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Everything posted by JotTeGe

  1. So I would really like to have a possibility to call allied and enemy reinforcements, using their respective vehicles to arrive. F.e. some voodoo boys or other gang reinforcements in one of their cars or some MaxTech Reinforcements using a dropship. Reinforcements could be requested by phone for money or Cyberscript UI. That would be awesome.
  2. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13115 This mod actually does the thing I want (minus the ability to use the Vertibird that arrives as a vehicle, I simply need a soldier drop), but for the Minutemen instead of the BoS. How would I best look inside that mod for taking a look at that one feature and how it was done? (Seeing as it is quite a big mod with many different features).
  3. Hello, I copied and edited the BoS Vertibird grenade, including projectile etc. and edited it. One thing I do not understand is how the actual effect of the Vertibird being created and sent towards the player location is done and attached to the grenade. Does anybody know roughly how this is done? Thanks for any help!
  4. I would love a mod which would add smoke grenades which would call a BOS Vertibird which would drop some Reinforcements (Knights, Paladins, etc. according to player level). I know there is stuff like FCOM, but I would like the BOS Reinforcement grenade for the immersion and also it being lightweight (no command menus and reinforcements should either not follow the player or only for a short while). I tried to do this mod once myself, but I struggled and failed to do it. Thank you for your suggestions. Edit: Also maybe somebody with modding experience could give me some information or guidance on how to do a mod like this one? So far I only created some followers.
  5. I absolutely love the Edit Lord mod which lets you edit your own troops, but is there a similar mod to edit other Party Leader's Troops?
  6. I used to be able to grant mercenaries fiefs and I really liked it. Sadly this changed in the newest update I think. I often thought it would be great to be able to recruit mercenaries. But it should be hard to do and expensive of course. I would really like to see a mod that would improve interaction with mercenaries.
  7. Thanks. I know FCOM. But also in their files I could not really figure out how they did certain things. For me personally the mod is, while being great on a technical point, kind of immersion breaking. A BoS Knight just being able to request and command Paladins or other Knights in Squads? As far as I remember FCOM only checks affiliation and not ranks in a faction. Hence I want a simple grenade for temporary random BoS reinforcements. Pretty similar to the Minuteman flare gun.
  8. Hello! I wanted to make a mod which adds a second BoS Vertibird grenade, but instead of a transport Vertibird it would summon one that would fly over the grenade location and drop some BoS Soldiers in Power Armor as reinforcements. If the player can use the reinforcements and the quality of reinforcements would depend on the Players rank within the BoS. The Vertibird should depart after dropping the soldiers. Sadly I can not figure out how Bethesda did the Vertibird scripting. It is a bit too complicated for me. I would need some guidance for this as in where to look for the transport vertibird script which triggers after the grenade explodes and to what it needs to be attached to. I know that it is possible in theory because this mod did something a bit similar with Minutemen and a vertibird grenade: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13115 Except that it is a mix between a transport and reinforcement vertibird. Any help or tips is appreciated!
  9. I do not know if that is possible but you could try one of these two mods: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/36399 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/51077
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