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Everything posted by JohnRandolph

  1. Still haven't really started my first playthrough, search The Skyrim Virgin for my other post, and I'm just about to start with a bunch of mods, I'll probably make another big post with questions and observations before I start, and I'm having some problems or not with Skyrim Redone. As I mentioned in that other post Skyrim Redone is the center of this first playthrough. I've done the reading and watched lots of videos for using the Reproccer but my armor and weapons values and ratings still don't really make much sense. I'm wondering if this is because I've messed it up or if it is just the way the values are supposed to be and it just really isn't balanced well. I've done the process with and without the Balbor And Steelsouls Reproccer Project, I am also wondering if that has to be done because the Gopher video that says to use that is kinda old and also mentions that you have to use the Uncapper. But now the Uncapper is included and I've watched other videos that don't include using the B&S Project. I guess the easiest way to illustrate the questionable values is to put up some of them up that I'm getting and you can tell me if they are right. Or if someone can point me to some webpage, anywhere, that has the intended correct values, that would help lots. Edit-And by correct values I am talking about the correct values after Reproccing for SkyRe, just to be clear, because I know there are correct values on the Armorizer etc sites for just the mod alone. Right now, I only have SkyRe and the Reproccer and Armonizer v23 installed as a minimalist set to try and see if there is something wrong, and these are some of the values I am getting for armors in the forge at Whiterun... Name/armor value/gold value Chain Cloths 79/55 Conquerer Armor 89/350 Steel Armor 85/275 Trollbone Armor 98/800 Imperial Armor 82/100 Banded Iron Armor 76/200 Iron Armor 66/125 Bonemold Armor 92/290 Are these in error or is there another reason that Trollbone Armor is 98 and the value is 800 where Bonemold is 92 and the value is 290? Is it correct that Conquerer armor is only 7 points more useful than regular Imperial armor but is 2.5 times more valuable? It's kinda the same with Steel vs Imperial too. And Iron armor is 66 and 125 gold vs the Imperial . Are these just balancing issues or is it messed up? The problem is that I have no way to know what is actually supposed to be correct so I can then judge which is messed up, Conquerer or Imperial or Trollbone, and figure out where the problem is. I've been playing around with this for the last 2 days and I'm about to reinstall completely to try from a fresh install. I've been using saves from before I installed anything to do with SkyRe which did have Immersive Armor and Weapons installed, will that make a difference? I've tried lots of combinations with which mods are installed and load orders but I still don't know how to judge what is correct or not. Keep in mind, I have lots of information but am still learning and learning I still have lots to learn. :smile: Thanks for any help on this, I REALLY want to stop modding and start playing!!! :smile: I bet almost everyone knows that feeling.
  2. I don't know more than one dragon shout but I am hoping that the other ones use the syllables like jon and ran and dolf so at some point I can turn to one of my followers and say... "My name is a killing word." If you got that, then you know the level of nerd I am and yes, I do talk to the characters while playing the game, mostly because the the character's responses are nowhere near of what I would say. Actually, now that I think of it, do any of you speak to the characters too? You may notice it's been a few days since the other post. I said I would be posting for help of the problems I'll be having but... I've had no problems! I know they will be coming but I haven't had one crash, mostly because I've been playing it rather safe. I took R7N's advice, which was the best advice I've gotten(Thank You Sir!) and went to that Gopher YouTube list. I'm going to guess everyone here know's who Gopher is. I then watched like 10-15 hours worth of videos(that isn't an exaggeration) of tutorials and Skylights of mods all provided by Gopher-r-r-r. You've got to love that rolling R he has. I learned about the NMM and SKSE and BOSS and how to install mods and then installed a bunch. I started with the patches and SkyUI, which is just amazingly useful(sad that Bethesda left it like it was), and then A Quality World Map and Bandoliers(they almost break the game but are so damm useful for a packrat like me). Next were all 3 of the Sounds of Skyrim and then the 2k Texture Pack and Flora Overhaul. I did bunch of running around Whiterun with these, I killed that Bandit Leader in the mamoth caves and got launched(golfed) into orbit by that giant dude as I was tweaking to get it to run well at 5760x1080. After that I installed Inconsequential and Interesting NPC and talked to the wine obsessed lady and the junk man and the corpse fetish lady in the Drunken Huntsman. I figured all those first ones were pretty simple and wouldn't cause any problems and the NPC one were the first more complex ones I would try. But I was really starting to get a bit overwhelmed with the huge range of choices and I was starting to take to heart what Kleinstaff said about turning the game into whatever I wanted it to be, you really can. My thinking began to change to what kind of game do I want Skyrim to be this first playthrough. I don't mean disrespect to anyone who falls into this category, but I kinda feel sorry for people who played it vanilla for the first time in the first 6 months that it came out. I really think the game is pretty weak in it's vanilla state and one of the videos I watched on YouTube summed up a bunch of the problems I have with it, link below this. I don't agree with everything this Samyoul guy says but this video kinda became a list of things I wanted to try and improve upon. It's kinda funny how he really dislikes Oblivion, as a devolution of Morrowind, because I really love Oblivion and don't see it's flaws compared to Morrowind because I've never played Morrowind. But I can very much understand where he's coming from because of X-Com, which I think the new one is an abommination compared to the REAL one, which I bought in the store and played endless hours of(which shows my age). Link Mentioned Edit - I didn't know that the video itself would be added so I'm sorry if I wasn't supposed to do that. I'm kinda new at posting in forums, I usually lurk around... sometimes for years. But since you can't download without becoming a member I am a member. I'm glad I am. From watching about a million of Gopher's Mod Sanctuary videos the thing that I decided was that the 'centerpiece' of my configuration of mods is going to be Skyrim Redone and everything else built around that. First from watching Gophers video on the changes and how to install it with all the proccing and reproccing of the weapons and then from Urtel's call on that. Ask yourself, if you've played with Skyrim Redone, if you wouldn't choose to play with that the first time if you could? Actually, that handful of mods that Urtel mentioned is exactly what I was looking for, it adds the complexity in that I feel is so greatly missing. I played Fallout - New Vegas the first time on Hardcore mode so I had to sleep and eat and the kinda funny thing is that I've been playing Don't Starve the last few months so I am into a whole survival thing. So, Frostfall and Realistic Needs and Climates of Skyrim, because they compliment Skyrim Redone were obvious choices for me. What I'm going to do is put a list of the intended mods and why by groups and then what I would like is everyone's opinion and the issues that you've encountered... I've used X and Y that you are planning on using and I was getting CTDs or performance drops in this situation, that type of thing. The Interesting and Inconsequential NPC mods I mentioned before helps with the sparce dialogue, which I mentioned in the last post. Also, in this department is Guard Dialogue Overhaul. SkyUI and More Hotkeys and Immersive HUD and Less Intrusive HUD, the latter where I can move around all the pieces is really sweet for me with 5760x1080. Immersive Armor and Weapons so at higher levels there is more variety in random baddies as well as JaySuS's Swords. Better and Even Better Quest Objectives to help with the poor journal. Harvest Overhaul and Flora Overhaul because I'm an alchemist at heart and don't fast travel much and gather along the way. Sound Propagation and Sounds of Skyrim to enhance the sound in general(the latter is already working). Convient Horses and Touring/Scenic Carriages because, as mentioned, I very rarely fast travel. General Immersion - Dance of Death, Run For Your Life, When Vampires Attack, Realistic Ragdolls and Force Destroy The Thieves Guild - I'm interested in this because I play the ultra boyscout Superman type of character(yes, I'll go get that for you... it's what I do). I'd rather it be the Brotherhood but I'll take the Thieves out just as well. I recall when playing Oblivion, when the Brotherhood guy came to me when I was in the Imperial City very early in the game I tried to kill him about 25 times before I realized it simply couldn't be done because he wasn't killable :smile: Civil War Overhaul and Open War - the videos of the Civil War Overhaul make me want to use it but I am wary because of the mention of bugs so I'm not sure about it. What are some specific instances of things that have gone wrong with it for anyone whose used it? Just before posting this I saw the Open War video from Gopher(still watching more of them) and thought that was just awesome looking. Although it doesn't seem to be on the Nexus, any idea of why and or where I can get it? Is it just too old, it was on video 18 of like 65. I was thinking that would be cool with UFO, having a handful of followers in those battles. HD Skyrim for graphic enhancements. As I guessed I had to lower a lot of settings from Ultra for that so I'm not really going to add much more in terms of graphics unless the texture optimization that N7R mentions really helps. I used the Flora Overhaul to enhance the general wild. Using the categories from Sounds of Skyrim, WIld and Dungeons and City, what are a few texture mods to improve Dungeons and the Holds? I'm pretty much going to be adding these depending on performance. Sometime this fall I'll probabely be getting a Asus 7970 Matrix Platinum(see NewEgg) and I'll think about a second replay that is more graphically oriented or perhaps I will go with one monitor(somewhat of a horror to me:) but it might be worth it to really load on the textures and ENBs. I'm also interested in a general NPC graphics improvement. I see on many of the lists here NPC improvements for specific races like the elves or hairstyles. Are there any general improvement mods that do to the NPCs what HD Skyrim 2k does to the general textures? And now for some specific responses and questions to the posts, for which since I haven't said it yet, Thank You. @Rennn... Thanks for the Glossary... OK, I'll come right out with it, are there any actual sex animations to go with those nude female body mods? I seem to recall wooing that redhead Huntress in the Underground of New Vegas by getting all those damn eggs for her and she's finally all "Come to bed my Hunter" and then they just lay there together and I was... let down. I am going to use your Detailed Terrain and Tree LOD and I'll take your word that there isn't any performance hit. :smile: I'm not too worried about breaking lore with Interesting NPCs and I think the benefit from the interesting dialogue is a good tradeoff. I got quite a smile from talking to the wine lady near Kynareth's tree in Whiterun. And while I did like Talos' 'chosen one' ranting against the elves at the same place, actually talking to him was one of the things that made me realize how bad the vanilla dialogue was. He was saying how he is the on to talk to about Talos and then 3 lines later he's says something like "and I'm sure there are lots of books about it". Yes, I was going to be reading the books, I read almost all of them, but if HE is the one to talk to about Talos then he should have more than those dialogue options. You almost couldn't get that guy in Anvil, who was the beginning of the Knights of the Nine DLC, to shut up. with all his lines of dialogue. What didn't you like about Deadly Dragons? In Skyrim Redone the combat system is overhauled but the long read on the web page mentions that he didn't do anything to the dragons. If you don't like Deadly Dragons, what do you like in it's stead because that is one thing I didn't really look at yet, changing the dragons? @Urtel... Most of those mods you mentioned are exactly what I wanted for my first playthrough. I played for about 10 hours and got to Whiterun and I kept on thinking about how this was bad and where was this. A good example is that it took me a while to actually realize that there are really only 3 stats for your character and the perks. At first I was looking through the General Stats tab. And one of the reasons I waited for the Legendary version was that I thought that there would be some sort of additional mechanics like in the Hardcore mode of New Vegas... none. But those mods you mentioned actually do make the game somewhat like the NV Hardcore mode so that is what I decided to base the game around, adding more mechanics to it as the main improvement. Just to be sure, you've played through fully with those all together? Were there any issues? @bben46... I didn't follow your instructions fully and I want to know your opinion as to how far off I am and the probably consequences. I had already played vanilla to Whiterun, to get a feel for the game as Rennn suggested, when I read your post and I made my backup of the unmodded saves there. I then started adding those mods, a few at a time, that I mentioned at the beginning of this post and then running around Whiterun as my testbed. Several questions... if I deactivate all the mods with NMM, will it return to a vanilla state if I start a new game? Or will I need to reinstall fresh to get to a "pure" vanilla state so I can redo the initial saves outside the cave? Or can I just continue to test mods around Whiterun and then restart, which I intend to do because I would like to start from the very beginning with Skyrim Redone and the other survival mechanics I'm adding and skip the problems with mods and the intro by using Live Another Life, which as I understand, it is kinda for starting over with lots of mods? And yes, my tone is all happy because I haven't experienced any CTDs but I know they will come. :smile: In January I played F3 and knew next to nothing about modding and I just manually installed a bunch of mods(no manager) and pretty much destroyed the game to the point where I couldn't play it anymore. Luckily I was just starting Broken Steel so it wasn't so bad, I have that to look forward to the next time I play it. @R7N... THANK YOU so much for that playlist of Gopher's videos. That alone totally changed my entire outlook on modding in general. I did exactly what you did, spend a few days watching the million and one YouTube videos about mods. @Mavrick827... Yes, I know that the 6950s in Crossfire do not equate to 4G of vram. I did get the Performance Monitor and got it running but the only problem is that when I am running at 5760x1080 it doesn't show up on the left side for some reason. It only is visible when I am exiting the game. I am assuming that this probably has something to do with the Flawless Widescreen fix so it's probably not going to be able to be fixed. I do get a good graph of all the things monitored but it kinda doesn't do me any good because I can't really look over and see the numbers in game. The ram and vram seemed to be ok most of the time. Now, some questions about those mods. I'm going to be using SkyRe and it has a combat overhaul. I watched the video and read the page about Enhanced Enemy AI and it sounds like exactly the same thing that is described in the SkyRe combat module. Do you know if they are using the same techniques of changing the AI without scripts? What do those Dragon mods do? I've only fought one Dragon(about 10 times though:), what do these do to change the behavior or combat? What do they do differently or do they compliment each other? Am I correct in my thought that Realistic Ragdolls and Force addresses the issue where you walk into an object and it goes flying off in a silly way? I am going to use the UFO because in SkyRe there are those minimum level zones that may be much higher than you. Also, I'm pretty much OK with the ability to have lots of followers because I don't think I would get more than a few. In New Vegas I got all the followers at one point or another and the all ended up walking around my hotel suite, eating my food and drinks. I would have like the option to take out a 2-3 at a time sometimes. I also went out for a while alone to get used to travelling lite and fighting alone again because I was too dependent on them so I understand where you are coming from with that concern. @Deltawulf... you played Civil War Overhaul all the way through? I've read at more than one place that there were bugs, did you encounter any? I don't know much about the whole concept of how the Civil War is fought, other than from looking at the Stewarts map a bit and watching the video on the webpage. I didn't even know that there was an actual mechanic to the civil war with fighting at holds and almost blew my shorts when I found that out in that video. And while I am wary about these bugs, that is one of the mods I am really thinking I would enjoy the most. I am going to hold off on Falskaar till another playthrough on your comment, that last was also @ the TenderHooligan. @Meester... Is there a performance hit with the Static Mesh Improvement Mod? How many holds are done in Open Cities, I watched this video about it by Gopher but it was from a long time ago and there were only 3 done. And a few general questions about Skyrim. Is there any way to 'undraw' (don't know the correct word) a bow? I seem to remember being able to in Oblivion but heck if I can remember how to. I've just been shooting the arrow into the ground and then picking it up, but that isn't a good idea in a stealth situation. How do you charge a magic weapon with a soul gem? Can it be done in the field or do you need to be at an enchanting bench to do so. Again, I don't recall how to since it's been a few years since my Oblivion playthrough. I do feel silly asking these. And with a soul gems, will a smaller soul go into a larger gem when you kill someone with a soul taking weapon. You get that ax from the Jarl of Whiterun "from his personal armory" and I've killed with it but my soul gems don't seem to get filled. Hehe, in Oblivion I used a Daedric greatsword I made in the flavor of Stormbringer to refill my gems. I'm going to install more mods, the more complex ones, like SkyRe with the Gopher videos as my guides so I hope there won't be any problems but I'll shout out as soon as there is one. Thanks again for your help. Oh, and a few last things, what side did each of you choose in the civil war and why? Just curious about that. Are there any Lovecraft themed mods? They did a little in F3 but it turned out to be lame once you got that book to the altar. Has anyone played Rogue Legacy(platform game), is the shout ability phrase for the barbarian class a homage to Skyrim?
  3. First and foremost, let me thank you guys for your replies. Since my last post I've played around with the Widescreen Fixer and Flawless Widscreen programs that I've used for many other games, The link up top, for anyone who is interested, just needs to have all the text I accidentally included in the link, it does work. Also for anyone who is intersted, Widescreen Fixer does work but still has some issues and Flawless Widescreen works... flawlessly. It is even designed to work with SkyUI because it has a checkbox to turn on the changes for it. I then played Skyrim for about 10 hours as Rennn suggested. I must say up front that I am rather disappointed in the game. It's still nice but it's really been dumbed down and simplified compared to Oblivion. I'm not sure what everyone thinks of New Vegas compared to Fallout 3, but the actual mechanics and complexity of the NV were increased. With Oblivion to Skyrim complexity has, for the most part, devolved. And not just in the mechanics. I've played up to killing the first dragon and becoming the Thane of Whiterun and getting Lydia as a companion. Granted, I've read in the guide I have that there are a whole lot of companions compared to F3 or NV but Lydia is barren as most of the terrain I've travelled compared to the companions in F3 or NV. I'm not expecting a life story or quest for her but something like, "how did you get to be a housecarl" or even a simple "so, what's your story" with a little bit about her. I make the point that there are many more companions because they can't do lots of stuff with all of them but really, just a little background please. Perhaps that's not that important but immersion and role-playing are why I play these. Anyway, I'm hoping.. praying for all the mods to make it more than a little bit better. I'm not looking for them to make a new game but I really hope it's improved over what it is right now. I could go on an on about things I've compared to Oblivion(enchanting, spell creation, dialogue, and no NV hardcore like mode etc) and found utterly lacking but that's another thread I guess and I assume that Oblivion vs Skyrim threads and 'point out what is wrong with Skyrim' threads are all over the place and is why there is such a huge number of improvement mods. @ Rennn... No disrespect intended but this is what I was talking about, what is an ENB? I gathered after looking at the unofficial patch pages that there are ESMs and ESPs and those have to do with those the Bethesda DLCs and the unofficial patches. My guess is that an ESB has to do with some sort of graphics improvement or modification by how you and the others here have used the term. And thanks for the play it a while first advice, that was a good call. Is there a sticky posted like glossary thread? If there isn't one then it would be an good idea for someone to make one or some general advise for newbies like myself, including the general terms. How do you do that downsampling you mentioned? As in the CCC(I have AMD cards) or in the ini files? @Dubnoman... I was planning on trying that horse mod when I saw it, thanks. I hated in Oblivion when a horse would run off when it was attacked, I recall chasing my horse, who was being chased by a bear and then they ran into some trolls for over 20 minutes one time... then he was killed. @ N7R... What are your machine specs so that you can play at that incredible level of detail in that screenshot? For my machine, other than a few studders every onece in a while, I have prety much been able to run ultra at 5760x1080. I did disable the 4 cores of the 8350 and OC to 4.5(tested for a while today at 4.6 and it does seem to use less juice) and upped my 6950s to 840/1325 in Afterburner and it's running very playable. I'll probably have to downgrade some of the ultra settings and AA and AF to get graphics improvements to run well I guess. Also, thanks for the YouTube links, during my mass download of mods I'm going to get those too. @ Deltawulf... What is the best way, or is there a way, to keep track of how much memory you are using? What is the difference between A Quality World Map and the High Quality 3D Map? I've noticed, while downloading(I'm editing this), that some of the mods like the HD 2K Texture pack haven't been updated in around a year, when you played with them last were Dragonborn and Dawnguard out? There are a few like that. Before I posted the other post I went through the Top list of mods and found 37 of them I thought would be useful or add to the game to my liking. Every one of Deltawulf's mod suggestions were one's I now have open tabs for so I am going to take the plunge and download those that he mentioned and start playing around with them tonight, starting with those first three lines of links from Deltawulf along with the Skyrim Performace Monitor(nobody mentioned that one, any comments?). Since I know that without them the game is... weak at best, I am going to put off actually starting to play seriously until after a good 3-4 days(at least) of mod testing to get the basic things added and some graphics enhancements(it really does need some). I don't have a problem with losing the 10 hours I've already because I didn't really understand the perk system, which is much more like F3 and NV than Oblivion and requires some planning beforehand(which I can do now that I have a feel for the game). If your looking at this then keep an eye out for this thread because if I have specific questions or problems I'm going to put them here and I'll need your help. Here are a few I've been thinking about that there has been no mention of... UFO Ultimate Followers Overhaul Civil War Overhaul Interesting NPCs Falskaar(for after the main game is mostly over) These seem to be more designed to enhance the depth of the game. Since I wasn't aware that this was lacking before I wasn't interested in them and willing to do the possible work to get them working well. Has anyone used these? Good, bad, known problems? Again, thanks for the replies so far, they are exactly what I was looking for, a list and your opinions.
  4. I usually wait till a game like Skyrim is finished being supported before playing because it usually helps with all the bugs and many of the issues that are going to arise are already well discussed and all the DLCs are included. I just got the Legendary Edition and am going to play it for the first time, which I've been dying to do since it came out. My machines specs... AMD 8350 with Hyper 212 EVO Asus Sabertooth 990FX Crossfired MSI 6950s Twin Frozer 2 (each has 2G of ram) 16G Corsair 1866 Ram 120G Force GT SSD 3 1920x1080 monitors which I intend to Eyefinity to 5760x1080 or 4800x900 (I am well versed in playing games with Eyefintiy, played Oblivion and F3 and New Vegas all at said resolution... although rusty:) W7 64bit So, hardware isn't really going to be an issue. My reason for posting is that I would like a list of what each experienced modder considers essential mods for Skyrim with stability working together as the top priority. I've read, with great chagrin and disappointment, that the game seems to be more console friendly than PC and is rather lackluster without mods. And I've also just been reading a thread by RS13(I think that was his name) about how mods have ruined Skyrim(for him) and this brought back horrible memories of trying to get Fallout 3 mods to work earlier this year. The question basically is, what mods really enhance the gameplay more than hassle of their occasional CTDs? Yes, I know, save often, I usually have over 1000 saves with those mentioned games by the time I'm finished, and 3-4 hours is just fine between crashes because that usually is just a good time to take a trip to the bathroom and refill my drink. Also, I will be using the UI and vert- fixes for Eyefinity at http://www.wsgf.org/dr/elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/en. Let me be clear on one thing above all else, playing with Eyefinity is mandatory, it is not optional in any discussions... :smile: I upgraded my system over the last 3 years with Eyefinity in mind starting with a very meager built. Eyefinity Oblivion absolutely stunned me 3 years ago since I'd never really played a RPG like it, or any games in general for several years before that. My 'meager' Athlon2 640 with 4G of ram and a 5770 was able to play it with my triple monitors at a reasonable framerate(grasslands really caused problems until I learned to tweak). Needless to say, I am absolutely in love with these types of games in Eyefinity and I can't imagine playing Skyrim or future games without it. If you haven't played these with some sort of multi-monitor then you really owe it to yourself to spend the money for another video card and another 2 monitors and give it a try that way. Really, I would rather play vanilla Skyrim, with no mods whatever it's problems are, than not play in Eyefinity. Anyway, what mods work well together and enhance the game greatly? Also, if you could put them in load orders that have worked for you. One thing I've noticed is lots of usage of acronyms, please note that I'm a newby to Skyrim mods, so use their full names the first time... Like BOSS, NMM and MO(Mod Organize?) as examples, I have no clue as to what they are when I've been reading through several threads. I'm looking for like 10-20 at most(rather than 100-200) that are basic and lots of you folks agree work well together for my first playthrough and to learn what is what in general. Then I'll look into 100-200 next time when I've got a pair of 7970s or a 9970 sometime in the future Played it a bit last night(thought I would play it on master level right off and got my ass whipped several times at this bandit camp and fighting this dark conjurer(now that's close enough! I warned you!) after talking to this wandering bard) and then tested it a bit at 5760x1080 which runs fine(before ini tweaking) except for the horrors of the UI at that resolution! I'm starting to work on the fixes for Eyefinity first and hopefully in the next day or two get the mods together to start testing them. Now that I think of it, I'm sure there are probably several threads for this type of thing already so any links to good threads of that nature would be appreciated... :) One other question, specifically to anyone with experience with AMD systems and 8350s. I just recently got my 8350, up from a Phenom 2 980, and was wondering about some OC info. Would disabling 4 of the 8 module/cores in the bios(which I have done) help in keeping power usage down while OCing? Has anyone actually done this successfully with a difference or know of a thread in some other forum that discusses this type of thing? I got the 8350 since my upgrade path has long been married to AMD and I've notice since playing New Vegas last year that the GPU usage for my 6950s is much lower than I'd like in many areas(second part of downtown NV with the big flashing light casino), and in F3 in the Alton mod it was almsot unplayable near the airplane crash(if anyone knows what I'm talking about with that mod). My thought was to get the 8350 and crank it up to 4.5, which it does just fine. But the power usage goes through the roof when monitoring it with a Kil-O-Watt. And I am sure that everyone here knows about sitting down to play and not stopping for like 10-15 hours in a stretch. That is kinda hard on the electric bill along with my 6950s. Is it possible to disable those other 4 cores, since they are really not used much at all, to save power consumption when cranking it up? Anyone know or can point me to information about this? Thanks in advance for any responses and advice and info.
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