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About muvegasbot

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  1. Being I threw together my modlist in a hurry since I wanted to jump back into the game after its been years of me doing so I anticipated some things breaking but this one just eludes me so, I've gone out of my way to disable any mods that could effect the fading in and out but so far no results have come up. The video here shows an example of the effect I speak of in terms of the summoning https://streamable.com/snvda0 And here is my drudgerous plugin list that would make the average modder hurl https://imgur.com/a/PsT5yo4 If anybody got tea on what it could be causing this, feel free to let me know
  2. Right right, pardon about that, I made that post at like 4am and this is my first time posting on the forums in general, ill post this over yonder.
  3. Being I threw together my modlist in a hurry since I wanted to jump back into the game after its been years of me doing so I anticipated some things breaking but this one just eludes me so, I've gone out of my way to disable any mods that could effect the fading in and out but so far no results have come up. The video here shows an example of the effect I speak of in terms of the summoning https://streamable.com/snvda0 And here is my drudgerous plugin list that would make the average modder hurl https://imgur.com/a/PsT5yo4 If anyone got tea on which mod causes what let me know
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