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  1. It is notworthy that even female modders tend to create cute female followers...
  2. By now, this old classic could really make use of an rewrite. Just sticking with with the default body and skeleton would fix a lot of these problems. Right now I say the "body wars" has ended in a tie with CBBE and the new UUNP, both compatible with Bodyslide so each one can get the body they really want and have plenty of outfits to easily convert for them.
  3. Well not so much request as a suggestion for bored modders. Metallurgy, ever asked yourself why the Skyforge is so special? Skyforge steel but are there any background in reality that can be used as inspiration? A hint to what I am after lays with the legendary Ulfberts swords used but some of the most wealthy vikings, legedary high quality sword able to withstand a lot more punishment then other contemperary weapons. Modern resarch show that the Ulfberhts was made of crusible steel a steel a lot more pure then avalible in the region hinting at the ingots having been imported from central asia. The mod: Skyforge steel are unique not in that it can only be forged at the Skyforge, any forge will the do but only a very hot forge, like the Skyforge can manufacture the Skyforge steel ingots from regular steel or iron. The process of how to do this is a secret of the Greymane family. To learn to do this, save a missing son and the secret will be shared with you. To manufacture the ingots only a very hot forge can be used, there are three such forges in Skyrim. The Skyforge, the Riften forge after it been fuled with fire salts and the Eternium forge. I found a documentary named "Secrets of the Viking Sword" that show the real world process of recreating the process to create crucible steel (real world Skyforge steel) and the smithing of a new Ulfberht quality weapon. Next: It always annoyed me the ancient nords use what appear to be steel weapons, it is just not ancient enough for me. I suggest replacing their weapons and armor with bronze instead! Polish it up and it will look like gold. Weapons need to be given new models, suggestibly based on actual nordic bronze age weapons.
  4. Congratulation and welcome. Did you have to have to duel to the death with the last contestants or have they gone soft recently? //silly of
  5. This happens with followers I try to recruit, sometimes the first one. Sometimes I can fix this by changing load order about, cleaning mods etc but most times, nothing short of a new game works, if the modsetup is correct. What I am after is to once and for all find out what causes this and get it fixed. There got to be more than me that get this bug from time to time but so far, I haven't found anyone with this problem. I am tired of having to restart again over and over again considering how far one need to play to get ones first follower and then try to recruit a second one.
  6. Sometimes, and with different mod setups I get this weird bug coming up that make followers either refuse to join or they pretend to join, that is they "accept" then do not join. The "set playerfollowercount to x" command is useless for this, the problem is that this command, regardless of number put in are utterly ignored, even to the point that a follower I DO have in party are NOT removed when the limit are set to 0. I have from time to time experienced this when running UFO and now when I tried the new "Follower Mod" in a new game it happened again. It appears to me that there is some underlying bug that have persisted for years that cause this and well, I would like to find a fix that actually solves this once and for all, even if it is in the form of a whole bug fix mod.
  7. If you have not already, make sure to use the unofficial skyrim patch and it's DLC versions. Actually those "unofficial" patches are pretty much official thease days. They fix a lot of bugs and are frequently updated. I cannot swear that it will fix your persistent dragon problem but something I run does and I suspect those patches.
  8. What people can do to avoid the library's fines for late books...
  9. I concurr that we need fiddles, and maybe even bagpipes. Both are at least medival instruments that would fit well in Skyrim. It would be nice with some stationary instruments as well. Anduniel above have an organ in her Anna's followers mod. In the new Solitude chatedral, reachable through a door in the temple. It would be nice if it was playable.
  10. Would be fun and used potions should leave an empty bottle behind. The same should go for wine bottles. This could also open up quests from alchemists running low on bottles and sometimes offer to pay something extra for them. Further some volatile concoctions may react with a cheap bottle giving an incentive to have bottles of various qualities. There could be a certain risk of failure brewing potions in a simple bottle and the more advanced potions could face an higher risk. Maybe open up a new field of crafting for glass items. Not only potion and wine bottles but also sheet glass for construction and tableware and so on.
  11. It wound not necessarily make her dragonborn, thou is is possible. An interesting thought, Barenziah's son Helshet was king of Morrowind during the Morrowind game (Elderscrolls III) so she does have an connection to the royal family there. And as an daughter of Tiber Septim she would be in the line of succession if this was known. Most likely documents exists somewhere and the empire seem to be in the need of a new emperor/empress. If such a person could peacefully haul in Morrowind as well, it would have an significant effect. Also, I doubt that Black Marsh are to eager to make an enemy of the Empire so this could be very useful.
  12. I have at times put guard armour on my followers and really taken my position as thane seriously. It is great fun taking down bandits that threaten my hold this way. A bit of cheating with blacksmithing will keep the outfit viable and cloaks of skyrim have hold specific cloaks to help other gear like plate and robes still feal like uniforms.
  13. Oops, accidental double post. Cannot delete on my phone.
  14. Be warned that it all but impossible to imitate a voice good enough to make it seamless. Usually an imitated voice, added to lines spoken by another actor mix badly. For the Isran example, once one have found an actor capable to sound similar, record ALL Israns lines, and totally remove the original voice actor for a better result.
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