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Posts posted by Parkern1109

  1. Before anyone gets offended I know these mods take a great amount of work and patience. Also I dont have the knowledge or skill to port oldrim mods myself. Got that out of the way.


    Its my opinion that too much time and effort is spent creating these sexy girl mods. I check this site daily looking for male followers that are bros/homies, great looking armor created by hard working modders for male characters and cool looking armor that isnt super sexy or revealing for women. Instead people just flood this site with girl characters they spend a lot of their time creating. If your offended I apologize I think these people need to go outside and talk to real girls for their own good (not mocking). I really want to see their talent focused on other aspects of the game like quests or dungeons. Whenever I see the site flooded with new mods that are just cute girl followers and sexy outfits I cant help but feel disappointed please focus your talent elsewhere.


    The only male follower that sticks out for special edition is the amazing mod Inigo and 3DNPC (Interesting NPCs). We need more content like this. We dont need anymore custom voiced female followers that are tough, pretty, funny or have breasts the size of medicine balls. That would account for 99% of all of the follower mods.


    If anyone has any mods that counter my argument or simply recommend post it.



    Again Im not here to attack anyone just here to point out the obvious and hopefully see a change in this trend. Im not a feminist too just a dude that appreciates modders, their work, and Bethesda games.






  2. Hi im using NMM (most current version) For an unknown reason, mods that I have I uninstalled, then tried reinstalling fail to run their respective installer. Instead, the mod unpacks everything asking to overwrite then its finishes. When I perform a first time installation for a mod, the respected installer for that mod runs normally without issue. Again, only for mods that I have uninstalled, then tried installing again does the installer not run, it just unpacks everything asking to overwrite then it finishes. So far it happens for Frostfall, and XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended. Some help would be much appreciated.

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