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About MJAB98

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  1. To answer all of your questions, the ship will be built in the main story line and I hope it will have a fast travel system like the Northern Cardinal, the East Empire Company might be involved in a few quests, the blood horkers are a definite joinable faction as well as 1 other faction and the mod still needs the main story line completed, side quests completed, the arena scripted out and all the interiors and navmeshing finished so quite a lot to do.
  2. Awesome stuff artparker! I'm happy I've had the holiday free to work on the mod!
  3. Well production has been slow and I haven't been a great leader but we have a few things here and there and I've made a few quests. But I'll try to create a few more quests and possibly release it before 2015 (hopefully).
  4. Ahh ok, it would be awesome if you could help though :) Your pirate home looks great btw!
  5. Hi guys, sorry I haven't been active for a while but I've been working on the mod making quests and such. But I really need people to make some more interiors. We already have a brilliant skomma den made by BluePiano and the Hookers and Horkers made but we need now: the barracks, the underground market, the pirate loot storage and the bone crusher ganghouse to be made. Any new people are welcome! Make sure to mainly use the riften tool kit.
  6. We're still working on it but not as quickly as we were
  7. i think i have an idea of how to do it in the CK so ill try to give it a go tomorrow to see if it works :)
  8. Yep, BluePianoTwo is already working on the mod.
  9. Hey artparker would you be able to use this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24810/?
  10. Hi guys, i've made a quick video showing whats been made http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/videos/764/? or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JIMykASZTM
  11. Ohh sorry dlc is downloadable content on a larger scale for example wyrmstooth or Falskaar. With quests and cities involved
  12. Defiantly the island looks awesome, have you thought of making a team and making it into a dlc?
  13. jdude is making a underground market so they will eventually be placed there, but for now put them on the wooden bridge it will be easier to find them there
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