I've currently in the midst of a perk overhaul mod (the first part of which can be found here http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/40211//?) and am looking to turn it into a sprawling Requiem-esque mod. The only problem is that I am a real noob when it comes to modding - Perk PAC is my first mod. Now, I am confident that I can learn how to do everything, but I just want to know if what I am thinking of is even possible at the moment. First of all, can you link the rate of stamina regen to the current percentage of health you have? Can you do this to magicka and stamina? Second, can you 'invest' stamina in certain actions? For example, can you make it so that stamina halves when sprinting, but returns to normal right after? I am also looking into tying stamina percentage (or amount) into damage dealt, damage resisted, spellpower, etc. Secondly, how far can perk mods go? I really love Requiem's ability to disguise with the top Speechcraft perk. I am guessing that this is set up as a magical effect on the clothing worn, where if you have the perk it gives you a spell which would be a disguising magical effect. How much scripting is involved? How much scripting would I need to mess around with stamina regen etc.? Some other things I would like to do is to increase rate of arrow movement, lower arrow curvature, and designate damage types to weapons like magical damage has elements ( so I can mess around with damage resistances). I just want to know if this is a feasible mod idea, how hard it would be, and how I can get started. Any tips or improvements would be nice too! EDIT: I wanted to add that I am looking into making spells cost stamina as well as magicka.