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Everything posted by South8028

  1. You have to ask Chuck Yufarley. He's an expert on rays. I'm setting up rays in nifscop. Max is useless for this. At first glance, the ratio of Falloff Start Angle to Falloff Stop Angle controls the alpha channel (the ratio of the transparency of the beginning and end of the beam) My ideal beam in nifscop, I adjust simply relying on the appearance. https://disk.yandex.ru/i/uvY2nkOhGwqVhQ Another good trick is to spin the beam in max at high speeds. I now always twist the rays. So they look perfect in the game.
  2. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/apcVVKe03x5pqw Gift for people using max 2013 with bgs_exporter/hct2014. For a long time I could not find rigs for max 2013, but finally I found it. The archive contains male and female rigs from the 3rd person. rig.txt with bones for hct. hko presset for hct. Screenshots with instructions for setting up hct and exporting hkx. Exporting to hkx is easy. You can animate the rig, export the animation to hkx from 3ds max, and use it in the game right away. The advantage of max 2013 with bgs exporter is that you can make furniture, objects and animated gamebryo mechanisms along with havok animation. Export separately nif's and hkx, linking them in ck. You can also create markers for your idle animations. I also recommend f4ak from ShadeAnimator (available on the nexus). It has a great tutorial on havok animations.
  3. "turnOn, turnOff" sequences work without a script. They are used in several vanilla switches. Where, in addition to a short animation (for example, moving a lever on / off), looped On, Off animations are required. In total, there are, like, 12 sequences in such nif's (I dont I remember, but here they are from some past topic https://disk.yandex.ru/d/lEO-ecL2go-C2g). What is contained in workshop.hkx, you can probably see if you open it as xml. Today I just read a tutorial on import / export / convert hkx. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16694 By the way, thanks for hct, I'm already with might and main I'm making havok animations Tomorrow I'll post a rig and pressset for max 2013. It will be possible to make furniture with custom havok animations.
  4. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/62755 I posted it on the nexus as a resource for moders. With difficulties. It turned out to be difficult... Filling out a bunch of lines of s#*!, like I'm signing a contract for life with the planetary Mars Corporation, and not just posting one stupid file for the game. ) Write if someone needs sources in 3ds. Models can be easily animated for a bunch of other manufacturing operations. Also, if someone needs models not as furniture, then I can change the sequences so that the models can be turned off and on and connected to power.
  5. A hookah is a must. For the crowd to gather, sit around the hookah with the Black Widow, time slowed down, the dialogues slowed down,smoke in the air slowed down, and npc's began to giggle.)
  6. https://gamer-mods.ru/load/fallout_4/bronja/terminator_t_800/126-1-0-6163
  7. Sorry, it says your archive is either incomplete or damaged, i can't open it. I don't know if this helps, but a quick search netted this result https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/36702?tab=files&file_id=159153Well, I don't know why you couldn't open the archive. I tried, everything opened up for me. This is a regular rar. This folder contains all currently existing rig's. But, in principle, it does not matter. I will give a link to the original zaz archive in the form in which I downloaded it from the nexus. At the moment, the author has already removed it from the nexus due to a change in the nexus policy last year.https://disk.yandex.ru/d/LIta2mun9VVwPQ I hope this works for you. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v2qtJGOjb56GAshuI0Lfn8wkR0iD5iSP/view?usp=sharing I watched. You lost bones during the export. Take a closer look. The original installation is 4 times larger. I need bones, not meshes and guides. I need a rig just for the sake of the skeleton.Okay thank you. I don't want to distract you.
  8. Sorry, it says your archive is either incomplete or damaged, i can't open it. I don't know if this helps, but a quick search netted this result https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/36702?tab=files&file_id=159153Well, I don't know why you couldn't open the archive. I tried, everything opened up for me. This is a regular rar. This folder contains all currently existing rig's. But, in principle, it does not matter. I will give a link to the original zaz archive in the form in which I downloaded it from the nexus. At the moment, the author has already removed it from the nexus due to a change in the nexus policy last year.https://disk.yandex.ru/d/LIta2mun9VVwPQ
  9. You have max 2015, could you export the zaz zex fg rig to fbx 2013 for me? https://disk.yandex.ru/d/apcVVKe03x5pqw
  10. All custom meshes must match existing skeletons and animations in the game. If they don't fit, then you'll have to become a professional havok animator. If your meshes fit vanilla skeletons... Then ideally you would rig those bones with your meshes in 3ds max, tweak and export all parts to nif's. Or skin your bone meshes in os. But in os you have to fix things many times by watching how your dice behave in the game and manually adjusting the weights with a brush. It's not super hard though. Because for robots, almost all weights are red.
  11. https://disk.yandex.ru/i/hUuRu8TXy36xHw I have almost nothing lore. I don't like lore fallout and retrofuturism design. That's why I don't post anything. Because it has nothing to do with fo4. The game for me is nothing more than a renderer for models.
  12. If making them invisible can make the game buggy, would it be easier, to just make them visible, and just look like small speakers or radios that can be tucked away out of sight?If someone wants to make a mod, then I can easily make such nif's that he needs. These nif's I have not tested. I assigned them the material havok - actor ghost and they have a collision. They should become visible when hovering over them in workshop mode.
  13. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/zh9U0jXnHTS9Vg If anyone wants to make a mod... There are several nif's in the archive with sound loops from 1 to 32 seconds. Screenshots with instructions for adding sound are also in the archive. All you need to do: 1.Record your wav with a duration of 1,2,8,16,32 seconds. 2. Add the names of your sound soundNode to nifscope. 3. Add nif and descriptor with the same name as you specified in nifscope in creation kit to your future esp (esl). Based on these nifs, you can make as many sounds for the workshop as you like. If you need, I can make meshes visible in workshop mode and invisible in game mode. But I do not recommend it, because the engine is often buggy and with a large number of such objects it stops switching them to invisibility.
  14. Thanks for your input, and i appreciate that its simple, but I'm not a modder, I play exclusively on xbox, I don't even own a PC, so I'm reliant on others creating mods. But thanks anyway.I can make such a nif in five minutes, but you still have to change the names of the descriptors for your own sounds in the nifscope yourself, and add wav to the descriptors in the creation kit. Obviously this is not possible without a pc. I don't know what is required for xbox.
  15. It's simple. An invisible mesh with a collision and a havok material assigned (eg actor skeleton) and a simple animation sequence (SpecialIdle is the most convenient because the object with this sequence can be any static object), number of frames = soundNode descriptor sound duration. You can add a bs connect point for quick attachment.
  16. You will need 3ds 2013, bgs exporter and Elrich. You will have to import nv meshes (or whatever, you can just as well from some Death Stranding) into 3ds, create a collision, assign materials, export them to nif and pass them through elrich. The bottom line is that each version of the ce engine uses tools that are different from previous versions.Fo3 and NV, as far as I remember, generally on gamebryo. The first game on CE is Skyrim. And even Skyrim models are already incompatible with FO4.
  17. Perhaps these tags are name morphs. Those each animation described by the morph is a linear change in the state of the model from 0 to 1. Then, if we had a framework, a certain menu that has sliders with the names of these tags, then we could select the state (stop at any frame of this morph - animation ). For example, make the door half open. ) If so, then we could control the animation. For example, interrupt the "forward" flight animation and start the "left" animation from that point. In general, fully manage animations. I think that's what these morphs are for.
  18. You have not created sequences in the gamebryo animation manager. It is in Max script, along with the other bs scripts. Open it, specify the parent mesh or scene helper as actor. Name your sequence. Sequence names can be found in vanilla nif's. Or come up with your own and run them from a script. You can find out the structure just by examining vanilla and custom nif's in nifscope. Also, for everything to work, you must remember that the group of child animated meshes must be linked to the parent via a helper. Unlike ue, gamebryo uses only one helper.
  19. I think turrets won't fire through collision. The turret is a creature and its rules of behavior are identical to other creatures. They "see" the collision. In the game, when you go around a corner, the turret does not open fire. They shoot at you only when there are no obstacles between you. But, ideally, it's best to make sure that the panels recline and the power of the turrets turns on at the same time. Obviously, the panels should react to the enemy, not the turret. So the panels have a trigger, and the trigger is able to work as a switch and turn on the power of the turrets.
  20. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/37617 I only saw this tutorial for furniture. I myself can only create static animations of activators, items and furniture without using havok. They are triggered by the usual sequences described in the extra data of vanilla nifs, or by custom ones from scripts. If you need to create simple static animations, then I can answer most questions. But I haven't contacted havok yet. Only with gamebryo. https://youtube.com/channel/UCpUeghQ8EQKG4bgYXwwaHpA
  21. I have not seen this tutorial. Thanks for sharing. I will study. I myself have never done animation for weapons. Made one furniture animation using hkx based on two tutorials. This one, which I downloaded from ll, and a tutorial on custom animations for furniture. I would like to learn about clothing animation. So I'm interested in havok from this point of view. Weapons don't interest me at all. I learned to animate clothes only as texture animation, - uv animation. Or as an animation of meshes linked via a bone controller. But such animations do not work with skeleton bones. If I make a skin with skeleton bones - clothing animations stop working. Therefore, I will also have to learn havok. (But havok pisses me off. Because it's probably the most unfriendly engine in the world.) After ue and unity, havok will pass for the quantum theory of gravity. )
  22. https://disk.yandex.ru/i/Whu66QXsFPJMnQ Well, it was a link to ll. Almost everyone who works with bones in fo4 sits on ll, regardless of the content. Even if you don't like sex with toy characters, it's worth signing up to ll for the information. ) Also, I don't quite understand what you need. If you just run gamebryo animations (animation of static objects), then you don't need any havok. You only need Havok if you want to animate creatures along with static objects.
  23. Gamebryo is easy to run without havok, since initially this engine is not related to havok in any way. Animations are triggered using vanilla sequences, or scripted with custom sequences. Vanilla sequences ~20-30 keywords. They run without scripts. Havok does not initiate gamebryo sequences, but simply synchronizes the bones with these animations via hkx files. You need to make a general animation of the fittings along with the bones. Then separately export the gamebryo animation with sequences and separately export the bone animation to hkx. Both animations can be linked in ck like a furniture animation. People have done this many times, but it's like dancing with a tambourine and a test sent by the devil. All who did this did not leave more than one adequate textbook. https://www.loverslab.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=320702
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