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Status Updates posted by ecksile

  1. New mod up! Go check it out! Improved Geiger Counter Sounds.... http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/22355/?
  2. New Mod up! Check it out!
  3. Unreal Engine 4?!?! You know it...It has begun!
  4. Well I have decided to come back to Skyrim, and give it another chance after watching SAO. LOL. I caught the need for adventure bug. Hopefully its a little more polished then when I last played with it. Gotta learn everything all over agian...Sigh...
  5. Ey you still doing crazy things? You need to give me your steam or something your activity here is dwindling like mine lol
  6. Dood you have way to many profile views...
    1. AlexScorpion


      hmmm .. well you're pretty often here :d :p
    2. ecksile
  7. Nothing as big as a new house lol, but I've slowly been making progress on the GDD for my game. I've got some imho good sounding systems in place but need a trustworthy coder to help me test them out...
  8. Happy Holidays Scorp hope your holding up ok.
  9. Got my final S27A750D =D
    1. prandiningrat


      samsung S27A750D?? What size do you take?? I'm guessing you're running with displayport connected :)
    2. ecksile


      I got 3, display port is the only way to connect the monitors and they are all 27"
  10. Got another S27A750D need just 1 more...
  11. I understand. I'm still gonna keep you in mind. Ill let you know again when the project becomes a little more mature, and there's more to show and see what you say then.
  12. UDK mot likely with intentions of becoming commercial. Possible kickstart backing. Still in early stages kicking around concepts at the moment. Similar style to what your used to though.
  13. how interested would you be in a rather large project outside of gamebryo where you were wouldn't be so limited on what you can implement?
  14. Day-Z is pretty dope!
  15. Just a got a complimementary free month of ESEA from ESEA andd ARMA2:OA Free..All kinds of free stuff today..
  16. Picked up a Samsung S27A750D
    1. BlueDanube


      that is an awesome monitor ..... wish i have it too :/
    2. ecksile


      I want to go eyefinity with it >=D, but to much moneys.
    3. BlueDanube


      ehehe, that's definately out of my league too XD.

      *cries of budget gamers* T_T

  17. HAHA I guess so xD
  18. I see you ninja peaking my page. If that's your real picture, You look exactly like my half sisters father.
  19. Finally got my new RAM WOOT!
  20. I'm not sure if Ill have time to dedicate to a group...between, work, gf, and source team. Plus haven't touched anything in about a year and half. Although I do want to come back and have some idea just dont think I have the time. Thank you though, keep me in the loop well see what happens.
  21. "I don't know what weapons world war 3 will be fought with, but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones." --Albert Einstein 
  22. Your value's never measured by the price of your things. Your life is worth more then that.
  23. Got me a new Keyboard xD : Microsoft Sidewinder X6
  24. Happy New year to everyone may it be a prosperous one.
  25. Happy new year pron.
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