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About vidar666

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  1. Thanks a lot for the info, i am eager to see what you will come up with in the future. Been trying all Ranger/Scout/Assassins armors lately but as you hinted there is no such approach to the theme as i suggested, or you try to achieve. The picture looks promissing, im realy sure adding a lot more "nordic" looking armors and weapons to skyrim will cause a huge immersion boost. And of course i would be thankfull if you could draw inspiration from my posts :)! Vidar
  2. Pretty much what the title suggests, i would like to put a realy mean and intimidating looking huntingknife into the game. Remember Crocodile Dundee? You get the drift... :P Maybe there is someone out there who sees the need for such a weapon...and could do this! http://www.lmpenterprises.co.uk/ekmps/shops/pearl/resources/image/crocodile%20dundee%20knife%205.jpg http://images.knifecenter.com/knifecenter/down-under-knives/images/DUKCDc.jpg Best Regards
  3. Since the CK is out now, i wonder if anyone would be willing to do this? Therefore BUMP!
  4. Btw Wolf are you planning on adding the other armors from the witcher 2 too? Like Hunter armor, Kayran armor and maybe those that the assassins of the snake school wear? Great progress indeed mate!
  5. dont worry there will be no anime stuff from me, only things in keeping with the games setting i like realism to much to add toons to it . its only so shiny becaue soe the specular map thats an easy fix once ive finished with the mesh. & yes they will all be extra adds to the game not replaces once i have the tools to do it. expect witcher weapons ,witcher contracts ,mutegen trees (fingers crossed!) and witcher potions . Now THAT is the spirit, hell id love a combination of skyrims setting and sandbox-gameplay with the gear and atmosphere of the witcher!
  6. Looking good, you might think about making Geralts´armor abit less shiny. Hope you can release your mods as standalone items, and non-replacer once the Kit is out. We need more realistic and non-anime light-armors in skyrim! Looking forward to your next screens.
  7. Kudos to CDProject for making both "The Witcher" games and a BIG thx for beeing so generous when our community uses their meshes! And also a BIG thx for the modders that will bring us all this amazing witcher armors!
  8. I realy like your idea, possibly there could be a way to make yourself a bow out of the "oldest creature in skyrim" that tree i mean. Daedric stats and wrapped in the most expensive furs one could hunt.
  9. Making the helmet one would need a realy good concept, something special and fitting the "hunter theme" perfectly. Im still thinking about this piece the most.
  10. Just thought about expanding the look and espec. feel of the saviors hide to a whole armor and maybe weapon set. As long as the CK isnt released and nobody has the skill and or will to design fitting gloves, boots and stuff, i think it would look great imagining the following: -for gloves and boots one could use the stormcloak-officer ones, adding abit of fur-padding (like on leather armor) -the hide itself could be upgraded with some pants, either made of leather scales or leather with additional chainmail -the foresworn bow would make a great bow for this set, giving it deadric stats and (of course :P) adding fur! Having all those sabertooth-loving, hircene-worshipping primal hunters in mind, that despise the looks and feel of "ranger" and "nightingale" gear. Would be pretty cool if this immersion-adding idea could be done by one of you guys! best regards, a fellow huntsman ...motivational clip XD ...
  11. Ive found another great concept for this kind of armor, very nord-ish and immersion friendly: http://airborn-studios.com/projects/2011/portfolio/owl_huntress/frenja_08.jpg This would work great for both genders!
  12. I guess the armors and weapons could be done already, but we would need a skilled modder for that, the dungeon/cave aswell as scripting the quest i guess would need the CS but since i got none to little modding experience i cant say for sure. We need someone experienced to answer this.
  13. Not a god, that is a shaman or corrupted druid making a "heartbreaking" sacrifice! :P
  14. Indeed these drune faction from confrontation can summon draugr! And i think this could work very well with a renewed dragon cult. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_r_ZhDsTKwXI/TUK8AKBDCnI/AAAAAAAAAI0/T5xOKLTwh9M/s748/manes.jpg
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