Hey all New member, havent done alot of modding. but have been playing around with some of the abilities just to get my feet wet. Im trying to make the shadowcloak of nocturnal into an ability opposed to the power with the time limit it is. I have managed to get it as an active effect, and have set a condition to "IsSneaking". When I load up and pop into sneak, my character goes invisibile, and will stay invisible until I do some sort of action ( pickpocket etc.) Once I do the action, I come out of invisibility, and am unable to go back into it. Coming out of stealth and then going back in doesnt seem to fix the issue. Any thoughts on how I could get this effect to stay? I dont mind coming out of invisibility when doing the action, but when I got back into stealth I want to become invisible. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Treglane