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About uberlux

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    Fallout New Vegas

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  1. I've changed my goal overnight. Now i need to make a version of this armour for the player using what you just mentioned above. I've also read about it being a shader or something. NPC's are new to me in the geck, i usually make scripted objects and worldspaces. How would i add a shadder/spell/effect to the player when they equip the hologram outfit? Is this possible?
  2. I need to make NPC's using the dead money hologram suits. These suits are seen on the cashiers and stuff. I specifically need the 'hologramoutfit' because it has both male and female models. Problem is: They don't glow like they do in dead money, they're usually very dark black looking and barely that nice blue colour. I need to change that but problem is i dont know how. Does it have something to do with emitters? Also if i wanted to make one of these suits for the player, how would i make it glow for them? Thanks in advance.
  3. Since you said you haven't seen it in the game before, it may be cut content therefore incomplete or broken. However i think ive seen it before, one of the scribes in the hidden valley bunker is giving a class and i believe he uses the chalkboard one. You should find his npc and see how he's triggered to do that animation.
  4. I'm currently working on a house mod with alot of scripted items in the house that help the player, such as vending machines and s#*!. I'm up to making a vito-matic vigor tester machine however i got a problem, I know its possible cause I've seen it done in the underwater house mod. I need to write a script that gets the amount of special points (total), that the player has and then set that to the total amount of points they can choose when opening the vigor tester. The idea is that since the house mod will be more progressed than the tutorial vigor tester, it will need to account for any special points earned total. All I'm asking is if anyone can tell me how to script this, It's a bit beyond what I'm used to with scripting. Thanks in advance, Even better if someone has an example of a script doing this (or similar) so i can examine it and adapt, helps me learn. Thanks in advance.
  5. I'm unable to make all the fallout 3 DLC bsa's into a single BSA file as the installation instructions say i need to... I can provide the files if someone thinks im trying to get the DLC content for free if someone could pack all the files into a single BSA so i can use the full features of this mod. If there is a way to do this with FNVEDIT please tell me. I've managed to get that working but dont know the first thing to using it. I heard i can rename each BSA fallout universe - main.bsa for each DLC? What i dont understand is what is the exact filename to set for each because they all cant share the same filename, and this is meant to be an alternative to creating a single bsa.
  6. Ive just merged the 'weird' folders into the native folders. Wish me luck, ill tell ya if it works...
  7. Worked like a charm! Thankyou flamenx Just a question, it has folders for the data that i dont recognise such as "textures - 2" Do i just choose one of the textures folders over the others or integrate them or something?
  8. Greetings, My play through is as a white legs chick from the DLC honest hearts. Problem is the body isnt included with TYPE 3, and is therefore clothed. If someone could make some files for the meshes and textures to make this work it would be much appreciated. No special tribal looking body required, you can even just use the meshes and textures from any other type 3, all i really need is for it to work with white legs tribals. Thanks in advance.
  9. Greetings, My play through is as a white legs chick from the DLC honest hearts. Problem is the body isnt included with TYPE 3, and is therefore clothed. If someone could make some files for the meshes and textures to make this work it would be much appreciated. No special tribal looking body required, you can even just use the meshes and textures from any other type 3, all i really need is for it to work with white legs tribals. Thanks in advance.
  10. I'm not sure how many like me there are, but unfortunately because of my computer i cant get NMM or FOMOD. and the Fallout Universe mod requires one of the two. If someone could kindly make this mod in the form of manual installation so i can actually use it that would be amazing: Fallout universe on nexus: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/39714/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D39714%26preview%3D&pUp=1 this looks like possibly one of the coolest mods ive seen out yet. please if you know in the back of your mind you could make this avaliable for manual installation your help is needed. Thanks community.
  11. An alternative would to be just adding it to the player inventory, its easier for you and the player. Might also want to keep in mind that message boxes are more professional than using terminals (eww terminals), try them out. Theres good tutorials on making functioning world objects, all over youtube.
  12. Thanks for the replies, although i completed that project (with work-arounds), the information you've given has definitely helped.
  13. I want to make my already functioning overseers desk (via terminal), have a button below the passage so people cant lock themselves down there if dumb enough to run while its closing. Basically, i know that the desk works and everything, i just need to know the script you make for those two-stage buttons (red light, green light ones), I need to set the two stages to open and close the door. Im not sure how to set the different stages of the button to certain scripting lines. Also, is there a way to make the 'open chamber' button on the terminal show up only when its closed. and the 'close chamber' button to only appear when open? because its weird that both are available while terminal is open? Another thing, does anyone also know how to make a script close a terminal? what i mean, is another thing i made was a crafting station where the terminal had options to use different crafting stations (kitchen, reloading and workbench). Unfortunately, when the crafting menu appears, it keeps the terminal open in the background and the user has to click the red button on the terminal before using the crafting menu. (luckily, you can JUST click the red button, but most inconvenient. for the above problem, i may just make a 'message' appear rather than using a terminal.
  14. I actually made an alternative, by creating a crafting station terminal, which has a menu of all different exchange techniques. Such as turning chips to gold bars, or into pre war bills etc.
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