@AbsolutGrndZer0I've also recently ran into this issue, but I don't have Better Settlers. I'm not sure what kind of mods would be similar to Better Settlers, but from a quick search of it I don't think I have any mods like it. From the hour long search I've done, this issue seems to be reported only a few times prior to 2020 (this chat is the exception in my search so far), but even with it being reported two years ago on at least 2 other pages, I have yet to find anyone report a fix. From several different reports on several different pages, the only constant I've found so far is that using LooksMenu, users are unable to change Female NPCs' hair and hair color, but are able to do so to male NPCs and Female Player Characters. Me personally, I'm not sure what is doing this, as two hours ago in my game I was able to, then all of a sudden in the same game session I couldn't. I decided to save then close; came back, still didn't work. Tried an older save; still didn't work. Tried a completely different save file; still didn't work. Considering I was able to use it, then in the same session it broke without me downloading any new mods (or removing), I'm not entirely convinced this issue is even from any mod conflicts; this might just be something caused by LooksMenu by itself.