Thousands of frames will take about five minutes.The clock itself does not make sense to cut into separate nif's. Nif can have any number of sequences for all arrow positions, and these sequences can be run from a script. Such mods have already been done many times by people. But for an approximate playing time, you only need 12 sequences. I don't know why the game needs a very precise time. It's just an advanced decor element.
  14. Just need to make a ready-made clock, and get people who are well versed in scripts to experiment with these clocks. One person cannot master everything in the world. Otherwise, he will somehow understand everything, but he will not understand anything well.
  15. ck is a tool for moders. bethesda doesn't make in ck games. ck was compiled from new and old tools by bethesda itself and ck for Skyrim in 2016. As far as it's been discussed in some threads, bethesda workstations don't even have Windows. The level editor itself is a game engine with a bunch of additional libraries with bgs tools. This allows you to build in real time. Those, they can add the resource in real time, in game rendering, and see how it behaves. Customize it, make changes during the execution of the game scenario.
  16. I'm honestly afraid to ask but: How big are your worldspaces? It took Bethesda years to finish the Commonwealth worldspace with a whole team and it's quite large imho. So I assume that you're going for like super large projects?What other years? ) It took ~6 months from the end of work on the new engine in 2015 to the release of fo4. Bethesda made fo4 in 6 months. Could you please elaborate on that. I don't quite get what you're saying. Do you mean that they did the whole worldspace and all of its interiors plus all of the quests and testing in just 6 months? Yeah. Most likely, packages ... Models, animations, textures, sounds, etc., were prepared before, and by the end of work on the engine, or in the process, they were exported to fo4 formats. But the assembly of the whole game itself: the world, interiors, main and minor quests, was done in about 6 months. It is also known that the game was mercilessly cut, just to be in time for the release. The script was simplified 3 times. Remained concept art from the original plot. There is nothing left of the intended game. I honestly highly doubt that. Why would you need a final build of the game to be able to run it or for the CK to function? Why not just use "WIP" builds of the game as soon as they become available? This makes no sense from a game design(especially Bethesda's approach) and programming point of few. Bethesda uses an iterative design process and they, afaik, want to get to a playable state asap. E.g.: Do the layout of a level, throw in some test navmesh and test it immediately - which obviously requires them to have at least something to run as soon as they start LD work in any capacity, even if it's just a super early version of the game they're currently working on. And then they just add things as they become available or upgrade things along the way. You don't need an executable or even the CK to create assets anyway. All you need is the measurements of a given object and the position of pivot points to start work on the core kits for the modular LD system or pretty much any other object for that matter. But even if you can theoretically build them before you start working on the game, you want to actually test them ingame asap to iron out any potential bugs and to get feedback and obviously also to put your level designers to work. Additionally, I highly doubt that they did all of the level design, quest implementation and testing in just six month. While the guys at Bethesda may be fast, this is just way too little time, especially considering that the core team that worked on F4 was actually fairly small when compared to other companies in the industry who work on similar games in terms of size and complexity. Well, it turns out that way, if you believe the dates that were announced. In 13 they started working on the engine, only at 15 they announced that the work on the engine was finished, after 6 months they released the game. ) I don't know if it's possible to edit levels without a ready-made engine? At the same time, according to Todd Howard, the actors began recording future dialogues / monologues right in 13. ) Bethesda released an album of concept art by their artists from '14 where we can't recognize anything other than what looks like Sanctuary Hills.
  17. it wouldn't work with 12 animations, as soon as the timescale is changed. For example: I like to slow down the game time so day & nighttime take longer. This would mean the animations would be to fast and stop for a while each hour.Since the speed of the animation is not affected by the timescale. The speed of the animation doesn't matter. Sequences are not tied to linear frame playback, they are switched by events corresponding to a counter that triggers these events every game hour. For example, the game time is 1 p.m. = the playidle_01 sequence, represented by the animation of the movement of the arrows in the given range. Game time 2pm = sequences playidle_02... And so on. In general, you would need a script capable of triggering the desired event at a given game time. Of course, we would not be able to achieve absolutely accurate values ​​of the intro time. But analog game clocks don't need that. They would work correctly in the range of hours, and they would simulate operation in the range of minutes. I would fit for sure, because I always play in real time x1.Another little observation. By themselves, animations for some reason do not eat fps at all (if they do not have physics). If they eat fps, then this is noticeably ten times less compared to using high-resolution textures and high-poly objects. Considering that many people dress up crowds of npc in clothes weighing a million polygons with a dozen 4k textures, the impact on animation fps can be estimated in hundredths of a percent.
  18. I'm honestly afraid to ask but: How big are your worldspaces? It took Bethesda years to finish the Commonwealth worldspace with a whole team and it's quite large imho. So I assume that you're going for like super large projects?What other years? ) It took ~6 months from the end of work on the new engine in 2015 to the release of fo4. Bethesda made fo4 in 6 months. Could you please elaborate on that. I don't quite get what you're saying. Do you mean that they did the whole worldspace and all of its interiors plus all of the quests and testing in just 6 months? Yeah. Most likely, packages ... Models, animations, textures, sounds, etc., were prepared before, and by the end of work on the engine, or in the process, they were exported to fo4 formats. But the assembly of the whole game itself: the world, interiors, main and minor quests, was done in about 6 months. It is also known that the game was mercilessly cut, just to be in time for the release. The script was simplified 3 times. Remained concept art from the original plot. There is nothing left of the intended game.
  19. If you know how to make such a clock - let me know. I think you just need to make 12 sequences and use some kind of script that switches these sequences every hour. I'm not good at scripting, so I animated (can't remember) something like 42k frames. It turned out a huge nif in ~ 5mb. The arrows regularly show the time, but not the game time, but the conditional one. Just 12/1728/42k revs for 42k frames.
  20. I'm honestly afraid to ask but: How big are your worldspaces? It took Bethesda years to finish the Commonwealth worldspace with a whole team and it's quite large imho. So I assume that you're going for like super large projects?What other years? ) It took ~6 months from the end of work on the new engine in 2015 to the release of fo4. Bethesda made fo4 in 6 months.
  21. I'm trying to animate a horizontal bar. For animation, I respectively need 3 hkx files (input, main animation, output). To avoid abrupt transitions between animations, it is most convenient to cut these 3 hkx from one single animation. Accordingly, I remove the extra keys, then shift the keys to the zero frame and export these 3 hkx separately. But in the second and third hkx, an incomprehensible error always occurs. Root falls along the Z axis by an arbitrary amount. Moreover, with each export, this value is different. If you do not cut the animation, then there is no such problem. However, doing an animation for each hkx from the beginning is extremely inconvenient.Does anyone know a solution to this problem, or maybe there is at least a theory why this is happening? https://disk.yandex.ru/i/v9tB8xFgv9Cx_Q
  22. In ce, absolutely everything can be implemented. There is nothing that would be impossible. Transport is quite possible to do, just a lot of fuss for the sake of a modest result. All modern engines can do pretty much the same thing, the differences are only in tools and descriptions of these tools. Only ue and unity have more than ce tools and documentation. However, these engines are aimed at indie game developers, not modders. I use fo4 precisely because I want to make some specific models and scenes, and not develop an entire game. I think, as a render and stand, the fo4 is just gorgeous. Also, soon we will have Starfield, and it is likely that new features, since all ce tools now belong to one owner.Microsoft.
  23. These specialized nodes and bethesda controllers are probably contained in the libraries of the engine itself. I don't know how to create them in 3ds max. Maybe there are some tools for this, but I have not yet found them in the bgs exporter.
  24. @South8028Thanks for explaining that bit about the addon flag a bit clearer than what i read on another post.... It works great I had it all done several times and couldnt see it in game till now... Whick leaves the question.. How to adjust/edit the range and intensity ? is this done in Nifskope ?...Because i dont see any values for that. Or is it done perhaps in FOedit ? In one of the threads here on the forum, Chuck Yufarly shared with us a tutorial detailing everything about making fo4 lighting fixtures.https://disk.yandex.ru/d/OYJYi75ltAqY_A
  25. Easily added to nifscop. In the BlockList window, right-click on the NiNode to which you want to attach the BsValueNode. ->Node/AttachNode->Select BsValueNode from the list. Select the added BsValueNode - go to BlockDetails. Click on the txt icon in the Name column - name it with any arbitrary name. For example AddOnNode666. Go to the Value column and add the ID number BsAddOnNode from ck if this Node is needed for the light spot. Also, in order for addOnNode to work, you need to go to the BSX flag in BlokDetail, click on it and check the Addon checkbox. The direction of the light is controlled by Transform. Extend a little Node in the desired direction and rotate the axis towards that direction.In max, creating a bsValueNode doesn't make sense because it's a special type of node, not an arbitrary mesh name. You can only add empty nodes (if you need them for some reason), to which you then attach BsValueNode in Nifscop.
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