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Everything posted by Whywegreen

  1. I am sure that i made sure that i kept my load order below the 135 mod limit and made sure all the mods were compatible. I need help finding what could be the cause of my Crash to Desktops as well as my infinite loading screens. I already installed new vegas anti-crash as well as the new vegas stutter remover to try to solve this issue but it didn't solve the issue. Some areas load after installing novac but then i got texture glitches when loaded in. I installed archive invalidation but that also didn't fix it. I think it is a problem with either mod compatibility or my load order but i need help finding the issue. I included my load order n the spoiler below. The pictures are pictures of the plugins I merged tom circumvent the 135 plugin limit. I mostly merged patches together.
  2. I am getting a weird glitch with the skies that shows the ground textures and i also get a random message that says "Debug!"
  3. I need help making sure my load order is correct, to ensure a stable game. FalloutNV.esmDeadMoney.esmHonestHearts.esmOldWorldBlues.esmLonesomeRoad.esmGunRunnersArsenal.esmClassicPack.esmMercenaryPack.esmTribalPack.esmCaravanPack.esmYUP - Base Game + All DLC.esmAdvanced Recon Tech.esmNVInteriors_Core.esmSortomatic.esmNVEC BugFixes.esmInterior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esmInterior Lighting Overhaul - L38PS.esmNew Vegas Redesigned 3.esmELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esmAWorldOfPain(Preview).esmNVInteriors_WastelandEditon.esmSomeguySeries.esmTales from the Burning Sands.esmenclavebunker.esmProject Nevada - Core.esmProject Nevada - Equipment.esmELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esmGomorrah Redesigned.espThe New Bison Steve Hotel.esmProject Nevada - Rebalance.espProject Nevada - Cyberware.espAfterschool Special.esmNevadaSkies.esmCCO - Classic Perks.esmMore Traits.esmBrahmin Bess.esmMore Perks.esmProject Nevada - Extra Options.esmoHUD.esmYUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).espAdvanced Recon Tech.espLFox Missing Ammo Recipes GRA DLC.espEasy Unlocking and Easy Hacking and Guaranteed Pick Pocket.espAdvanced Recon Range Finder.espFlashlightNVSE.espRaestlozPCIdles.espBoacombat2glove.espThe Weapon Mod Menu.espBrighterPipboyLight.espBurning CampFire.espADAM - Trooper Gloves.espDarNifiedUINV.espCCO - Damage Resistance.espLFox Missing Ammo Recipes.espJIP Companions Command & Control.espCCO - DR All DLC Patch.espInterior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.espkochandbohr.espLFox Missing Ammo Recipes HH DLC.espManualReload.espMy essential friends (animals).espManualReload-OldWorldBlues.espProject Nevada - Cyberware Additions.espProject Nevada - Rebalance Complete.espProject Nevada - All DLC.espEVE FNV - ALL DLC.espQuicker PipBoy Light-0_2Sec.espRWD-NV v1.4 [standard Version].espThe Mod Configuration Menu.espVurt's WFO.espNew Vegas Redesigned 3.espCass alternate version.espFCO - No NPC.espFiendish Power Armor.espFiendish Power Armor - Project Nevada.espAdvanced Recon Tech - Fiendish Power Armor.espPacersgambit.espRoberts_NewVegas.espBetter Burned Man.espammoingredientsloot.espboa ncrpahelmet.espdressup.espoutsidebets.espMore Perks Update.espenclavebunker.espWeaponModsExpanded.esp357retex.espAlternative Repairing.espTheInheritance.espCourierCacheWSE.espWMX-AWOP-Overhaul.espBabyGoat .357 Speedloader Weapon Mod.espMartiniEinfield.espavangraffscorned.espAlternative Repairing - Ultimate Edition.espAlternative Repairing - NVInteriors.espMTB.esprotfacetoriches.espbetsybrahmin.espADAM Complete.espAdvanced Recon Gear.espAdvanced Recon Gear - Project Nevada.espNCR Ranger Helmet Neck Cover.espADAM Complete - Project Nevada Patch.espILO - GS Shack.espNewVegasBounties.espNewVegasBountiesII.espArmored Duster.esp1nivVSLArmors.espRussell.espThe Storyteller.espLFox Bottle That Water.espAlternative Repairing - Bottle That Water.esp1nivPNSLPatch.espXV Enclave Armour.espL96.espFollower Home Marker.espthestripsentrance.espMore Traits Update.espPortableCampsite.espLeeEnfieldNo4.espWasteland Defense.espDelay DLC - DM + HH + OWB + LR + GRA.espColossus NV PN Patch.espgeonoxT3Armors.espCCO - CP All DLC Patch.espCCO - DR PN Patch.espCCO - CP PN Patch.espCCO - CP OWB PN Patch.espDistributed Necklaces and Chains Neck Seam Concealer.esppipboy2500_edisleado.espFNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting - ENB Full.espNevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.espFNVMerged.esp
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