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Posts posted by thatnewnew

  1. yeah, I tried wyre mash but it never listed the mods with color coding because they were installed with mod manager.... even when i pointed to mod manager directory.... not sure what im doing wrong. Other than that the game seems to run fine.

    The STEP guide had several missing links and a couple didnt have a title or name...they were just megaupload links that didnt exist so those couldnt get installed, they were likely just mod or texture fixes though so idk

  2. I just embarked on a 6 hour install following the STEP guide. Many of the links are broken and have to be found elswhere, some even on archived versions of the pages. Very tedious. Some steps were not explained well but did the best I could. Id say 95% of the install I am confident with.

    Just got the game running and was blown away!!!! Never imagined morrowind could look this good.

    Im running a gtx 1080 on an ultrawide and its amazing!

    Unfortunately Im getting the " One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the Warnings.txt file for more information." error message.

    My warning text reads....

    One of the files that "BearArmorReplacer.ESP" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One of the files that "Mournhold LOD.ESP" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message

    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.

    Not able to find Ankle part in _GL_c_pants_common_01a.

    Not able to find Knee part in _GL_c_pants_common_01k.

    Not able to find Upper Leg part in _GL_c_pants_common_01u.

    Not able to find Ankle part in _GL_c_pants_common_03a.

    Not able to find Knee part in _GL_c_pants_common_03k.

    Not able to find Upper Leg part in _GL_c_pants_common_03u.

    Not able to find Foot part in _GL_c_shoes_com_4.

    Not able to find Ankle part in _GL_c_pants_common_03_ca.

    Not able to find Knee part in _GL_c_pants_common_03_ck.

    Not able to find Upper Leg part in _GL_c_pants_common_03_cu.

    Not able to find Foot part in _GL_c_shoes_com_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in _GL_c_shoes_com_4.

    Not able to find Ankle part in _GL_c_pants_common_04a.

    Not able to find Knee part in _GL_c_pants_common_04k.

    Not able to find Upper Leg part in _GL_c_pants_common_04u.

    Not able to find Foot part in _GL_c_shoes_com_4.

    Not able to find Foot part in _GL_c_shoes_com_4.

    Not able to find Ankle part in _GL_c_pants_common_04a.

    Not able to find Knee part in _GL_c_pants_common_04k.

    Not able to find Upper Leg part in _GL_c_pants_common_04u.

    Not able to find Foot part in _GL_c_shoes_com_5.

    Not able to find Ankle part in _GL_c_pants_common_03a.

    Not able to find Knee part in _GL_c_pants_common_03k.

    Not able to find Foot part in _GL_c_shoes_com_1.

    Not able to find Ankle part in _GL_c_pants_common_04a.

    Not able to find Knee part in _GL_c_pants_common_04k.

    Not able to find Upper Leg part in _GL_c_pants_common_04u.

    Not able to find Knee part in _GL_c_pants_common_02k.

    Not able to find Upper Leg part in _GL_c_pants_common_02u.

    Not able to find Foot part in _GL_c_shoes_extr_02.

    Not able to find Foot part in _GL_c_shoes_com_5.

    Not able to find Ankle part in _GL_c_pants_common_05a.

    Not able to find Knee part in _GL_c_pants_common_05k.

    Not able to find Upper Leg part in _GL_c_pants_common_05u.

    Texture "Data Files\Textures\tad_rock_refl3.dds" count 3.

    Texture "Data Files\Textures\tx_rm_rock_02_nrm.dds" count 3.

    Texture "Textures\_land_default.tga" count 3.

    Texture "Data Files\Textures\menu_thin_border_bottom.dds" count 2.

    Any ideas how to fix this? Id like to get this build stable and error free and make backup copy for future use.


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