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Posts posted by cibrhusk

  1. In response to post #66493731.

    Andrewson wrote: Requires a bunch of other mods to truly shine, but damn, it does make a huge diference. Easily a must-have

    So far I've selected these as selection to make it truly shine, am I missing anything?
    Better Bodies v2.2 - fixed hands & skeleton: http://mw.modhistory.com/download-55-15294
    Westly's Pluginsless Head and Hair replacer complete: http://download.fliggerty.com/download-127-874
    Fit Body Textures for Better Bodies (a fix for Westly's head): http://mw.modhistory.com/download-4-11353
    Extra High Resolution Female Textures for Better Bodies v1.0: http://mw.modhistory.com/download-55-14637
    Better Clothes: http://mw.modhistory.com/download-21-15517

    Perhaps 'Missing neck fix for MacKom's Better Bodies meshes' but not sure this bug still exists without it
  2. Can anyone tell me why this uses the 1.96 version from 2003 when there was a 1.96a version released in 2005 by the original author?


    I cannot find the actual changelog between 1.96 and 1.96a, I have the source for 1.96a from the web archive, but for the source of 1.96 there is no web archive, nor can I find it anywhere to compare.

    I've noticed the newer version does not allow window resizing, but that's a minor annoyance if it fixes something important.

    The only thing I got now is that Alexander released it almost two years later which makes me think there must be something fixed that was important enough for a revisit...


    1.96a pops up first in the archive at 2005-11-13: https://web.archive.org/web/20051113233513/http://morrowind.nm.ru:80/tweaker/download.html

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