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Everything posted by mathern

  1. What is BBP? (<--I hate Acronyms)
  2. I recommend Climates of Tamriel: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17802/? Set on it's darkest setting and mixed with Better Torches, Claralux More and Brighter Lights, and Wearable Lanterns it makes for a world that is intensely frightening at night (especially when you're a noob and sabre cats jumping out of the darkness could mean death). The lighting mods help because it is truly dark and you'll NEED light to travel at night. Claralux is especially good because it makes the roads travelable at night, but makes stepping ten feet from the road an adventure that only a brave traveler would take part in. The other two only help a little bit.. but anything you can do to fend of the darkness helps... hah. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27443/? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17605/? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17416/?
  3. I personally only use C.O.T. (no enb, no other graphics enhance mods) and then lighting mods like "People have Torches", "Better Torches", "Wearable Lanterns", and, most importantly, "Claralux - More and Brighter Lights"... If you REALLY wanna tweak out, though, check out the S.T.E.P. project. The process they describe will make you a near-Grand Master at Skyrim graphics: http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:ENB
  4. Hmm... my suggestion was kind of a stab in the dark, I thought maybe it would ignore faction things... Interesting script that I found in the "RaceWoodElfCommandAnimal" Magic Effect: Scriptname VoiceCharmFactionScript extends ActiveMagicEffect Faction Property CharmFaction Auto bool Property bMakePlayerTeammate = false Auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) akTarget.AddToFaction(CharmFaction) akCaster.StopCombat() akTarget.StopCombat() if bMakePlayerTeammate akTarget.SetPlayerTeammate(true, false) endif EndEvent Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) akTarget.RemoveFromFaction(CharmFaction) if bMakePlayerTeammate akTarget.SetPlayerTeammate(false, false) endif EndEvent Maybe you could temporarily add the actor to the MagicAllegienceFaction (the faction that "CharmFaction" was set to in the magic effect window) rather than temporarily remove them from any of the enemy factions?
  5. Have you tried Kragnac's Instant Fortress? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17835/? It allows you to assign 4 or 5 followers to different positions in the home.. They move about differently based on their positions.. I personally don't like followers that much, so I put all the hot women that come attached to other mods in this house so I can appreciate their appearance while I'm storming through my house dropping things off before I leave again.. haha. Edit: Also, I really like this mod because it allows me to set up a wizard tower where ever I wish... My character is a cooky wizard that is constantly performing ridiculous experiments in Riverwood. The poor people's lives have changed dramatically since my tower appeared on the river bank just across from the Inn
  6. Problem solved... but in a sketchy manner. I won't waste time elaborating. The result was that I created a toggle form of "Detect Life" and "Detect Dead". If anyone is interested in how, go ahead and contact me!
  7. Add a new script to your spell, and in that script insert: Int Property Rank auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Rank = akTarget.GetRelationshipRank(Game.GetPlayer()) akTarget.SetRelationshipRank(Game.GetPlayer(), X) EndEvent Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) akTarget.SetRelationshipRank(Game.GetPlayer(), Rank) EndEvent Replace X with 3 for ally.. if you don't want ally the following link can show you the other options: http://www.creationkit.com/SetRelationshipRank_-_Actor Regards, Nick
  8. Hi, So I'm trying to create a spell that spawns a hazard at the player. The hazard is invisible and has the effect that any corpse within its radius is highlighted. Thus I have created: Spell with effect that spawns hazard ->Hazard that calls Hazard Spell -->Hazard Spell with Hazard Spell Effect Hazard Spell Effect: --NO TARGET CONDITIONS in the spell or in the effect -Options: Script Archetype Fire and Forget Contact -Flags: FX Persists No Death Dispel No Hit Event Painless -Script The script functions to ask if the dead thing is hostile (i.e. a skeleton) or not and cast a Fire and Forget/Target Actor spell from the player at the targeted actor either way. Since there are no target conditions, this spell is currently highlighting any NPC characters (besides chickens? wth?) in the range of the hazard, but corpses are neglected... how do I convince the hazard to target the corpses as well? *EDIT* Note that I have used the Target condition "GetDead == 1.0" in both the spell and the target conditions with no effect, so I removed them thinking the hazard itself didn't consider corpses an option for targeting. Thanks!
  9. Great idea! BUT, I prefer my no-drawbacks-werewolf-carnage the way it is, thanks! :P. I actually modded my game so that I can be both a werewolf AND a vampire lord and the effect of having both removes any negative effects of either.. plus I boosted the unarmed strength of them both because my mods make the game much harder and the two forms were getting me killed all the time because I couldn't heal fast enough.. ha! That said, I saw a mod once that forced the player to transform into a werewolf on full moon nights for the whole night.. that would be awesome, because I find that I often forget that I am a werewolf and go long periods of time without using the ability.. would force me to be more aware of my "curse".
  10. Teenagers... the most useless age. Haha. Give them acne and a poor work ethic? Special ability to drive adults insane once a day.. haha! I'm just kidding, of course. This is a great idea. Just brings images into my head of a whole bunch of eyeliner wearing punks creeping in the major centers of all the cities and towns.. haha. Please make NPC teenagers that do such so I can vent the rest of my opinions upon them with my bow!
  11. I will play around with this extensively.. is there a good place to post the necromatic findings I develope during my experiments? I feel like the knowledge of how to affect corpses with spells is kind of hard to come by at the moment. Thanks,
  12. Yes, so the general answer is: Go into the creation kit, find the specific actor base, and mess with it until you're happy. (OR use mods like Deadly Dragons/WARZONES - Civil Unrest in combination with the "Legendary" difficulty.. you will die. LOTS.).
  13. Solution to problem: Spell Property DetectDead auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) RegisterForUpdate(3.0) EndEvent Event OnUpdate() DetectDead.Cast(Game.GetPlayer()) EndEvent Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) UnRegisterForUpdate() EndEvent Upon finding the rather elegant RegisterForUpdate(float x) function and OnUpdate() Event the rest fell into place. A little fiddling will do the rest. Thanks steve40 for the idea to cast a spell repeatedly every two seconds!! This still does not create a complete work around for my initial problem, though. Creating spells that affect corpses without directly aiming at them (i.e. by only having them in the area) seems to be quite difficult without using the "detect life" archetype... Any advice on that or examples of spells that affect corpses without aiming at them would be appreciated. That said, my current spell idea can be accomplished with no further input. Thank you all!
  14. Here's my pseudo code idea... obviously the grammar is wrong... help? Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) lastgametime = game.getgametime() While(EffectIsNotFinished) If((game.getgametime() - lastgametime)>=2seconds) castSpell lastgametime = gametime Endif EndWhile EndEvent
  15. At this point I'm just looking for help creating a script to attach to a constant effect ability so that, while the player has the ability in effect, the script casts a spell every two seconds. My end goal is to have any corpse within an area of the player highlighted until the effect is removed.
  16. *Bump* "What is the grammar used to write a Magic Effect Papyrus Script that measures time and casts a spell every 2 seconds? "
  17. Increase their health = increase battle time. Increase their attacks and spell damage = increase battle difficulty. For Alduin (for example).. go to the creation kit object window, then Actors/Actor/Actor/Alduin and edit the base... should be able to edit health offset and find what spells alduin has and increase skill stats... fool around. I would recommend editing something you can have easier access to (maybe one of the dragon priests that you know the location of?).
  18. I guess there are a lot of scripts involved, but a few if statements and a couple lines being commented out will go a long way (i.e. no real scripting needed to be input). Understanding these scripts will allow you to have a lot more control over the vampire/werewolf systems.
  19. My flags are FXPersists and No Death Dispel. My effect has the following target conditions: S HasKeyword Keyword'ActorTypeUndead' == 1.00 OR S HasMagicEffectKeyword Keyword'MagicSummonUndead' == 1.00 OR S IsUndead NONE == 1.00 OR S GetDead NONE == 1.00 OR What is the grammar used to write a Magic Effect Papyrus Script that measures time and casts a spell every 2 seconds? Thanks Much!
  20. Update: In CreationKit/Quests/DLC1VampireTurn/Scripts/dlc1vampireturnscript there is a line that will cure the player of lycanthopy if the player has it. I would recommend commenting that out. Also, it directly follows a line that changes a normal player into a vampire race if they are not a vampire. You may have to go to Skyrim/Data/Scripts/Source/Dawnguard/ to find the "DlC1VampireTurnScript.psc" source code. The function within the code that contains my mentioned lines is the "RecieveHarkonsGift(...)" function. Update2: The last script I can see that will possibly need editng is the CreationKit/Quests/PlayerVampireQuest/Scripts/PlayerVampireQuestScript source code. This code manages the Vampire disease affliction.. Modify this script so that days without feeding do not add distasteful vampire perks/spells if you are a werewolf (again, i recommend linking this script to the PlayerIsWerewolf Global Variable Creation Kit Object to check if the player is a werewolf before applying any changes).
  21. Carnage, I made a mod once that did what you are asking. Although your method will work, why not change the Vampire Lord and Werewolf quests themselves? You may continue with your code that reverses the process, sure, but here was my approach: In the Creation Kit, go to Quests/PlayerWerewolfQuest/Scripts/PlayerWerewolfChangeScript and edit the source to get a better understanding of the werewolf transformation process (any editing of werewolf abilities may involve editing this source script and saving it). This isn't required for your goal, but it is interesting. As you may have noticed, the PlayerWerewolfChangeScript calls a script from C00. Go to Quests/C00/Scripts/companionshousekeepingscript and find the function named "PlayerJoin(...)". In this function comment out (place a ; before) all the lines that have the effect of storing your race from vampire type race to normal type race. This will make it so that if you are a vampire when you join the companions, you will be a vampire (as far as races go) after you use beast form. You may want to go back to the "PlayerWerewolfChangeScript" from before and edit the line that calls this stored value, to instead change to the race you initially had when you called beast form... you would, of course, have to store the race at some earlier point in the script (perhaps right before your race is changed to the werewolfrace). In Skyrim/Data/Scripts/Source/Dawnguard (*EDIT* forgot that it was in the dawnguard folder) open the file DLC1PlayerVampireChangeScript.psc (I could not find a way to access this script from the creation kit, so go ahead and access it directly). Find the function named "ActuallyShiftBackIfNecessary(...)" and the block of code that handles adding vampire perks and abilities when the Vampire Lord power is being reversed. Edit this code to your liking so that vampire powers you don't want to have aren't added. I recommend adding "GlobalVariable property PlayerIsWerewolf auto" to the top of the code, linking this globalvariable in the CreationKit/Quests/DLC1PlayerVampreQuest/Scripts to the globalvariable object "PlayerIsWerewolf", and using an if statement here to say that if you are a werewolf (as well as a Vampire Lord, obviously) you add/remove certain spells/perks and if you are not, you do the original effect (your preference). Make sure when you're done editing the .psc you go into the CreationKit/Gameplay Menu/Compile Papyrus Scripts... Option, scroll down to this .psc script, and compile it. If you have done as I mentioned before, you will have beast form set to not cure you of being in the vampire race, and vampire lord set to give you no defects if you are also a werewolf. The final step (which I never got around to doing) is to locate the regular, non-vampire lord, vampire tracking script and modify the effects it has on the player (perhaps to include different effects based on your werewolf status, as before?). Also, it would be beneficial to locate the quest that MAKES you a vampire lord and make sure it doesn't remove Lycanthropy. Without these last two steps, you must become a vampire lord BEFORE joining the companions (so that your initial race is stored as vampire race, when you do, because you will not be able to contract vampirism after you become a werewolf). Once you have both, the Vampire Lord ability should permanently remove vampire weaknesses. Hope that helps!
  22. I haven't heard of such a mod, any mod that adds more "life" to skyrim is, in my opinion, a good idea. [+1Vote] P.S. I have never scripted NPC quests like this, but I imagine it would be a big undertaking. Obviously whether your mod is recieved well or not will depend on how interactive and immersive these followers will be. A follower NPC with no personality does not add much, but a fully voice acted follower that has opinions and leads you on quests (treasure finding or whatever) would be great! Also, I've considered making a follower NPC myself, and thought it might be interesting to give them opinions on some of the more popular vanilla quest (i.e. "I can't believe this random cave contains such a powerful spirit", or "I'm glad we're fighting with the stormcloaks on this one, the other guards in skyrim can't seem to protect their knees"). Just ideas.
  23. Hello, This is my first post as I'm truly more of a do it yourself programmer/modder, but I cannot figure this out. I am trying to make a detect dead spell that behaves exactly like the vanilla one, but is toggled on and off rather than concentration casted. I've managed to get it to work on living actors, but corpses seem impossible to affect in this manner. Below is what I've tried before. I think this may require a custom scripted spell, but I can't figure out how to write a script that affects corpses not targeted, but rather within an area of the caster. Attempt 1: I modified the original detect life spell to be called as a constant effect ability by the "ToggleAbility" script. (This script uses a fire and forget spell to turn on an ability, and then off again when the spell is cast again). Result 1: Created a spell that detected dead things, but they remained highlighted after the ability was removed (I believe that the constant effect was applied to the corpse and then no longer retained any relation to whether or not the player had the ability or not) Attempt 2: I modified the Frost Cloak vanilla spell to have an increased range and create the detect dead highlight rather than being hostile or doing any damage. The Frost Cloak spell casts a Concentration/Aimed-or-TargetActor type spell at any living actor within the range. Result 2: The cloak archetype seemed to be unable to affect existing corpses in any way. I WAS, however, able to create an effect on living things as they turned to corpses (died). But the effect only on their death, it had no effect when cast again with the corpse already being dead. The problem here, seems to be the lack of an area of effect archetype that can affect corpses in the area of the player. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks for reading!
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