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  1. Also does anyone know how to create a continual health damage effect? I want to bring back the Oblivion sun damage effect.
  2. Well I pretty much figured out everything. A few things I cant do until we get access to dawnguard scripts, but w/e. Basically anything you add to vanilla scripts will work in dawnguard so long as they are not being specifically overwritten by dawnguard scripts..... So if i create a new ability and use the vanilla scripts to add it when you become a vampire it will add to danwguard vamp lords as well. But if I just edit lets say, the vanilla weakness to fire from 25 to like 300 it will get overwritten by the new dawnguard scripts which change it to 20. At least I think... unless this edit is created in a custom esp that is loaded after dawnguard... thereby overwriting the danwguard scripts.... hmmm tests!!!! Anyway thanks enchiwhatever for enlightening me to the cr thing!!! I believe you are absolutely correct MacManChomp thanks too, custom perks are usually the way to go. You know you can use the console to set shout regen to 0. I did it once and went around spamming fus ro dah on rapid fire. Pretty fun. Would be cool as a perk. A question though about perks. Barbarian an Armsman both edit weapon damage by 20,40,60,80 % and they both seem to use the same method, that is using the perk entry point "mod attack damge" and "multiply value" function. So how do the do perks differentiate between one handed or two handed weapons??? Do you know? On a related note what does AbFortifyMeleeDamage do? Trying to create a vampire ability that boosts weapon damage to give the illusion of increased strength and im not sure whether to create custom perks mimicking armsman and barabarian and use them as the effects of abilities or just use AbFortifyMeleeDamage. Thanks again.
  3. nvm figured it out. How do I delete this thread now??
  4. im having the same exact problem...... The spells just will not add.
  5. Okay been trying to find answers for a while in several different threads so Im making a new topic with this specific query, How do I get custom abilities to automatically add to the player when they become a vampire? in PlayerVampireQuestScript there are sections for each level of vampirism. One section says ElseIf VampireStage == 1 and then has code to add vampire abilities such as Champion of the night (AbVampireSkills) . So all i did was create a new ability in CK called AbVampireSkills03 which is simply waterbreathing. Then I went into the script and added Player.AddSpell(ABVampireSkills03, abVerbose = False) as well as SPELL Property AbVampireSkills03 Auto and made sure that the script reference of AbVampireSkills03 was pointing to the spell AbVampireSkills03, which like I said is a spell whose effect is waterbreathing. The problem is when I become a vampire, the power will not add to the player.... I know the power works because I can use player.addspell in the console to add it. It just will not add when you become a vampire. So how do you get the script to add it? Thanks.
  6. I have a leveled health regen ability, waterbreathing and fall damage for vampires that works except I cant seem to get it to automatically add to the player at each stage of vampirism. I edited playervampirequestscript and tried to that but it wont do anything. Anyone know how to get custom abilities to automatically add to the player at each state of vampirism?
  7. would we necessarily need the scripts? Ive been trying to add new vampire abilities by simply editing the scripts, but it hasnt exactly been working. Then I tried just writing a new custom script and I've had more success. Im not very good at scripting things but to me it seems like the way to go is just to write our own.
  8. Im trying to some similar stuff. My issue is once I have the abilities created, how do I get them to add to the player and at the various stages. I tried adding them to PlayerVampireQuestScript but it didnt do anything... so idk... ANy help would be much appreciated.
  9. and im stuck again.... I created a new ability, just water breathing and named it vampire lungs. Saved it to an esp all good. esp is checked and loaded. Went to PlayerVampireQuest script and went to the section if vampire stage = 1 and I put addspell and then added my new unique ability. Which should work But doesnt. So how to I add the new abilities to my character?
  10. How did you even edit your scripts?? I loaded them in ck and all it tells me is it cant open them because they arent in the scripts folder and Im like no s***.... Any help?
  11. Hey how do you access DLC1PlayerVampireQuest script? Is it only accessible through CK? Cause I know vanilla PlayerVampireQuest is accessible as a loose script in data/scripts/source/ but I couldnt find the dlc scripts. Im asking cause Im adding vampire abilities and need to the scripts to add them properly, editing PlayerVampireQuest got it working with vanilla vampires but not vampire lord vampires (dawnguard ones). Anyhelp would be greatly appreciated.
  12. Thanks for the replies, I figured out a bunch already like I said. I just edited one of the vampire scripts but it seems to only effect vanilla vampires. I would have to find a way to tweak dawnguard vampire lord vampires in order to have the full effect but there dont seem to be any scripts for the dlc. Ive looked into writing extended scripts but Im kind of lost and not really sure if it would even work. So if anyone knows anything about Dawnguard scripts let me know.
  13. So in case anyone has seen this I figured out a bunch of stuff but does anyone know if there dawnguard dlc uses its own scripts? Like I can just create a bunch of new abilities in the ck and then edit PlayerVampireQuestScript to have them add to the player. THe only issue is this script appears to using vanilla vampire abilities and not dlc vampire lord abilities. So my concern is that even if I do all this it wont effect dlc vampire lords. Unless there is a dlc edit to the script or a new script. Unless Im missing something.
  14. Idk dude Im in the same position. Trying to add new vampire abilities with scripts but can only do so with vanilla vampires because thats the only script I can find, which isnt terrible but I want vampire lords to share in them as well.... Let me know if you find out anything.
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