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  1. Thus why I said "I'm getting ahead of myself" and suggested it for a god knows how long future. It's obvious the game company would make it less than easy to create new behaviors,because then they hold the key to making new features,that of course it being the software they developed are entitled to it. As far as animations are concerned I dont think you alone are the one who reads this thread I'm sure many would consider the idea and I of course will try my hand on it as well,given enough time I think it will happen. Alas, I submit to you this thread: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/624251-progress-in-behavior-filesalmost-done/ which I'm sure by now most have read it and it looks very promising. It is a sex mod after all but promising for other things. After all good luck to everyone.
  2. Another idea that occurred to me is that perhaps, there could be some sort of zoom flight attack. Where the PC either unarmed,1 or 2 handed handed,even shield strike would dash towards the target in a flying punch or weapon swipe with a slight chance to paralyze the target. I guess Shift+W then jump-attack button simultaneously. I'm probably getting ahead of myself but I just thought it be a nice addition,which would work well. with the whole flight mod. If it finally got off the ground. better way than a ring or some sort of spell. More like a permanent ability. A forward sprint jump punch swipe Resembling something like this:
  3. I dont know if this has been discussed in the past but, how about instead of a magical ring and what have you,it would be more of a perk acquired say in alteration,while in flight mode, if it can be enabled as well, be able to fight, but the downside is while engaged in flight mode all magicka and stamina requirements are increased diminishing almost to nil on every step up of the perk and increasing flight speed at the same time. Also, instead of having a hot key while this active effect is one it wouldnt really be a spell but an active effect like a warriorstone or some kind of permanent enchantment, it would then be activated by double tapping the jump key whilst flying so then u would go in the modified swim mode. Finall,y the way i think flying in skyrim as far as the PC s concerned would be, to use the same run time animation as swimming, but be made to look somewhere else for the animation sequence.It would use the same animation loop it uses now,but ina custom folder or animation sequence, that would resemble super heroic flight with a fist extended forward another backward or both fists forward or both hands open forward hands facing up. Something like this I suppose:
  4. Isnt that what the dudes from requiem did for NV. You needed to own Fallout 3 in order for it to work they just made it so you could go back and forth and made the assets from NV and FO3 work with each other, sort of like the same thing it would be with Skyrim if it required you to own the original game I don't think it'd be breaking any laws. IIRC they didnt import any content from FO3 they just made it so NV and FO3 would work seamlessly with each other. IE use the ammunition types in NV with FO3 ,workbenches, power ups etc.
  5. How about some races being vulnerable to the frozen water. IE after spending a certain amount of time in the water up north you would start getting cold damage.
  6. and Unarmed ,different types of attacks, It was fun in oblivion after Seph's animation replacer doing roundhouse kicks
  7. It would be nice if later on it could be modded in as like OOO to have city guards to carry some sort of rudimentary musket as well, few and far in between , but it'd be nice to see. this is an idea a user called dareme posted in another forum: "dareme Posted 3/2/2011 9:52:42 AM A dwemer musket that you find at the end of the hardest dwemer ruin in the game that shoots metal balls crafted from mined ore. It would do around 2 times the damage of the second strongest bow in the game but but it would shoot 3 times as slow. Yeah I went there, come at me bros. Also: At least 8 unique weapons of each type (by unique I mean unique models not some stupid name and enchantment with a reused daedric model or something). At least 8 unique armor sets (not counting the levelled ones like steel, daedric, glass etc). There should be pieces of the sets scattered around some of the hardest and largest dungeons in the game. (eg. one set has 7 or 8 pieces, and they are all scattered around one particular ruin, each piece being defended by a high level enemy or requiring a puzzle of some sort to be solved)." I think it's a bright and awesome idea.
  8. How about this , you would need to gather alchemical supplies, like frost salts ,salt pile and some other reagent to make the gunpowder,and some other reagent to make it work. Ammunition could just be broken down ignots into ball type ammunition, the higher the quality of the ingots the more damage it does. The down side would be yeah initially you kill or take a somewhat noticeable amount of damage, but after that all bets are off and everyone can see you. Also, the higher the alchemy skill the better the gunpowder is and the faster and or further the bullet would go. I mean the bullet code is probably there from the fallout 3 left overs Skyrim is obviously based on
  9. How about a mod that allows us to fly superman style . With the ESP pointing to a custom folder with flight pose animations. Maybe something that triggers a modified swimming animation but when you engage in flight mode, say with a double tap of your Space bar it would point to a new directory where you can drop down your animation for hovering flight. Super speed( a la sprint,knockdown mod) . Maybe a perk that increases your flight speed with each of the 3 ranks. Allowing you as well to decrease in damage as you fall with each rank of the perk allowing you to basically drop down from the sky. Make some pre-requirements for the perk say endurance 8 agility 7 and luck 6 and level 24 or 14. Probably would have to use NVSE to make it all work. plus someone to contribute custom animations.
  10. LOL Maybe you should talk to Jetacon79 or make a standalone shield for his Avengers pack over at New Vegas Nexus. Cause even though it looks pretty bad ass it'd look and feel better if you could use that sield as all that you said you have done BTW can someone download your mod from somewhere.
  11. I've been asking around and I want to know what mod is related to this image: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/images/4935-2-1240776917.jpg and where can I download it etc ty
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