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About deltaklata

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  1. 00UpdateMain.ba2, SeventySix - 01UpdateMain.ba2, SeventySix - 00UpdateStream.ba2, SeventySix - 01UpdateStream.ba2, SeventySix - 00UpdateTextures.ba2, SeventySix - 01UpdateTextures.ba2, SeventySix - MeshesExtra.ba2, SeventySix - GeneratedMeshes.ba2, ^^^This just like he said, none of the old text from before, just this stuff, then your own mods after, works like a charm.
  2. when the rouge AI appears hit '~' to open console, click on the bandit, make sure his name and ID are highlighted, then type kill and hit enter, he should die, preventing him from beginning combat
  3. This is a mod I've looked high and low for and found nothing but standalones. Is there a skimpy mage robe replacer (all levels) for UNPB? OR even one for just UNP? I adore the unp body and would hate to have to go to a CBBE with bowlingball tits (because it's a variation of CBBE) and lose what i get with UNPB. If there happens to be a mod out there that someone knows about PLEASE feel free to point me in the right direction, I'm tired of having every armor and clothing in the game modded EXCEPT for mage robes, it just doesn't sit right with me and I'd like to play a mage without having to learn smithing to get a decent outfit!
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