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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Posts posted by DariusGarran

  1. Okay, so I've figured out the problem with the help of some wonderful people from another forum. This is caused by Project Nevada !


    It seems PN has some feature that allows for charging energy weapons. Maybe it's an obsolete feature because I've never seen it used. But the feature is achieved via scripting, and Project Nevada applies two scripts to the AER14 Prototype to achieve this function. They are called:






    The first one is our culprit. It applies specific values to the AER14 and one of them is Ammo use, as seen here. I copied my merged patch in as an override to the script. Then I scrolled all the way down to the bottom of the script's entry and Right Click->Remove'd the AER14's ID from the Global Reference in the merged patch so the script was no longer referencing it in my merged patch, as you can see here. You can find the script easily by finding the AER14's entry and then clicking on the Referenced By tab that I highlighted in the screenshot. Scroll down to the bottom and the script will be near the end of the list as

    "PNxWeaponChargeMainScript [sCPT:xx00BC1A]". Double click on that and it takes you to it.


    Once the AER14 is no longer referenced by this script, it is free from its bondage and you can edit its ammo use and whatnot. Hooray.


    Thanks very much for the assist there! Problem has been resolved.

  2. I've been doing a little modding with the energy weapons as to make them not so weaksauce, and I was in the process of rebalancing the AER14. I wanted to cut back on the ammo consumption from 2 MF Cells to one, with a reduced clip size of 8. However, when I try to change the ammo consumption value in GECK, the AER14 still uses 2 cells per shot. Anyone have any ideas on why this is? And possibly how to fix it? I'm running all DLCs with Project Nevada (no equipment module) and WMX with all its patches.

  3. Nice, pretty in depth. I know this is thread necroing, but I was wondering if you could also make a guide on how to give perks to NPCs? I'm trying to script a duplicate perk list that gives NPCs perks when they reach the required skill level in a particular skill (eg: when they reach level 30, they get Bladesman rank 1).

  4. Okay, so I've recently completed the Falkreath quest for Jarl Siddgeir (arrogant little p**** he is) and I've just finished fixing up Lakeview Manor with all the wings built and furnished. I assigned Rayya as my Steward (she being the housecarl you receive after becoming Thane of Falkreath), and now I have a bit of a problem.


    For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to get her to follow me anywhere. And it's getting pretty annoying.


    When I ask her to follow me (first option), she responds with one of her 'Yes, Thane' lines, but then goes back to using one of the objects outside of the house (Like the Smelter, or the Smithing Bench). I've tried virtually every dialogue option and she will just not follow me around.


    Here's a list of mods I'm currently using:

    • All DLC (not mods, but thought it'd be worth mentioning)
    • All unofficial skyrim patches.
    • Realistic Lighting Overhaul
    • Ultimate Follower Overhaul (pretty sure it's this causing my problem)
    • SKYUI
    • World Map with Roads
    • RaceMenu
    • Player Headtracking
    • Better Vampires

    If anyone out there has a solution or has experienced the same problem and resolved it I would be immensely grateful if you could help me out here!


    EDIT: Also, UFO is last in my load order and has all DLC add-on modules installed.

  5. What I don't entirely understand is why I can't get Ulfric and Tullius in a room together and say:


    "Ulfric, stop being a racist douchebag. Or at least get your damn army in line. Mer have their place in Skyrim as much as the Nords do. Tullius, grow some balls. And stop being elitist. Now let's go f*** up the Dominion. Together."


    I mean, I'm a Lycanthrope Vampire Lord, with armour crafted from Alduin's MOTHER, a sword made from the heart of an otherworldly being that sucks the life out of those I hit with it, a master mage capable of charring, freezing, or shocking you into Oblivion and back - and then into Sovngarde -, haave two dragons at my beck and call - and Alduin's former lieutenant as an ally -, the soul of a dragon, and to top it off, able to breathe fire/ice or become ethereal or slow down time itself by yelling at someone.


    Beating the Thalmor is an everyday job for me. I kill dragons. F***ing dragons.

  6. Resource hacker doesn't work for me on EW. I've changed the stat values on starting soldiers to 70 Aim 60 Will, but the first mission soldiers are the base 65 Aim, 40 Will. I've tried booting it in offline mode, disconnecting from the internet, pretty much everything, and it's refusing to include my changes. Any ideas what I've done wrong?

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