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Posts posted by rjthebarbarian

  1. If something like this already exists please let me know.


    I would like an alternate way to initiate the quest to destroy the DB. It never made any sense to me, from a role-play perspective and a "good guy" character, that you kill Grelod and turn around and kill Astrid, but Grelod was "mean" so it was ok. So if you could come up some sort of "quest" or way around doing the Innocence Lost and With Friends Like These quests I would appreciate it.

  2. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=11579


    I would like it if someone could update this mod, or create their own version, for the nexus. The original mod was never released on nexus, as far as I could find, and author has not updated the mod or answered comments in what looks to be over a year.


    This mod would take into account questlines you've completed and modifies the wedding ceremony such as: a bard playing for completing the bards college questline, theives guild members standing guard, and banners from which you are thane. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAx1ACwgvvQ


    There was a hearthfire compatibility patch made on the workshop but that's all it was.




  3. sorry not trying to bump my thread, I just feel like after 25 views and no replies that I didn't do as good job of explaining as on the steam workshop. so if you didn't feel like following the link I'm re-posting it here




    After seeing this video I had some thoughts. While most of the topics he discusses I am ok with, but I do I agree that factions and random violance should have more reprecussions than a mere fine to pay. So I am just throwing this out there though it may be an insurmountable thing to ask. I would like to see sort of a karma system where villagers progressively dislike you based on the seriousness and number of crimes you commit even after you pay off your bounty. I haven't played Morrowind but from what he says you can win back people's affection. So while in Skyrim there are more than the 3 required quests to become "known throughout a hold" and thane, these acts helping the people of the hold will improve your status. If you continue to be "evil", npc's will no longer interact with you or even run as if you were attacking them. With inn keepers still begrudgingly talking to you to give you bounties left by the guards if you wish to recieve positive karma


    I thought of the mod Theives Guild Requirements-No Quest Auto Start by kryptopyr while watching that video also and how it added extra immersion. Theif skills not high? haven't stole anything? makes no sense for him to approach you. If you have "negative karma" and were seen talking to Brynolf, it makes no sense for Myjoll to talk to you, or even no longer be a follower even if you did her quest and had her as follower before. I already role play when playing Skyrim with a playthrough being good and another bad, but it would be cool to really be immersed in it like with the Guard Dialogue Overhaul mod by Eck. Even if it's possible, I'm thinking it would only work for people playing new games, not sure how it would work for people who have already completed main quests, i duno.


    oh and also things like, if you help either sven or faendel hook up with camela in riverwood, the other guy will get mad at you and attack you

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