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Everything posted by EijiroTono

  1. Hey Athanasa, co-author on the project here. Please feel free to audition if you like. Of the female parts Cherry, Mamie and Sunny would be the ones that have the most flexibility on their accent. We do have a preference toward American accents because of the setting but we are open to other possibilities.
  2. I'm pretty lost right now being new to scripting. After trying to find a working example in the CK or a tutorial close to what I want to do as a starting point I've come up empty handed. I've come here hoping to get some idea of how to begin to tackle it. I've looked at the CK wiki and I think I vaguely know some of what needs to be done. Problem is I'm not sure how to cobble it all together, assuming I'm on the right track to begin with. What I'm want to do is have an actor ask the player to bring them (x) amount of Item 1 and (x) amount of Item 2 or (x) amount of Item 3 to set the next stage. Item three is a component and I'd like to have the player be able to give any item that counts toward it (Shipments, Scraps, etc.). Along with this I'd like for the player to be able to deliver some of the items and have a counter tracking how many they've brought so far. It doesn't matter whether the actor actually receives the items or not. I don't know if it'd be easier to have the player dump the items into a locker or the like and just check to see if enough is in there or have them removed from their inventory and disappear into nothingness. Any advice or tutorials anyone can point me to would be appreciated.
  3. Hello there. I'm very close to releasing a companion mod but I've run into an problem that I'm not even entirely sure is a problem honestly. When I murder someone in front of the new companion it triggers the message of them hating it but not the scene where they tell the player to cut it out. Now I'd assume it was an error on my part but it's not even happening with vanilla companions with or without mods active. I've not been playing the game much lately outside play testing so I can't remember whether it's suppose to happen straight away or is just a matter of chance. After killing countless NPCs in various ways (A bunch at a time. One, sleep three days and then another) and nothing happening but more hate messages I'm unsure of whether there's anything I need to be doing at all. All the scripts look in order so maybe it's fine. If anyone has any thoughts on what to try or if this is just normal vanilla behavior it'd be appreciated. Thanks.
  4. Rotating didn't seem to change the direction of the current for what I already have in place. Maybe I've been eye balling this thing too long though and am missing subtle differences. Best I can tell almost all water activators are flowing south to north for me but I did find one that's going north to south so my problem is solved. I honestly wouldn't have thought to keep trying different ones. Maybe my CK is just being wonky today when I was rotating and what have you (I did refresh the render window to see if maybe it just didn't update straight away). Either way thanks for the help!
  5. As the title says I can't seem to work out how I make the water I've set down change directions. I'm working in an exterior cell and it's a water activator I'm trying to change. I've looked for tutorials, including ones for Skyrim, but haven't found anything that's cleared it up for me. When I edit the activator there's a section called Water Current but that seems to only make the water push an actor in different directions without visually changing anything. I tried putting down a cellwatercurrentmarker, as suggested in a Skyrim tutorial, which also gave no new result. Not sure what else to try or if I'm already close to what's required but missing something. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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