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Posts posted by Odilgrim

  1. It is a fact, as well, that four-legged dragons are less realistic than two-legged variants (so-called wyverns), for no vertebrates have yet been found with more than four limbs, where the most common known western dragons have six (four legs and two wings).

    Wyverns are much more realistic, for they have only four limbs, and there have yet been creatures, able to use there wings as legs. Think about bats, or, remember dorygnathus, and other prehistoric "birds".

  2. I am working on a small mod, containing a small valley with a large player home, and a small farmhouse, which should be the home of an NPC.

    I now have tried to make it so that the NPC comes out of his house every day, to sit and chop wood outside his house, so it would actually seem as if somebody lived inside this house.

    My problem now, is that, whilst I've tried to make the old man (Neilef) get out his house with sandboxing AI, that should make him wander near a certain Xmarker from starting from 8 am and going on for 12 hours (I used the mother of Sven in Riverwood as an example), and whilst I've navmeshed the area outside his house, he seems to ignore my commands and stay inside all day, even though he should know that it is good for him to go play outside, stubborn old man...

    So could anyone please helpeth me out?

    I would owe thou till the ends of my days.


    Thanx in advance

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