Having recently gotten into making quality of life adjustments using mods I'm curious about the differences in: SResourceArchiveList2 sResourceArchive2List sResourceIndexFileList does it matter which ones have the ba2 files listed in them? Here's what mine currently looks like as my point of reference:
SResourceArchiveList2 = SeventySix - Animations.ba2, SeventySix - EnlightenInteriors.ba2, SeventySix - GeneratedTextures.ba2, SeventySix - EnlightenExteriors01.ba2, SeventySix - EnlightenExteriors02.ba2, BetterInventory.ba2, Glow.ba2, Glowing Screws.ba2, Glowing Holotape.ba2, BagGlow.ba2
sResourceIndexFileList=SeventySix - Textures01.ba2, SeventySix - Textures02.ba2, SeventySix - Textures03.ba2, SeventySix - Textures04.ba2, SeventySix - Textures05.ba2, SeventySix - Textures06.ba2, UHDmap.ba2
sResourceArchive2List = SeventySix - ATX_Main.ba2, SeventySix - ATX_Textures.ba2, MapVendors.ba2, PerkLoadoutManager.ba2