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Everything posted by other2w

  1. I've also been waiting for a week for a game's approval; apparently, the process is slow. https://www.nexusmods.com//mods/1?game_id=7207
  2. I am a Forza enthusiast, and the implementation of TAA is terrible, the worst I've seen in the Forza series. So far, I haven't seen anyone who has been able to disable TAA in Forza Motorsport. If we can disable it, we can implement other technologies in its place like MSAA and FXAA which were very well used in Forza Motorsport 7 for example. I've already searched the game files a lot but without success. If anyone has knowledge of this and can do it, I and the Forza community will be extremely grateful!
  3. Unfortunately, Far Cry 6 still only has FSR 1 and has a TAA that could easily be implemented with a more current upscaler, such as the three mentioned in the title. We are seeing modders create upscalers for various games, and now with the arrival of Far Cry 6 to GamePass, I believe it is a good time to release an upscale mod for Far Cry 6. I am personally very interested in this, but I do not have enough knowledge to create this level of mod yet. So I would like to request to the most competent modders who can create this mod.
  4. Translated from Brazilian Portuguese with ChatGPT 3.5 Good morning, good afternoon, or good evening. I am here to report a significant violation of the licenses for "NVIDIAGameWorks Streamline" publicly available on GitHub. It seems there is a consensus here on Nexus Mods that we cannot distribute the DLL files related to NVIDIA DLSS and NVIDIA DLSS Frame Generation, "nvngx_dlss.dll" and "nvngx_dlssg.dll" according to the official license provided directly in the distribution folder: This is the main clause used to justify that it is not allowed to distribute DLLs related to NVIDIA DLSS, which is made available together with Streamline on GitHub publicly. However, there is a significant problem if your interpretation is correct. In addition to NVIDIA DLSS, the DLLs related to NVIDIA Reflex "sl.reflex.dll" (essential for the operation of DLSS Frame Generation) and the NVIDIA Real-Time-Denoiser "NRD.dll and sl.nrd.dll" have the same clause presented in the NVIDIA DLSS license. If these clauses are used to restrict distribution in mods for NVIDIA DLSS, this should also apply to NVIDIA Reflex and NVIDIA Real-Time-Denoiser (respectively "sl.reflex.dll" and "sl.nrd.dll" and "NRD.dll"). This affects several upscaling mods that share the entire NIVIDAGameWorks Streamline without the NVIDIA DLSS files, but with the NVIDIA Reflex and NRD files, and specifically Reflex because it is the most widespread and distributed without concern by modders and is also essential for the functioning of DLSS Frame Generation. I open this report not only to discuss the matter but also to find the best solution to this problem and publicly disclose it in the NVIDIA Streamline SDK community.
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