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About sloejack

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  1. Perhaps with a less "pour some petrol on it" approach... I peruse the mods daily (yay active modder support for my game) with the last updated filter applied so that I see the new stuff and the "Update Available" flag on the older stuff. As happens sometimes there are competing mods that do similar things and I picked one over the other... I no longer care to see the "update available" flag for the one I chose to no longer use. While I like the idea of a "hide" or "Don't Track Updates" flag for the downloads that hides the "Update Available" banner perhaps there is an option B which would still need some sort of input but rather than remove the banner, replace it with an "Updates Not Tracked" which would at least ward off the support questions from people that forget they chose to hide updates and then complain about why they never see that their favorite mod got an update.
  2. For the past couple of months I've created and run through a number of characters and right around the level 25-30 mark I have kind of stalled out because the build I went with in terms of perk cards just became a grind. It turned out to make some content harder than it should be, or I just haven't been able to figure out the gear just right or quite possibly it's just me. So I thought I'd turn to the community for some of their best practices or experiences to see if I can improve my own play/experience. What follows for those that don't want to read is some context for how I play and what I've experienced to provide insight to any feedback you share. Thanks in advance for any responses/guidance. I play solo, duo, and occasionally in a full team of four. I don't go after the exploit/grind things for xp or caps so my rate of progression and access to stuff is generally guided by how I'm doing on main and side quests, and the occasional event. In terms of combat I've found that for weapons (up to the level where I feel stuck) the best to use is hunting rifle followed by melee, and then pistol. Rifle (.308) lets me one shot a lot of things at range but then when it comes to close combat switch over to the machete or fire axe tends to work best. Pistol (even with a pistol build in terms of AGI and PER perks) has felt like a giant ammo sink and the damage output except for the revolver that you get as a quest reward (legendary .45) has been disappointing. I've recently gotten into combat rifles that also shoot .45 rounds but, for a rifle they seem sub-par compared to the hunting rifle or the revolver so it feels like a pretty hole in terms of equipment progression. Maybe my perspective is skewed by the legendary items I've gotten but I would think that a level 20 or 30 weapon should perform better than a level 5 legendary. My experience to point has not proven that to be true. I don't know that I've ever given armor a fair shake as it seems like I'm always over burdened and so as soon as I find a power armor frame I'm generally in that and gear that up with raider then T-45, and T-51 bits as I go. Maybe that's just life if I don't go for a melee/heavy weapons build but that just feels super limiting not to mention that I've found a number of cool outfits that I never seen except for when I step out of my armor to craft.
  3. I'll toss my vote into the ring for something that allow me to see which plans on a vendor I already have learned so I don't waste caps.
  4. I am in no way an expert or even truly knowledgeable about how the configuration files work. I have 3 mods that I use at the moment, one is the High contrast map UHDmap.ba2, the Perk Loadout manager PerkLoadoutManager.ba2, and better inventory BetterInventory.ba2. If I wasn't using any mods the [Archive] section wouldn't exist. I don't have the issue you're describing so for what it's worth, here is my Fallout76Custom.ini: [Display] bFull Screen=1 bFullScreen=1 bBorderless=0 fDefault1stPersonFOV=90.00 fDefaultWorldFOV=90.00 fDOFBlendRatio=0 fDOFMinFocalCoefDist=999999 fDOFMaxFocalCoefDist=99999999 fDOFDynamicFarRange=99999999 fDOFCenterWeightInt=0 fDOFFarDistance=99999999 sAntiAliasing=FXAA [ImageSpace] bDoDepthOfField=0 bDoRadialBlur=0 iRadialBlurLevel=0 bMBEnable=0 bLensFlare=0 bScreenSpaceBokeh=0 bDynamicDepthOfField=0 [SaveGame] fAutosaveEveryXMins=2.0000 [Controls] fMouseHeadingXScale = .021 fMouseHeadingYScale = .03738 bMouseAcceleration=0 [Grass] iMinGrassSize=1 bAllowCreateGrass=0 [Pipboy] fQuickBoyEffectColorR=0.5000 fQuickBoyEffectColorG=0.0000 fQuickBoyEffectColorB=1.0000 [Archive] sResourceIndexFileList = SeventySix - Textures01.ba2, SeventySix - Textures02.ba2, SeventySix - Textures03.ba2, SeventySix - Textures04.ba2, SeventySix - Textures05.ba2, SeventySix - Textures06.ba2, UHDmap.ba2 sResourceArchive2List = SeventySix - ATX_Main.ba2, SeventySix - ATX_Textures.ba2, BetterInventory.ba2, PerkLoadoutManager.ba2
  5. In case any one else comes across this - it seems a few weeks ago the trend was to use sResourceArchiveList2 but has shifted to sResourceArchive2List. Both seem to serve the same function but I ended up moving my mods to the ..2List and removing the line for ...List2
  6. Having recently gotten into making quality of life adjustments using mods I'm curious about the differences in: SResourceArchiveList2 sResourceArchive2List sResourceIndexFileList does it matter which ones have the ba2 files listed in them? Here's what mine currently looks like as my point of reference: [Archive] SResourceArchiveList2 = SeventySix - Animations.ba2, SeventySix - EnlightenInteriors.ba2, SeventySix - GeneratedTextures.ba2, SeventySix - EnlightenExteriors01.ba2, SeventySix - EnlightenExteriors02.ba2, BetterInventory.ba2, Glow.ba2, Glowing Screws.ba2, Glowing Holotape.ba2, BagGlow.ba2 sResourceIndexFileList=SeventySix - Textures01.ba2, SeventySix - Textures02.ba2, SeventySix - Textures03.ba2, SeventySix - Textures04.ba2, SeventySix - Textures05.ba2, SeventySix - Textures06.ba2, UHDmap.ba2 sResourceArchive2List = SeventySix - ATX_Main.ba2, SeventySix - ATX_Textures.ba2, MapVendors.ba2, PerkLoadoutManager.ba2
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