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About Riganzer

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  1. +1 FO76 have this feature, would be cool to have it here as well. Im not a modder myself but im guessing you would just need to change the behaviour of the Tab key(and other binded keys) to the holo-hud from the PA rather than the pipboy or overwritte the pipboy function with that of the PA holo-hud.
  2. i Did that and the problem persisted, and sorry for posting on the wrong forum.
  3. So, i moved the install directory of my FO4 to another directory, then Vortex moved the mods folder to the same drive as FO4, but installed mods now doesn't appear on the pluggins list and vortex keeps telling me that all of my mods are redundant... halp!
  4. or something like that, the why? I play conqueror and i love it, the problem is, when i get raided, sometimes some of my stupid... "settlers"(and by that i mean slaves) run like they are the fkin heroes to fist fight fully armed gunners and whatnot, and end up caught in the middle of fire, and if i land a single bullet on them, the entire settlement AND the raid are against me... so, i wonder if there is some sort of mod that can prevent this?
  5. i did a lot of tests on the weekend, and i weird workaround(perhaps?) is to sleep 24 hours on your settlement every now and then and game wont crash for a few more minutes and go on and on for hours, wich i find weird.... But still annoying. And yes, i have the driver from that page, and yes i clean uninstall every time i try to install a new one. Im gonna try win10 updates tho, i havent done an update in a while now, gonna see if it helps and u know, thansk for the help!
  6. The driver is the only thing i can think of, because Win10 was a clean install, on a new HDD, and so was FO4, a completely clean install, also as i mentioned before, overheating is not an issue, even tho i live on a really hot region, i keep A/C on while gaming and also an external fan just in case, and yes, everytime it crashes i get the same message about wattman, but thing is, i dont see the wattman option on my amd settings, i've searched on the web for a solution to this and i see a lot of solutions by tweaking the wattman tab on amd settings but i dont have this tab and that i find it really weird, specially because i download my driver straight from amd home page.
  7. i've tried all that except empty standby list, im gonna test, also i updated to the latest amd driver released a few days back, game feels a lot more stable but problem persist, less than before but still there, i would point at my graphic card, but every other game i have plays perfectly well, even games that i didnt think i would be able to run(Like Dead Rising 4 or Monster Hunter World) i even have more bethesda games installed(Skyrim with a fkton of mods) without issue, this is ONLY on FO4.
  8. older drivers sometimes run slower, at least on some games this is the case, playing other games like the crew 2 graphics seems... odd, cant quite explain, but anyway, yes, when i do a driver install i first do a driver clean with amd tool then i install the new one, and also download it from the amd site. Thing is(and i forgot to mention on the first post) this only happen on FO4, Dead rising 3 and 4 run great, Resident Evil 2 Remake, The crew 1 and 2, and a lot of other games, some very recent games, and i have 0 issues, also one thing i didnt mention is that the temps on my system are fine, not rising avobe safe levels(HDDs 35C tops, CPU 80C tops, GPU 75 tops while playing FO4). Also on a sidenote, i just upgraded to Win10, used to play FO4 on Win7, could this be the issue? i cant really rollback to Win7 for a few reasons, and i personally dislike Win10 but i need it. im currently using the latest AMD driver, FO4 runs perfectly playable, minimal stutter, textures load considerabily fast, but randomly after a while playing, game crash, freeze, or hang up my computer. Also i used kinggath papyrus edits and nothing, enboost as well, everything ican think of but i cant fix it. Tried bigger and smaller Paging file sizes, nothing. Also forgot to post my specs that arent too high but were enough to play FO4 perfect before. Intel i7 3770k 3.4ghz 8 cores 10 gb ram ddr3 amd radeon r9 270x 2gb ddr5 250 gb ssd(samsung) and 1tb hdd(Western Digital)
  9. So, im having some serious issues with FO4, i used to play FO4 a lot a few years back, and uninstalled, then almost 2 years later i reinstalled(like a month ago) and im having serious issues, first, game begun to crash a lot and not loading textures properly, then, game begun to freeze, and now it freezes the entire PC, at first i thought it was the savefile getting too big, started a new game, and problem persist, then i thought it was mods, disabled all mods, problem persist, verified game cache on steam, problem persist, a lot of performance tweaks and mods, problem persist, a lot of "fixes" problem persist, so i kinda found the guilty one, my video driver, i use amd graphic card(an old one that used to play perfectly fine this game, r9 270x), and it seems to be some issue with amd wattman feature, but i cant seem to fix it, i've found some videos showing how to fix it, but i dont have the wattman settings on my amd configuration, so i rolled back on an old driver(16.11.5) and game runs more stable and dont crash but it looks not as good as new drivers, and other games looks even worse, so at this point im frustrated. if anyone knows how to fix this i'll be grateful! Thanks for your time reading and answering to this post elder gods!
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