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About MathiasRex

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  1. Not really,I want to use magic as default.
  2. My mana pool is not decreasing whatever i cast.I have not installed anything, it just happened from one day to another. I also don't use any cheat, and I also don't have the intention. Any idea what could have happened,or how I can reset it to default?
  3. Hi guys, I bought my game when it came out, but finally I ended up to put it away waiting for mods to come out (just like I did w other Elder Scrolls games). Now I feel that its time to start playing the game, but I am a little bit lost between the thousands of mods that came out so far. I'd like to know if there is one huge mod that contains all the great ones and if there is no such, could you please recommend me a set of mods that worth to play with? I mostly look for mods that changes gameplay, makes it more reallistic and more fun to play with. Wars in skyrim looks fun for me for example, but thats only one. I found the STEP project, but it looked too compicated for me to set up all the mods that it recommended, since I am not a big PC guru. Thanks for any help, I really would like to jump in the game now :)
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