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Nexus Mods Profile

About KrasseKresseDE

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. We just got past 35 Discord members and still looking for passionate modders!
  2. I have set up a simple Discord server for initial communication. Whether fan or modder, you are welcome to actively participate.Here is the invite link: https://discord.gg/79KVxEEGR4
  3. With today's release of the Creation Kit, Bethesda is giving us all the tools we need to create our own game in Starfield. Star Trek fans have long been waiting for an open world role playing game in the Star Trek universe and in my opinion, this is the opportunity to develop such a total conversion mod. Are there people here who would be interested? If so, let me know in the comments and let's see if we can get a team together. Live long and prosper!
  4. In one of the gameplay sessions, the developers used a Cheatcode to change the Season in the world.
  5. The soundtrack is great, no question, but how awesome would it be if we also had the original soundtrack from the movies in the game?
  6. Hello all. We are currently putting together a team to write a multiplayer script mod for Hogwarts Legacy. (For an example see Cyberpunk Multiplayer Script Mod). If you know c#, c++, java, python, blender or unreal engine, just write me a message or join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/TCDECVR4Fc If you are just a Fan, you are also welcome to follow our progress.
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