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Posts posted by ItzH8M8

  1. how do i change the pip boy background?


    pipboyscreen_d.dds is the background file i believe so you can use gimp and change it in geck

  2. If you want a big "dlc" type mod i would reccomend Fallout New California




    I mainly use Solid Project, Project Nevada, and Asurahs Animation






    This combined with a good enb gives fallout new vegas a fallout 4/76 feel and is as good as where gonna get for a remaster until fallout new vegas U.L.T.I.M.A.TE

  3. Being part of a faction and having an existing voice type is enough to trigger a lot of the dialog in-game. If you only want your NPC/Robot/Whatever to only say what you want him/her/it to say, then give them a unique voice type.

    this worked thank you :)
  4. Hello again,



    In success of creating a protectron vendor, i have come across another problem. Whenever hes put near an npc he doesnt use his quest dialog and only says protect and serve. He will go back to his normal dialog if i kill all the npcs nearby or remove them via geck. I do have a custom faction that stops them from killing each other and the player but would that conflict with others? I also have tried turning his perception down to 0 and he will do normal dialog until one of them wanders into his line of sight. If any could help me i would greatly appreciate it ð

  5. Maybe using Mod Organizer https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6194 (works with new vegas) so you can install\uninstall with ease and making profiles with seprate save files on mod organizer so you can play different mods at different times without conflicting, also i would recommend your hands a little dirty and try to install rudy enb and nmcs textures for a beautiful outcome





    If you need a fun quest mod i would recommend new vegas bounties


  6. Please see the following entries in the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article: * 'GECK: Creating a new vendor Wiki tutorial' and 'TIP Merchant Inventory' entries under the "Custom NPCs" section.* 'TIP Adding Generic Dialog' and 'Creating a new vendor tutorial on creating dialog for a NPC's interaction with the player' entries under the "Dialogue and Lipsynch" section.* 'TIP Adding Items to Actors aka Leveled Lists' entry under the "Scripting" section. Read all those entries first, then review how they apply to your Protectron Vendor. Use the "Gunrunners" vendors for reference. -Dubious-

    ok so im a noob a realized that you select AI DATA to select what he sells, i fixed the problem. Thanks for your help!
  7. Hi


    Iâm trying to make a vendor protectron and everything works except the vender part


    There is no options to tick what he sells so he sells nothing and I was wondering if there was a work around/script that would fix this.


    Thanks in advance

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